Character Stats

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Each character has many stats, and understanding these stats is crucial for surviving in the harsh post-apocalyptic world. The Core and Extended Character Stats are viewable via the Character Window. Many of the listed stats are purely informational and do not have a direct effect on the game. There are also some hidden statistics, such as Speed, that do not show up in the Character Window. On the Game Mechanics page, a few of these statistics are also described.

Core Character Stats


  • Health represents a character's overall physical well-being and resilience to damage. It is measured in hit points which serve as the units of damage the character can withstand before succumbing to their injuries. The Health stat displays as current Health / Max Health numbers.
  • When a character takes damage from various sources such as environmental hazards, falling long distances, or enemy attacks, their Health decreases accordingly. Once Health reaches zero, the character dies.
  • Health recovers naturally at a base rate of 1 point of Health per minute, as long as the character is not currently Starving or Severely Dehydrated, and at the cost of increased Water loss. Health can also be restored more quickly by using items that increase Health via Health Recovery, such as the various Canned Foods, a First Aid Bandage, or a First Aid Kit, or even immediately with Painkillers.
  • A character's Health can never exceed their Max Health less any Max Health Reduction caused by active Status Effects.
  • Max Health represents the maximum possible hit points that Health can reach, disregarding any Max Health Reduction being applied. Max Health starts at a base of 100 and increases by 1 with each Character Level. Certain types of Status Effects can cause a reduction of the effective Max Health. Refer to Max Health Reduction, one of the Extended Character Stats.


  • Stamina represents a character's available energy reserves used to perform various actions such as sprinting, jumping, swinging weapons, aiming bows, and using tools. It represents the character's physical endurance. The Stamina stat displays as current Stamina / Max Stamina numbers.
  • When a character uses Stamina during their various activities, their Stamina decreases accordingly. Once Stamina reaches zero, the character is no longer able to continue performing activities that require Stamina.
  • Stamina recovers naturally at a base rate of 8.5 points of Stamina per second, at the cost of increased Food and Water loss. Stamina recovers 15% more quickly while Water level is above 75 points. Stamina can be restored more quickly by using items that increase Stamina regeneration, such as the various Drinks.
  • Stamina recovers more slowly while running or swimming, and halts entirely for a short time after using the Secondary Action of any melee weapon.
  • A character's Stamina can never exceed their Max Stamina less any Max Stamina Reduction caused by active Status Effects.
  • Max Stamina represents the maximum to which your Stamina can be replenished, disregarding any Max Stamina Reduction being applied. Max Stamina starts at a base of 100 and increases by 1 with each Character Level. Certain types of Status Effects can cause a reduction of the effective Max Stamina. Refer to Max Stamina Reduction, one of the Extended Character Stats.


  • Food is a measure of the Food level of a character. Food is capped at 100 plus your Character Level.
  • In the absence of performing activities that use Stamina, Food decreases steadily at 30 points of Food lost per hour.
  • While recovering lost Stamina, Food decreases faster, making you lose more Food per hour.
  • Low temperatures can cause the status effects Cold or Freezing which can increase Food loss.
  • When Food drops below 50%, the status effect Hungry is applied.
  • When Food drops below 25%, the status effect Very Hungry is applied.
  • When Food drops below 2%, the status effect Starving is applied.
  • Food is increased by consuming items that increase Food, such as many of the Foods.


  • Water is a measure of the Water level of a character and is capped at 100 plus your Character Level.
  • In the absence of recovering lost Health naturally, Water decreases steadily at 40 points of Water lost per hour.
  • While recovering lost Health naturally, Water decreases faster, making you lose more Water per hour.
  • High temperatures can cause the status effects Hot or Sweltering which can increase Water loss.
  • While Water remains above 75 points, Stamina will recover 15% faster.
  • When Water drops below 50%, the status effect Thirsty is applied.
  • When Water drops below 25%, the status effect Dehydrated is applied.
  • When Water drops below 2%, the status effect Severely Dehydrated is applied.
  • Water is increased by consuming items that increase Water, such as many of the Drinks.

Temperature (Feels Like)

  • Each biome has its own ambient temperature that fluctuates throughout the day and night and is influenced by local weather conditions.
  • Each character has their own Feels Like temperature, which is the net effect of the ambient temperature modified by Cold Resist and Heat Resist.
  • The optimal range for the Feels Like temperature is from 60°F to 80°F. Outside this range, negative effects occur.
  • When the Feels Like temperature drops below 60°F, the status effect Cold is applied.
  • When the Feels Like temperature drops below 40°F, the status effect Freezing is applied.
  • When the Feels Like temperature goes above 80°F, the status effect Hot is applied.
  • When the Feels Like temperature goes above 100°F, the status effect Sweltering is applied.

Extended Character Stats

Max Health Reduction

The amount by which Max Health is being reduced due to Status Effects.

Max Stamina Reduction

The amount by which Max Stamina is being reduced due to Status Effects.

Armor Rating

The percentage reduction of all incoming damage from enemy attacks. Capped at 90% damage reduction.

Explosion Resistance

The percentage reduction of all explosion damage to which the character is subjected. Also applies to fire and electrical damage. Capped at 90% damage reduction.

Armor Crit Resist

Resistance to sustaining a critical hit. Once a character is damaged by an enemy, Crit Resist will drop each time damage is taken within the next 15 seconds. If Crit Resist is below zero any time an enemy causes damage, there is a chance that that attack will cause a critical injury. Once lowered by being damaged by an enemy, Crit Resist slowly goes up every few seconds. Crit Resist resets to its full base value anytime a critical hit is sustained or if no enemy damage has been taken for 15 seconds.

Stamina /s

Displays base natural recovery of Stamina. The 15% boost from having Water over 75 does not affect the displayed number here.

Healing /s

Displays base natural recovery of Health.

Medical Healing /s

Healing per second from Status Effects that provide Medical Healing. Does not increase Food consumption.

Cold Resist

A measure of the character's resistance to hypothermia. When the Ambient temperature is below 70°F, Cold Resist is added to calculate the character's effective or Feels Like temperature. Cold Resist will not bring the Feels Like temperature any higher than 70°F.

Heat Resist

A measure of the character's resistance to hyperthermia. When the Ambient temperature is above 70°F, Heat Resist is subtracted to calculate the character's effective or Feels Like temperature. Heat Resist will not bring the Feels Like temperature any lower than 70°F.


Displays the percent of a character's speed at which the character is currently able to move. Character speed at baseline is 3.5 blocks per second walking and 7 blocks per second sprinting.
Typically, Mobility is decreased by wearing Armor, being Encumbered, or having other various Status Effect.

Jump Strength

Percent increase in jump height and distance.

Carrying Capacity

The number of Inventory slots that can be used before Encumbered status is applied. Starts at a baseline of 27.


The amount of damage the character will deal to a creature with one normal attack with the currently held item.

Block Damage

The amount of damage the character will deal to a block with one normal attack with the currently held item.

Rounds / Minute

The theoretical number of attacks that can be made in one minute with the currently held ranged weapon. Does not factor in reloading time.

Attacks / Minute

The theoretical number of attacks that can be made in one minute with the currently held melee weapon using its primary attack.

Informational Stats

These statistics have no impact on game-play and are merely information provided to the player. These stats include:

  • Zombie Kills. The number of Zombies slain.
  • Player Kills. The number of other players slain.
  • Deaths. The number of times the character has died.
  • km Traveled. The total distance the character has traveled.
  • Items Crafted. The number of items crafted.
  • Longest Life. The longest time this character has survived without dying.
  • Current Life. How long this character has survived since last death.
  • XP to next level. The number of Experience Points required to reach next level. If you have experience debt from Death, the number here is the experience debt.
  • Loot Stage. A calculation used by the game to determine the quality of loot found.