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This article may contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (Version 1.0). It was last updated for version (Alpha 19.3).

Intellect is the measure of your mental ability. Increasing Intellect improves head shot damage with intellect governed weapons such as Robotic turrets and stun batons.

It's split into three perks with various perks related to weapons, influence, and craftsmanship.

Level Rank Unlocks Buy
1 Blockhead You are as dumb as box of rocks but you still do 200% head shot damage and have a 5% chance to dismember with stun batons and Robotic turrets. free
2 Dullard You aren't the brightest color in the box, but you occasionally hit the nail on the head. Deal 210% head shot damage and have a 10% chance to dismember with stun batons and Robotic turrets. 1 PT
3 Dimwit Even dimwits have a bright idea once in a while. Deal 220% head shot damage and have a 15% chance to dismember with stun batons and Robotic turrets. 1 PT
4 Thick Headed You don't like to learn new stuff but you will if you have to. Deal 230% head shot damage and have a 20% chance to dismember with stun batons and Robotic turrets. 1 PT
5 Average Being average is better than being below average. Deal 240% head shot damage and have a 25% chance to dismember with stun batons and Robotic turrets. 1 PT
6 Smart You are now getting pretty smart. Deal 250% head shot damage and have a 30% chance to dismember with stun batons and Robotic turrets. 2 PT
7 Brilliant Your peers consider you brilliant. Deal 260% head shot damage and have a 35% chance to dismember with stun batons and Robotic turrets. 2 PT
8 Intellectual Your intellect is quite impressive. Deal 270% head shot damage and have a 40% chance to dismember with stun batons and Robotic turrets. 2 PT
9 Genius You are now a true genius. Deal 285% head shot damage and have a 45% chance to dismember with stun batons and Robotic turrets. 3 PT
10 Mastermind You are a mastermind of intellect. Deal 300% head shot damage and have a 50% chance to dismember with stun batons and Robotic turrets. 3 PT


MarksmanshipPerks.png Combat Perks
Electrocutioner.png Electrocutioner "Learn how to use stun batons more effectively. Incapacitate your victims easier and do more damage."
TurretsSyndrome.png Robotics Inventor "You are fascinated with robotics. Learn to use and craft deployed weapons."
FlurryOfBlows.png Calculated Attack "Use your intellect to determine the shortest trajectory to the target and effectively increase attack speed with batons."
InfluencePerks.png Influence Perks
BetterBarter.png Better Barter "Specialize in convincing area traders to give you a better deal and open up their secret stashes of the really good stuff."
TheDaringAdventurer.png The Daring Adventurer "Be a daring adventurer! Get better rewards for doing quests."
CharismaticNature.png Charismatic Nature "You are an inspiration to your allies, increasing their combat prowess."
CraftsmanshipPerks.pngGeneral Intellect Perks
Physician.png Physician "Use medicine and health items more effectively."
AdvancedEngineering.png Advanced Engineering "Engineer advanced items such as workbenches, electrical items and traps and craft 20% faster on workbenches."
GreaseMonkey.png Grease Monkey "Learn to build vehicles from junk in the wasteland! Vehicles can be assembled from parts without this perk."
LockPicking.png Lock Picking "Learn to pick locks faster and break less lock picks."
Perception Animal Tracker · Dead Eye · Demolitions Expert · Lucky Looter · Quick and Perceptive · Salvage Operations · Spear Master · The Infiltrator · The Penetrator · Treasure Hunter
Strength Big and Fast · Boomstick · Heavy Armor · Master Chef · Miner 69’er · Mother Lode · Pack Mule · Pummel Pete · Skull Crusher
Fortitude Healing Factor · Iron Gut · Lightning Hands · Living Off The Land · Machine Gunner · Pain Tolerance · Rule 1: Cardio · The Brawler · The Huntsman · Well Insulated
Agility Archery · Deep Cuts · From The Shadows · Gunslinger · Hidden Strike · Light Armor · Parkour · Run and Gun · Whirlwind
Intellect Advanced Engineering · Better Barter · Calculated Attack · Charismatic Nature · Electrocutioner · Grease Monkey · Lock Picking · Physician · The Daring Adventurer · Robotics Inventor
Removed Skills/Perks
Strength Sexual Tyrannosaurus
Agility Flurry of Blows