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Weapons are items whose primary function is to help the player to deal with zombies, animals and possibly other players as well. Some weapons may have a secondary action. Weapons can be divided into three main categories: melee, ranged and explosives. Every attribute has at least one melee and ranged weapon covered under them. A complete list of weapons can be found in List of weapons.

Strength Weapons

Clubs, Bats and Sledgehammers

Clubs and bats are covered under the perk Pummel Pete. They offer a balance between attack speed and damage. Sledgehammers are covered under the perk Skull Crusher. They, on the other hand, deal the most melee damage of all weapons in a single hit, but trade the power to the very slow attack speed. One misplaced hit could cost the player their life.

Icon Name Entity Damage P. A. Entity Dmg Stamina Usage Hit Range Attacks / Min Min Durability Max Durability Repair Item
WoodenClub.png Wooden Club 12 24.0 17.4 2.4 55 60 110 Wood
BaseballBat.png Baseball Bat 20 40.0 20.9 2.4 52 200 500 Repair Kit
Candycaneclub.png Candy Cane Club 19.2 38.4 20.9 2.4 52 200 500 Repair Kit
SteelClub.png Steel Club 26.3 52.5 23.7 2.4 52 300 700 Repair Kit
StoneSledgehammer.png Stone Sledgehammer 18 40.5 22.3 2.6 50 55 112 Small Stone
Sledgehammer.png Iron Sledgehammer 32.2 72.2 36.7 2.6 34 133 363 Repair Kit
SteelSledgehammer.png Steel Sledgehammer 55.2 123.9 40.5 2.6 34 207 581 Repair Kit


Shotguns are covered under the perk Boomstick. They offer the player a good source of damage in close-quarter combat. However, shotguns' power falls off quite fast when the range between the player and the target increases.

Icon Name Entity Damage Rounds / Min Magazine Reload Speed Effective Range Min Durability Max Durability Repair Item
GunShotgunT0PipeShotgun.png Pipe Shotgun ShotgunShell.png 81 ShotgunSlug.png 82 AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug.png 76 120 1 5.9 s ShotgunShell.png 4 ShotgunSlug.png 9 AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug.png 2 100 200 Short Iron Pipe
DoubleBarrelShotgun.png Double Barrel Shotgun ShotgunShell.png 111 ShotgunSlug.png 112 AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug.png 106 46 2 2.6 s ShotgunShell.png 4 ShotgunSlug.png 9 AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug.png 2 150 300 Repair Kit
PumpShotgun.png Pump Shotgun ShotgunShell.png 151 ShotgunSlug.png 152 AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug.png 146 60 8 2.6 s ShotgunShell.png 4 ShotgunSlug.png 9 AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug.png 2 160 350 Repair Kit
AutomaticShotgun.png Auto Shotgun ShotgunShell.png 201 ShotgunSlug.png 202 AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug.png 196 70 16 2.6 s ShotgunShell.png 4 ShotgunSlug.png 9 AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug.png 2 160 500 Repair Kit

Perception Weapons


Spears are covered under the perk Spear Master. They offer a longer range than other melee weapons. As of Alpha 21 spears can no longer be thrown.

Icon Name Entity Damage P. A. Entity Dmg Stamina Usage Hit Range Attacks / Min Min Durability Max Durability Repair Item
StoneSpear.png Stone Spear 12 24.0 18.5 3.2 55 60 88 Stone
IronSpear.png Iron Spear 20.2 40.2 20.3 3.2 55 212 423 Repair Kit
SteelSpear.png Steel Spear 33.3 66.3 22.4 3.2 55 317 592 Repair Kit


Explosives are covered under the perk Demolitions Expert. They offer a way to take out many enemies at the same time with grenades and other explosive throwables. They are, however, consumed in the process, forcing the player to craft more of them much like ammunition. Even though mines are unlocked by the Demolitions Expert perk, they don't benefit from it any other way.

Icon Name Entity Damage Block Damage
A13RocketLauncher.png Rocket Launcher RocketHEAlpha20.png 420 RocketFragAlpha20.png 700 RocketHEAlpha20.png 2500 RocketFragAlpha20.png 10
ExplodingArrow.png Exploding Arrow 180 2
ExplodingCrossbowBolt.png Exploding Crossbow Bolt 250 2
CntBarrelGasOld.png Rusty Barrel 250 500
MineCandyTin.png Tin Land Mine 250 10
MineCookingPot.png Cooking Pot Mine 300 10
MineHubcap.png Hub Cap Land Mine 450 10
MineAirFilter.png Air Filter Land Mine 690 10
MolotovCocktail.png Molotov Cocktail 250 5
PipeBomb.png Pipe Bomb 253 5
ThrownGrenade.png Grenade 341 10
ThrownGrenadeContact.png Contact Grenade 341 10
Tnt.png Stick of Dynamite 550 3000
ThrownTimedCharge.png Timed Charge 800 3000


Rifles are covered under the perk Dead Eye. They offer the longest range a weapon has with a high damage per bullet. At the downside is the slow attack speed and small magazine capacity.

Icon Name Entity Damage Rounds / Min Magazine Reload Speed Effective Range Min Durability Max Durability Repair Item
GunRifleT0PipeRifle.png Pipe Rifle 762mmBullet.png 44 Ammo762mmBulletAP.png 54 Ammo762mmBulletHP.png 49 120 1 50 100 200 Short Iron Pipe
HuntingRifle.png Hunting Rifle 762mmBullet.png 58 Ammo762mmBulletAP.png 68 Ammo762mmBulletHP.png 63 120 1 2.66 s 59 170 320 Repair Kit
GunRifleT2LeverActionRifle.png Lever-Action Rifle 762mmBullet.png 76 Ammo762mmBulletAP.png 86 Ammo762mmBulletHP.png 81 82 5 2.7 s 69 200 400
SniperRifle.png Sniper Rifle 762mmBullet.png 100 Ammo762mmBulletAP.png 110 Ammo762mmBulletHP.png 105 150 12 2.7 s 80 250 500 Repair Kit

Fortitude Weapons


Knuckles are covered under the perk The Brawler. They have quite small range and damage per attack, but offer a fast attack speed and low stamina cost. They have a notable synergy with Beer, which temporarily gives them the highest damage output of any melee weapon.

Icon Name Entity Damage P. A. Entity Dmg Stamina Usage Hit Range Attacks / Min Min Durability Max Durability Repair Item
KnuckleWraps.png Knuckle Wraps 7 14.0 9.1 2 100 109 200 Leather
IronKnuckles.png Iron Knuckles 11.6 23.1 9.6 2 100 385 961 Repair Kit
SteelKnuckles.png Steel Knuckles 19.1 38.1 10.2 2 100 577 1,346 Repair Kit

Machine Guns

Machine guns are covered under the perk Machine Gunner. They offer a balance between damage and fire rate while having the largest magazines.

Icon Name Entity Damage Rounds / Min Magazine Reload Speed Effective Range Min Durability Max Durability Repair Item
GunMGT0PipeMachineGun.png Pipe Machine Gun 762mmBullet.png 30 Ammo762mmBulletAP.png 40 Ammo762mmBulletHP.png 35 335 15 34 100 350 Short Iron Pipe
Ak47.png AK-47 Machine Gun 762mmBullet.png 40 Ammo762mmBulletAP.png 50 Ammo762mmBulletHP.png 45 360 30 2.85 s 41 250 550 Repair Kit
TacticalAssaultRifle.png Tactical Assault Rifle 762mmBullet.png 53 Ammo762mmBulletAP.png 63 Ammo762mmBulletHP.png 58 405 30 3.8 s 49 225 500 Repair Kit
M60MachineGun.png M60 Machine Gun 762mmBullet.png 70 Ammo762mmBulletAP.png 80 Ammo762mmBulletHP.png 75 440 60 3.8 s 58 300 650 Repair Kit

Agility Weapons


Knives are covered under the perk Deep Cuts. They offer a lower range and damage per attack, but higher attack speed and debuffs such as bleeding that deal damage. Knives also have boosted damage when hitting zombies that are unaware of the player.

Icon Name Entity Damage P. A. Entity Dmg Stamina Usage Hit Range Attacks / Min Min Durability Max Durability Repair Item
BoneShiv.png Bone Knife 5.1 20.2 7.3 2 120 120 220 Bone
Candycaneknife.png Candy Cane Knife 6.6 26.6 8.2 2 120 462 1,200 Repair Kit
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife 12 36.0 8.2 2 120 462 1,154 Repair Kit
Machete.png Machete 20.1 40.1 19.2 2.3 55 288 673 Repair Kit


Bows and crossbows are covered under the perk Archery. They offer a quiet and efficient way to deal with zombies and other enemies. They need to reload after every shot and have a slow attack speed, which is counterbalanced by having an innate boost to stealth damage.

Icon Name Entity Damage Rounds / Min Magazine Reload Speed Effective Range Min Durability Max Durability Repair Item
PrimitiveBow.png Primitive Bow Arrow.png 30 IronArrow.png 33 SteelArrow.png 37
FlamingArrow.png 20 ExplodingArrow.png 175
75 1 2 s 20 60 150 Wood
WoodenBow.png Wooden Bow Arrow.png 44 IronArrow.png 47 SteelArrow.png 51
FlamingArrow.png 34 ExplodingArrow.png 189
75 1 2 s 25 180 350 Repair Kit
Crossbow.png Iron Crossbow CrossbowBolt.png 50 IronCrossbowBolt.png 59 SteelCrossbowBolt.png 63
FlamingCrossbowBolt.png 38 ExplodingCrossbowBolt.png 250
75 1 3.4 s 28 100 200 Repair Kit
CompoundBow.png Compound Bow Arrow.png 64 IronArrow.png 67 SteelArrow.png 71
FlamingArrow.png 54 ExplodingArrow.png 209
75 1 2 s 34 200 400 Repair Kit
CompoundCrossbow.png Compound Crossbow CrossbowBolt.png 75 IronCrossbowBolt.png 84 SteelCrossbowBolt.png 88
FlamingCrossbowBolt.png 63 ExplodingCrossbowBolt.png 275
75 1 3.4 s 40 120 250 Repair Kit

Handguns and SMG-5

Handguns and the SMG are covered under the perk Gunslinger. Pistols offer a decent attack speed and magazine size with quite high damage. The SMG does the same but automatically.

Icon Name Entity Damage Rounds / Min Magazine Reload Speed Effective Range Min Durability Max Durability Repair Item
GunHandgunT0PipePistol.png Pipe Pistol 9mmBullet.png 28 Ammo9mmBulletAP.png 34 Ammo9mmBulletHP.png 31 126 6 12 70 135 Short Iron Pipe
Pistol.png Pistol 9mmBullet.png 37 Ammo9mmBulletAP.png 43 Ammo9mmBulletHP.png 40 180 15 2 s 17 250 450 Repair Kit
44Magnum.png .44 Magnum 44MagnumBullet.png 65 44MagnumBulletAP.png 65 44MagnumBulletHP.png 72 100 6 4 s 27 150 300 Repair Kit
44DesertVulture.png .44 Desert Vulture 44MagnumBullet.png 90 44MagnumBulletAP.png 90 44MagnumBulletHP.png 97 130 9 2 s 30 250 400 Repair Kit
MP5.png SMG-5 9mmBullet.png 50 Ammo9mmBulletAP.png 56 Ammo9mmBulletHP.png 53 480 30 4.1 s 30 350 700 Repair Kit

Intelligence Weapons


Batons are covered under the perk Electrocutioner. While not offering too much damage, they make up for it with unique qualities. The Pipe Baton's regular attack causes zombies to stagger instantly and its power attack is an instant knockdown against all but the most tough zombies. It also attacks in an arc similar to the sledgehammer and can knock more than one zombie down. The Stun Baton goes further by electrocuting and shocking zombies, making them stunned for a while.

Icon Name Entity Damage P. A. Entity Dmg Stamina Usage Hit Range Attacks / Min Min Durability Max Durability Repair Item
PipeBaton.png Pipe Baton 12 24.0 14.8 2.4 38 60 Short Iron Pipe
StunBaton.png Stun Baton 20.2 40.2 15.5 2.4 70 269 673 Repair Kit

Robotic Turrets

Robotic turrets are covered under the perk Robotics Inventor. They offer a unique portable weapons that can be used as a normal weapon or placed to attack on their own. Together with the stun baton they offer a solid DPS to enemies.

Icon Name Entity Damage Attacks / Min Rounds / Min Magazine Reload Speed Min Durability Max Durability Repair Item
GunBotT3JunkDrone.png Robotic Drone 300 600 Repair Kit
RoboticSledge.png Robotic Sledge 11.5 30 300 600 Repair Kit
RoboticsTurret.png Robotic Turret AmmoRoboticTurret.png 11.8 AmmoJunkTurretAP.png 11.8 AmmoJunkTurretShell.png 18.64 AmmoRoboticTurret.png 105.6 AmmoJunkTurretAP.png 105.6 AmmoJunkTurretShell.png 75 62 3.9 s 300 600 Repair Kit