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"Gain stamina, bravado and stun immunity all in one bottle of this tasty home brewed beer. Just like grandpa used to make."
Basic Information
Removed: {{{removed_version}}}
Group Food/Cooking
Category Drink
Type Drink
Loot Container
Gear Slot
Related Attribute
Related Perk(s)
Related Perk Book(s)
Block Properties
Hit Points
Storage Slots
Horizontal Support
Light Opacity
Upgrades to
Breaks to
Weapon/Tool Properties
Entity Damage
Power Attack Entity Damage
Block Damage
Power Attack Block Damage
Effective Range
Explosion Range Entities
Explosion Range Blocks
Attacks per Minute
Rounds per Minute
Reload Time
Ammo Type
Magazine Size
Stamina Usage
Power Attack Stamina Usage
Damage Multiplier: Earth
Damage Multiplier: Metal
Damage Multiplier: Stone
Damage Multiplier: Wood
Butcher Tool
Butcher Damage Multiplier
Butcher Resource Multiplier
Salvage Tool
Vehicle Properties
Vehicle Speed
Vehicle Sprint Speed
Protection Properties
Cold Resist
Heat Resist
Armor Rating
Explosion Resist
Crit Resist
Mobility Reduction
Stamina Regen Reduction
Noise Increase
Consumption Effects
Effect on Fullness 0
Effect on Hydration 0
Effect on max Stamina
Effect on Stamina regen +40%
Effect on Health
Effect on Max Health
Cure Percentage
Buff Buzzed
Buff Effect +300% Brawling Damage
+100% Stun Resist
Buff Duration 01:00
Dysentery Chance (%) 0
Characteristic Properties
Durability (Min Quality)
Durability (Max Quality)
Degradation per Use
Mod Type
Compatible Mods
Repaired Using
Electrical Power Required
Base Price
Sell: 20
Buy: 300
Max Stack 10
Scrapping/Forging Properties
Scrappable No
Scraps into
Meltable No
Combustible No
Burn Time
Farming Properties
Crop produced
Seed used
Grows into
Time to grow
Obtainable Through Cooking, Looting, Trading


Beer is a Beverage and drinking it will have a positive effect on the players Stamina, along with giving temporary stun immunity. This stun resist can be useful to prevent Concussions from occurring, especially if Painkillers to cure a Concussion are in short supply.

Beer gives you the buff Buzzed when you drink it which lasts for up to 1 minute. Drinking multiple Beers over a short period of time stacks the duration, with the maximum stack being four Beers. Buzzed gives you +2 Stamina per second. Beer can be crafted or bought from Traders.

Since Beer is crafted from completely renewable items (Water from a Dew Collector & Hops Flowers from farms) it can be used as a source of income. However with a selling price of 20 Dukes per item (200 per stack) it is not very efficient.

Required Items

{{{nameresult}}}{{{imageresult}}}{{{yield}}}{{{time}}}Hops Flower4Water1{{{linkname3}}}{{{itemcount3}}}{{{linkname4}}}{{{itemcount4}}}{{{linkname5}}}{{{itemcount5}}}Home Cooking Weekly27{{{magazinequal2}}}{{{magazinequal3}}}{{{magazinequal4}}}{{{magazinequal5}}}{{{magazinequal6}}}{{{LeveledCraft}}}{{{craftmultiplier}}}Master Chef{{{skillmod}}}{{{perkbook}}}{{{schematic}}}Chemistry Station{{{implement}}}{{{inventorycraft}}} |style="padding: 7px"| |Item missing!
Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Beer Recipe
Item Name Count
Item Name Count
MasterChef.png Master Chef Level
0 1-2 3
Quality 1 Quality 2 Quality 3 Quality 4 Quality 5 Quality 6

Craftingclock.png 01:35

HopsFlower.png Hops Flower 4 3 2
DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water 1
Item 3 missing!

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Item 4 missing!

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Item 5 missing!

Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Unlock Options
BookHomeCookingWeekly.png Home Cooking Weekly 27/100
Schematic.png  Schematic
Crafted in
ChemistryStation.png Chemistry Station

The recipe above contains the Resources needed to craft the Beer for each level of the Master Chef Perk.
A higher level in the associated perk will decrease the crafting cost, saving resources.



The following recipes require Beer: (NOTE: Times are based on a level 1 skill and the material that an object is crafted from, which is only reliable for food at the moment, so is rather difficult to calculate, this table is auto-generated):

Item Required Materials Workstation Implement Time Magazine Perk Book Skill Schematic
FirstAidKit.png First Aid Kit DrinkJarBeer.png Beer x1, BloodBag.png Blood Bag x1, Bandage.png Bandage x1, SewingKit.png Sewing Kit x1 Chemistry Station - 00:04 Medical Journal - - -
FortBites.png Fort Bites BloodBag.png Blood Bag x5, DrinkJarBeer.png Beer x1, FoodRottingFlesh.png Rotting Flesh x20, Vitamins.png Vitamins x1 Chemistry Station - 31:47 Medical Journal - - -
DrinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir.png Grandpa's Learn'n Elixir FoodCanDogfood.png Can of Dog Food x2, DrinkJarRedTea.png Red Tea x2, Acid.png Bottle of Acid x1, DrinkJarBeer.png Beer x1, EarOfSuperCorn.png Ear of Super Corn x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:11 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
DrinkJarGrandpasMoonshine.png Grandpa's Moonshine CornMeal.png Corn Meal x5, DrinkJarBeer.png Beer x1, Blueberries.png Blueberries x5, Acid.png Bottle of Acid x1, EarOfSuperCorn.png Ear of Super Corn x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 01:37 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
FoodPumpkinCheesecake.png Pumpkin Cheesecake Pumpkin.png Pumpkin x1, FoodEgg.png Egg x1, CornMeal.png Corn Meal x1, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x1, DrinkJarBeer.png Beer x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:28 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
Recog.png Recog Acid.png Bottle of Acid x2, DrinkJarBeer.png Beer x1, ScrapPlastics.png Scrap Polymers x5, Vitamins.png Vitamins x1 Chemistry Station - 00:05 Medical Journal - - -
Steroids.png Steroids Oil.png Oil x1, DrinkJarBeer.png Beer x1, TestosteroneExtract.png Testosterone Extract x1 Chemistry Station - 00:04 Medical Journal - - -

fr:Bière de:Bier