7 Days to Die Wiki:Community portal/Archive 2015
Infobox template creates many extra links
For example, the Repairing page have literally 510 LinksHere pages. As I figured out, this is because of the Template:Infobox item, which have a link to the repairing page at 72 and 73 lines. ({{Component infobox field |name = [[Repairing|Repairs]] | value = {{{repairs|}}}}}
). The field comes invisible when there is no "repairs" value, but technically the link is remaining here. We have that problem for many, probably all 25 links in the template. It makes people to have curious question: "why the hell Pistol refers to Fullness and Hydration?" :) I have just a little skill in wiki programming, so this is a call for anyone, who can fix it: fix it, please! :)
We suffer the problem in the local wiki too. May be the issue is not that important for end-users, but, as wiki author, I really need the tool ("What links here") to work.
Arbitrary Terms Being Used for the Attack Speed Value in Infoboxes
The value for attack speed is defined by the "delay" value in the game's XML, correct? Has a standard been established for defining which ranges of these values correspond to different speeds (i.e. slow, normal, fast, etc.)? If not, perhaps it'd be better to just use the numerical values? If the values are just in seconds, it should be easy for people to get an idea of how fast a weapon is. --MarkOMatic (talk) 00:16, 2 October 2015 (UTC)