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Basic Information
Removed: {{{removed_version}}}
Group Basics, Building, Food/Cooking
Category Placeable
Type Workstation
Loot Container
Gear Slot
Related Attribute
Related Perk(s)
Related Perk Book(s)
Block Properties
Hit Points 100
Storage Slots
Horizontal Support
Light Opacity
Upgrades to
Breaks to
Weapon/Tool Properties
Entity Damage
Power Attack Entity Damage
Block Damage
Power Attack Block Damage
Effective Range
Explosion Range Entities
Explosion Range Blocks
Attacks per Minute
Rounds per Minute
Reload Time
Ammo Type
Magazine Size
Stamina Usage
Power Attack Stamina Usage
Damage Multiplier: Earth
Damage Multiplier: Metal
Damage Multiplier: Stone
Damage Multiplier: Wood
Butcher Tool
Butcher Damage Multiplier
Butcher Resource Multiplier
Salvage Tool
Vehicle Properties
Vehicle Speed
Vehicle Sprint Speed
Protection Properties
Cold Resist
Heat Resist
Armor Rating
Explosion Resist
Crit Resist
Mobility Reduction
Stamina Regen Reduction
Noise Increase
Consumption Effects
Effect on Fullness
Effect on Hydration
Effect on max Stamina
Effect on Stamina regen
Effect on Health
Effect on Max Health
Cure Percentage
Buff Effect
Buff Duration
Dysentery Chance (%)
Characteristic Properties
Durability (Min Quality)
Durability (Max Quality)
Degradation per Use
Mod Type
Compatible Mods
Repaired Using
Electrical Power Required
Base Price
Max Stack 1
Scrapping/Forging Properties
Scrappable Yes
Scraps into Small Stone
Burn Time
Farming Properties
Crop produced
Seed used
Grows into
Time to grow
Obtainable Through


The Campfire is used to cook food, boil water, create medications, and craft a few resources. It can be found in the many lodges and numerous camp sites scattered all over the map. It can be crafted using 5 Small Stones. To use it, place it down and open by pressing "E".

The Campfire can be activated as long as it has fuel, regardless if it is being used to cook anything or not.

Being with in 2 blocks of the Campfire will grant the Warming Fire buff, which grants +15 Cold Resistance. Campfires may set fire to a character or zombie if they walk through it while it is turned on.

New A13 Campfire Screen


Required Items

{{{nameresult}}}{{{imageresult}}}{{{yield}}}{{{time}}}Small Stone5{{{linkname2}}}{{{itemcount2}}}{{{linkname3}}}{{{itemcount3}}}{{{linkname4}}}{{{itemcount4}}}{{{linkname5}}}{{{itemcount5}}}{{{magazinetype}}}{{{magazinecount}}}{{{magazinequal2}}}{{{magazinequal3}}}{{{magazinequal4}}}{{{magazinequal5}}}{{{magazinequal6}}}{{{LeveledCraft}}}{{{craftmultiplier}}}{{{skill}}}{{{skillmod}}}{{{perkbook}}}{{{schematic}}}{{{workstation}}}{{{implement}}}{{{inventorycraft}}} |style="padding: 7px"| |Item missing!

Campfire Recipe
Item Name Count
Item Name Count
Quality 1 Quality 2 Quality 3 Quality 4 Quality 5 Quality 6

Craftingclock.png 00:01

RockSmall.png Small Stone 5
Item 2 missing!
Item 3 missing!
Item 4 missing!
Item 5 missing!
Unlock Options
Schematic.png  Schematic
Crafted in


Recipes are listed in alphabetical order in the left hand window. The search bar at the top left will filter recipes to include all with the same text in the name. Recipes will automatically turn white in color and sort to the top if the Campfire has the ingredients to make them in the character's inventory.

Recipes may require cookware (see below) to be in the Campfire before they can be crafted; the needed cookware for a given item will display in the top right of the center window. Cookwares are placed in the top right cells to open up additional recipes. Some recipes are gated with books that will turn white when the character has read them.

No recipe will be available until there is fuel in the fuel cells. Fuels are placed in the cells below the tool cells. The Campfire can be turned on either with the on/off button below the fuel, or by starting a new recipe. The Campfire will not turn off automatically unless all the fuel is expended.

Selecting a recipe will display the required materials. Quantity to be crafted can be selected below the item image either by typing in the qty or by pressing the left and right arrows to increase/decrease the amount by one. Pressing the right arrow with the bar will max the qty to the number of available resources from the character. Selecting the "cook" button will activate the fire, remove the materials from the character inventory, place the item in a queue in the bottom left displaying the time to craft all qty, and begin cooking the new items. Up to 4 item types can be queued at a time.

Items will output one at a time per base time until all have been crafted. When the items are completed they will dispense in the 6 output cells in the lower right window. Once one type is complete the queue will automatically move to the next type.


The following recipes require Campfire: (NOTE: Times are based on a level 1 skill and the material that an object is crafted from, which is only reliable for food at the moment, so is rather difficult to calculate, this table is auto-generated):

Item Required Materials Workstation Implement Time Magazine Perk Book Skill Schematic
Antibiotics.png Antibiotics FoodOldShamSandwich.png Old Sham Sandwich x4, PotassiumNitratePowder.png Nitrate Powder x3, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Beaker 02:16.5 Medical Journal - - '-'-
FoodBaconAndEggs.png Bacon and Eggs FoodRawMeat.png Raw Meat x5, FoodEgg.png Egg x2 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:17 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
FoodBakedPotato.png Baked Potato Potato.png Potato x1 Campfire - 00:10 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
DrinkJarBlackStrapCoffee.png Blackstrap Coffee CoffeeBeans.png Coffee Beans x1, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1, GunPowder.png Gun Powder x5 Campfire Cooking Pot 02:05 - The Art of Mining Vol. 4 Master Chef -
FoodBlueberryPie.png Blueberry Pie Blueberries.png Blueberries x5, FoodEgg.png Egg x1, CornMeal.png Corn Meal x1, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x1, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 01:21 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
FoodEggBoiled.png Boiled Egg FoodEgg.png Egg x1, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:16 - - - -
FoodBoiledMeat.png Boiled Meat FoodRawMeat.png Raw Meat x5, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:30 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
FoodCanSham.png Can of Sham FoodRottingFlesh.png Rotting Flesh x5, Bone.png Bone x5, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x5 Campfire Cooking Pot 10:01 - - Master Chef Shamway Secret Recipe Schematic
FoodCharredMeat.png Charred Meat FoodRawMeat.png Raw Meat x5 Campfire - 00:15 - - - -
FoodChiliDog.png Chili Dog FoodCanChili.png Can of Chili x1, FoodRawMeat.png Raw Meat x5, FoodCornBread.png Corn Bread x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:17 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
DrinkJarCoffee.png Coffee DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1, CoffeeBeans.png Coffee Beans x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:20 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
FoodCornBread.png Corn Bread CornMeal.png Corn Meal x1, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:25 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
FoodFishTacos.png Fish Tacos FoodCanSalmon.png Can of Salmon x1, CornMeal.png Corn Meal x2 Campfire Cooking Grill 00:21 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
Glue.png Glue Bone.png Bone x7, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:16.4 - - Advanced Engineering -'-'-
DrinkJarGoldenRodTea.png Goldenrod Tea DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1, PlantedGoldenrod3HarvestPlayer.png Goldenrod Flower x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:20 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
DrinkJarGrandpasAwesomeSauce.png Grandpa's Awesome Sauce CasinoCoin.png Duke's Casino Token x50, FoodHoney.png Jar of Honey x5, Mushrooms.png Mushrooms x5, GasCan.png Gas Can x10, EarOfSuperCorn.png Ear of Super Corn x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 01:25.5 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
DrinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir.png Grandpa's Learn'n Elixir FoodCanDogfood.png Can of Dog Food x2, DrinkJarRedTea.png Red Tea x2, Acid.png Bottle of Acid x1, DrinkJarBeer.png Beer x1, EarOfSuperCorn.png Ear of Super Corn x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:11 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
DrinkJarGrandpasMoonshine.png Grandpa's Moonshine CornMeal.png Corn Meal x5, DrinkJarBeer.png Beer x1, Blueberries.png Blueberries x5, Acid.png Bottle of Acid x1, EarOfSuperCorn.png Ear of Super Corn x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 01:37 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
FoodCornOnTheCob.png Grilled Corn Corn.png Ear of Corn x1 Campfire Cooking Grill 00:05 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
FoodGrilledMeat.png Grilled Meat FoodRawMeat.png Raw Meat x5 Campfire Cooking Grill 00:15 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
FoodGumboStew.png Gumbo Stew CanBeef.png Large Beef Ration x1, CanPeas.png Can of Peas x1, FoodCanStock.png Can of Stock x1, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x3, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 01:03 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
Herbal Antibiotics.png Herbal Antibiotics Blueberries.png Blueberries x5, Mushrooms.png Mushrooms x3, PlantedChrysanthemum3Harvest.png Chrysanthemum Flower x3, PotassiumNitratePowder.png Nitrate Powder x3, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 01:26.5 Medical Journal - - '-'-
FoodHoboStew.png Hobo Stew FoodRottingFlesh.png Rotting Flesh x10, Potato.png Potato x2, Corn.png Ear of Corn x2, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x1, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 01:05 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
FoodMeatStew.png Meat Stew FoodRawMeat.png Raw Meat x5, Potato.png Potato x2, Corn.png Ear of Corn x2, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x1, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 01:15 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
Paint.png Paint x250x500 PlantedChrysanthemum3Harvest.png Chrysanthemum Flower x1, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:20 - - - '-'-
FoodPumpkinBread.png Pumpkin Bread Pumpkin.png Pumpkin x1, CornMeal.png Corn Meal x1, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:26 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
FoodPumpkinCheesecake.png Pumpkin Cheesecake Pumpkin.png Pumpkin x1, FoodEgg.png Egg x1, CornMeal.png Corn Meal x1, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x1, DrinkJarBeer.png Beer x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:28 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
FoodPumpkinPie.png Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin.png Pumpkin x2, FoodEgg.png Egg x1, CornMeal.png Corn Meal x1, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x1, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:43 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
DrinkJarPureMineralWater.png Pure Mineral Water DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1, Coal.png Coal x1, PlantedGoldenrod3HarvestPlayer.png Goldenrod Flower x1, PlantedChrysanthemum3Harvest.png Chrysanthemum Flower x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 02:08 - Wasteland Treasures Vol. 4 - -
DrinkJarRedTea.png Red Tea DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1, PlantedChrysanthemum3Harvest.png Chrysanthemum Flower x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:20 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
FoodShamChowder.png Sham Chowder FoodCanSham.png Can of Sham x1, Potato.png Potato x2, Corn.png Ear of Corn x2, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:46 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
FoodShepardsPie.png Shepards Pie FoodCanLamb.png Lamb Rations x1, CanPeas.png Can of Peas x1, Corn.png Ear of Corn x1, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x3, Potato.png Potato x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 01:02 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
FoodSpaghetti.png Spaghetti CanBeef.png Large Beef Ration x1, FoodCanPasta.png Can of Pasta x1, Mushrooms.png Mushrooms x1, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x3, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 01:07 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
FoodSteakAndPotato.png Steak and Potato Meal FoodRawMeat.png Raw Meat x5, Potato.png Potato x2, Mushrooms.png Mushrooms x2, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x1 Campfire Cooking Grill 01:00 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
FoodTunaFishGravyToast.png Tuna Fish Gravy Toast FoodCanTuna.png Can of Tuna x1, CornMeal.png Corn Meal x1, FoodCornBread.png Corn Bread x2, AnimalFat.png Animal Fat x3, CanPeas.png Can of Peas x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:59 Home Cooking Weekly - Master Chef -
FoodVegetableStew.png Vegetable Stew Potato.png Potato x2, Corn.png Ear of Corn x2, Mushrooms.png Mushrooms x2, DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:55 Home Cooking Weekly - - -
DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water DrinkJarRiverWater.png Murky Water x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:10 - - - -
DrinkJarYuccaJuice.png Yucca Juice DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water x1, FoodYuccaFruit.png Yucca Fruit x1 Campfire Cooking Pot 00:16 Home Cooking Weekly - - -


The list below gives a brief overview of the different types of Cookware available for use by the player:

  • CookingGrill.png - The Cooking Grill is a relatively simple utensil. Grilled food smells less than charred food and dehydrates less.
  • CookingPot.png - The Cooking Pot is a very useful utensil used to cook food of the Boiled type. This is the most versatile piece of cookware currently available. It will allow the player to cook many useful recipes in addition to boiling Murky Water to produce the purer and much safer Water.
  • Beaker.png - The Beaker is a specialized piece of cookware used to produce Chemicals and Medicines.


Crafting Campfire

Heat Map

Whenever you use a Campfire it affects the Heatmap. If used for long enough or if multiple campfires are used simultaneously, it will attract zombies. If the heat level gets high enough, it will attract one or more screamer zombies.

For a better understanding of the heatmap and heat, see Heatmap.

de:Lagerfeuer es:Hoguera it:Fuoco da campo ru:Костёр pl:Ognisko