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Mods are used to improve the characteristics of weapons, Tools, armor and vehicles. They can be mounted in the mod slots of the aforementioned items. The number of slots varies by quality between 1 and 4. Mods offer 10% damage increase when added to weapons and 300 increase to economic value. On the following lists, mods are categorized based on their main usage. The division between weapon and tool mods reflects the overall impact the mods have on items. Most of the mods can be applied to both weapons and tools. More specific information about where a mod can be mounted can be found on the mod's page.

List of weapon mods


Image Name Affected Part Description
ArrowRest.png Arrow Rest Mod Accuracy Improves accuracy.
Bipod.png Bipod Mod Accuracy Increases accuracy and handling when aiming weapons.
ShotgunSawedOffbarrel.png Sawed-Off Shotgun Barrel Mod Barrel Increases projectile spread.
ShotgunChoke.png Shotgun Choke Mod Barrel Tightens projectile spread.
Silencer.png Silencer Mod Barrel Decreases firing sound while reducing range and damage.
MuzzleBrake.png Muzzle Brake Mod Barrel Reduces recoil.
BarrelExtender.png Barrel Extender Mod Barrel Increases damage, range and aimed accuracy at the cost of stability when fired from the hip.
ShotgunDuckbill.png Shotgun Duckbill Mod Barrel Modifies projectile spread to a horizontal pattern instead of the normal round one.
CrippleEm.png Cripple Em Mod Crippling Adds a chance to cripple a leg on a bipedal target.
DyeWhite.png Dye Dye Changes the color of the item.
ForeGrip.png Fore Grip Mod Grips Improves handling and accuracy when firing from the hip or moving.
DrumMagazine.png Drum Magazine Mod Magazine Greatly increases magazine capacity with the cost of reload time.
MagazineExtender.png Magazine Extender Mod Magazine Increases magazine capacity.
ModGunShotgunTubeExtenderMagazine.png Shotgun Tube Extender Mod Magazine Increases magazine capacity of Pump Shotguns.
Scope8X.png Scope 8x Mod Scope Increases visual magnification when aiming.
Scope4X.png Scope 4x Mod Scope Increases visual magnification when aiming.
ReflexSight.png Reflex Sight Mod Scope Minor visual magnification but designed for fast target acquisition.
Scope2X.png Scope 2x Mod Scope Increases visual magnification when aiming.
WeaponFlashlight.png Weapon Flashlight Mod Side A portable light source.
LaserSight.png Laser Sight Mod Side Helps with aiming quickly and increases accuracy when firing from the hip.
TheHunter.png The Hunter Mod Special Damage Increases damage to all animals.
RadRemover.png Rad Remover Mod Special Damage Temporarily disables regeneration ability of radiated zombies.
RetractingStock.png Retracting Stock Mod Stock Improves weapon handling while firing from the hip.
TriggerSemi.png Trigger Group: Semi Mod Trigger Modify the trigger group to fire single shots.
TriggerAuto.png Trigger Group: Full Auto Mod Trigger Modify the trigger group to fire full auto.
TriggerBurst.png Trigger Group: Burst Mod Trigger Modify the trigger group to fire 3 round bursts.
PolymerString.png Polymer String Mod Velocity Arrows and bolts fly faster.


Image Name Affected Part Description
SerratedBlade.png Serrated Blade Mod Damage Adds a chance to cause a Bleeding Wound on attack.
WeightedHead.png Weighted Head Mod Damage Adds a chance to stun and slow victims.
TemperedBlade.png Tempered Blade Mod Damage Increases block damage by and lowers degradation.
StructuralBrace.png Structural Brace Mod Durability Moderately decreases degradation rate.
ModMeleeDiamondTip.png Diamond Blade Tip Mod Durability Greatly reduces degradation rate.
DyeWhite.png Dye Dye Changes the color of the item.
BurningShaftMod.png Burning Shaft Mod Fire A melee item can double as a light source and set enemies on fire.
FortifyingGrip.png Fortifying Grip Mod Health When health is below 50% gain additional health regeneration.
ErgonomicGrip.png Ergonomic Grip Mod Health Decreases melee stamina usage and increases weapon handling of bows.
StunBatonRepulsorMod.png Stun Baton Repulsor Mod Knockback Send zombies flying on charged hits.
MetalSpikesMod.png Metal Spikes Mod Shaft Each successive hit lowers enemies' armor.
BarbedWireMod.png Barbed Wire Mod Shaft Provides a chance to cause bleeding damage.
MetalChainMod.png Metal Chain Mod Shaft Added chance to knock down opponents.
TheHunter.png The Hunter Mod Special Damage Increases damage to all animals.
RadRemover.png Rad Remover Mod Special Damage Temporarily disables regeneration ability of radiated zombies.

List of tool mods

Image Name Affected Part Description
TemperedBlade.png Tempered Blade Mod Damage Increases block damage by and lowers degradation.
GraveDigger.png Grave Digger Mod Damage Dirt More damage against dirt.
FiremansAxeMod.png Fireman's Axe Mod Damage Dirt Stone and Iron Deal more damage to blocks but less damage to entities.
IronBreaker.png Iron Breaker Mod Damage Iron Added damage against iron.
BunkerBuster.png Bunker Buster Mod Damage Stone More damage against stone.
WoodSplitter.png Wood Splitter Mod Damage Wood Deal more damage against wood.
StructuralBrace.png Structural Brace Mod Durability Moderately decreases degradation rate.
ModMeleeDiamondTip.png Diamond Blade Tip Mod Durability Greatly reduces degradation rate.
DyeWhite.png Dye Dye Changes the color of the item.
ModFuelTankLarge.png Power Tool Large Tank Mod Fuel Increases motor tools tank size
ModFuelTankSmall.png Power Tool Small Tank Mod Fuel Increases motor tools tank size
ErgonomicGrip.png Ergonomic Grip Mod Health Decreases melee stamina usage and increases weapon handling of bows.

List of armor mods

Image Name Affected Part Description
Bandolier.png Bandolier Mod Ammo Reduces weapon reload time.
StoragePocket.png Armor Pocket Mod Carry Weight Slightly increases carrying capacity.
ClothingStoragePocket.png Clothing Pocket Mod Carry Weight Slightly increases carrying capacity.
ClothingCargoStoragePocket.png Clothing Double Pocket Mod Carry Weight Moderately increases carrying capacity.
DoubleStoragePocket.png Armor Double Pocket Mod Carry Weight Moderately increases carrying capacity.
TripleStoragePocket.png Armor Triple Pocket Mod Carry Weight Greatly increases carrying capacity.
DyeWhite.png Dye Dye Changes the color of the item.
ImpactBracing.png Impact Bracing Mod Fall Damage Reduces fall damage.
HelmetLight.png Helmet Light Mod Light A portable light source.
CustomizedFittings.png Customized Fittings Mod Movement Greatly decreases stamina and mobility penalty.
Improvedfittings.png Improved Fittings Mod Movement Reduces stamina and movement penalty.
PressboyCapWhite.png Press Boy Cap Mod Rare Protects from weather and modifies helmets appearance.
BallCap.png Ball Cap Mod Rare Protects from weather and modifies helmets appearance.
SkullCap.png Skull Cap Mod Rare Protects from weather and modifies helmets appearance.
CowboyHat.png Cowboy Hat Mod Rare Protects from weather and modifies helmets appearance.
ModArmorPlatingReinforced.png Banded Armor Plating Mod Resistance Increases armor rating
ModArmorPlatingBasic.png Armor Plating Mod Resistance Increases armor rating
MuffledConnectors.png Muffled Connectors Mod Stealth Reduces noise generated by armor.
AdvancedMuffledConnectors.png Advanced Muffled Connectors Mod Stealth Greatly reduces the noise created by armor.
CoolingMesh.png Cooling Mesh Mod Temperature Increases heat resistance.
InsulatedLiner.png Insulated Liner Mod Thermal Increases cold resistance.
WaterPurifier.png Water Purifier Mod Water Purifier Allows any water to be drunk without harmful effects.

List of clothing mods

No results

List of vehicle mods

Image Name Affected Part Description
VehicleFuelSaver.png Vehicle Fuel Saver Mod Fuel Saver Decreases vehicle fuel consumption.
VehicleReserveFuelTank.png Vehicle Reserve Fuel Tank Mod Fuel Tank Increases fuel tank capacity.
VehicleOffRoadHeadlights.png Vehicle Off Road Highlights Mod Light Increase Headlight's Strength.
VehicleExpandedSeat.png Vehicle Expanded Seating Mod Seat Double Available Vehicle Seats
VehicleSuperCharger.png Vehicle Super Charger Mod Speed Increases top speed and acceleration.

List of Robotic Drone Mods

Added in A20, this utility companion can be modified while being held in the inventory. Mods cannot be installed while the drone is active.

Image Name Affected Part Description
ModRoboticDroneArmorPlatingMod.png Robotic Drone Armor Plating Mod Reduces damage by 50%
ModRoboticDroneCargoMod.png Robotic Drone Cargo Mod 8 additional storage slots
ModRoboticDroneMedicMod.png Robotic Drone Medic Mod Heals player with med supplies
ModRoboticDroneMoraleBoosterMod.png Robotic Drone Morale Booster Mod 10% Stamina Regeneration
ModRoboticDroneHeadlampMod.png Robotic Headlamp Mod Mobile Lighting

Unused mods

There are a few mods viewable in the files that do not currently exist in the game, not even obtainable through the creative inventory, outside of editing the xml file to allow that. These are listed here, using their internal item icon name.

We can look into the item_modifiers.xml file to figure out what the first three do.

Flammable Oil
  • "modGunMeleeFlammableOil"
    • This one changes "damage type" to "heat"
  • "modGunMeleeLiquidNitrogen"
    • This changes damage type to cold.
  • "modGunMeleeNiCdBattery"
    • Changes damage type to electric.
  • "modRadiationReady"

In addition to these, there is also the Blessed Metal Mod, which does exist in the game, only obtainable via the Creative Inventory.

Liquid Nitrogen

Ni-CD Battery

"Radiation Ready"
