Machine Gunner

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Machine Gunner
'Removed: '
Attribute Fortitude
Group Combat
Max level 5
Experience to level
Experience Multiplier
Experience Multiplier
Skill points to level
Skill points multiplier
Effects Machine Guns

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

Machine Gunner is a Combat Perk in the Fortitude Attribute.

"Become a commando using assault rifles to slay your foes."


This perk impacts the Pipe Machine Gun, AK-47 Machine Gun, the Tactical Assault Rifle and the M60 Machine Gun. Overall, said skills make using automatic weapons more effective, and easier to use in combat. Higher skill levels allow one to regain some stamina when dealing damage with automatic weapons.

Requirements and Effects

Skill Level Level Name Effect Description Fortitude Level Buy
1 Grunt Spray and Pray is your thing. Deal 10% more damage, 5% faster fire rate and 10% faster reload. 1 1 PT
2 Guerrilla You are no commando, but you do what it takes to get the job done. Deal 20% more damage, 10% faster fire rate and 15% faster reload. Find more machine guns, parts and 7.62 ammo in loot. 3 1 PT
3 Soldier All the combat has sharpened your skills and you are now a soldier. Deal 30% more damage, 15% faster fire rate and reload 20% faster.
Commando Adrenaline: Each shot scored with automatic weapons gives you 2 stamina. Find more machine guns, parts and 7.62 ammo in loot.
5 1 PT
4 Special Forces Your skill now matches the special forces. Deal 40% more damage, 20% faster fire rate and reload 25% faster. Commando Adrenaline: Each shot scored with automatic weapons gives you 4 stamina. Find more machine guns, parts and 7.62 ammo in loot. 7 1 PT
5 Machine Gunner You are now the ultimate machine gunner. Deal 50% more damage, 25% faster fire rate and reload 30% faster. Commando Adrenaline: Each shot scored with automatic weapons gives you 6 stamina. 10 1 PT


As of Alpha 21, skills no longer grant crafting recipes. That feature was replaced by Crafting Skill Magazines.


  • In real life, machine guns are used to provide suppressing fire, as opposed to directly inflicting causalities. However, given the nature of zombies and a zombie apocalypse, the use of machine guns to clear out hordes is justified.
  • This perk replaced/is the successor to 'Better Lead than Dead'
Perception Animal Tracker · Dead Eye · Demolitions Expert · Lucky Looter · Quick and Perceptive · Salvage Operations · Spear Master · The Infiltrator · The Penetrator · Treasure Hunter
Strength Big and Fast · Boomstick · Heavy Armor · Master Chef · Miner 69’er · Mother Lode · Pack Mule · Pummel Pete · Skull Crusher
Fortitude Healing Factor · Iron Gut · Lightning Hands · Living Off The Land · Machine Gunner · Pain Tolerance · Rule 1: Cardio · The Brawler · The Huntsman · Well Insulated
Agility Archery · Deep Cuts · From The Shadows · Gunslinger · Hidden Strike · Light Armor · Parkour · Run and Gun · Whirlwind
Intellect Advanced Engineering · Better Barter · Calculated Attack · Charismatic Nature · Electrocutioner · Grease Monkey · Lock Picking · Physician · The Daring Adventurer · Robotics Inventor
Removed Skills/Perks
Strength Sexual Tyrannosaurus
Agility Flurry of Blows

de:Maschinengewehrschütze (Fähigkeit)