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Temperature in 7 Days to Die is a crucial environmental factor that affects the character's survival. The game simulates a realistic temperature system where characters must manage their body temperature to avoid adverse effects.


Temperature consists of 2 components:

  • Ambient temperature refers to the actual temperature of the environment around the character.
  • Feels Like temperature, one of the Core Character Stats, refers to the effective temperature of the character.

Ambient Temperature

  • Each biome has its own temperature patterns which fluctuate throughout the day and night cycles.
  • Wind and altitude affect the Ambient temperature, with stronger winds and higher altitudes having lower Ambient temperatures.
  • Weather will also periodically influence the Ambient temperature, separate from the above effects.
  • There is no way to see the Ambient temperature around the character, as only the Feels Like temperature is ever displayed.

Feels Like Temperature

  • Feels Like temperature, one of the Core Character Stats, is the effective temperature experienced by the character, taking into account the Ambient temperature and modified by the character's Cold Resist and Heat Resist stats.
  • Feels Like temperature is displayed on the Character Window and is also viewable on the Map Window.
  • Characters experience various temperature-related Status Effects based only on their Feels Like temperature, regardless of the surrounding Ambient temperature.

Cold Resist

Cold Resist is a measure of the character's resistance to hypothermia. When the Ambient temperature is below 70°F, Cold Resist is added to calculate the character's effective or Feels Like temperature. Cold Resist will not bring the Feels Like temperature any higher than 70°F.

To increase Cold Resist:

  • Wear Clothing that have the Cold Resist stat.
  • Add Mods to Clothing/Armor that increase Cold Resist.
  • Consume Foods or Drinks that increase Cold Resist.
  • Stand near a lit Campfire, Forge, or Chemistry Station to receive the Warming Fire buff they provide.
  • Avoid going into water or outdoors during rain which cause the Wet status.
  • Increase levels of the Well Insulated perk which boosts both Cold Resist and Heat Resist.

Heat Resist

Heat Resist is a measure of the character's resistance to hyperthermia. When the Ambient temperature is above 70°F, Heat Resist is subtracted to calculate the character's effective or Feels Like temperature. Heat Resist will not bring the Feels Like temperature any lower than 70°F.

To increase Heat Resist:

  • Wear Clothing that have the Heat Resist stat.
  • Add Mods to Clothing/Armor that increase Heat Resist.
  • Consume Foods or Drinks that increase Heat Resist.
  • Increase levels of the Well Insulated perk which boosts both Cold Resist and Heat Resist.
  • Go into water or outdoors during rain in order to become Wet.

Safe Temperatures

  • Characters do best in the safe range of the Feels Like temperature: 60°F (15.5°C) to 80°F (26.7°C).

Cold Temperatures

  • When the Feels Like temperature drops below 60°F, the status effect Cold icon.png Cold is applied.
  • When the Feels Like temperature drops below 40°F, the status effect Cold icon.png Freezing is applied.

Hot Temperatures

  • When the Feels Like temperature goes above 80°F, the status effect Hot icon.png Hot is applied.
  • When the Feels Like temperature goes above 100°F, the status effect Hot icon.png Sweltering is applied.
