Robotic Drone Cargo Mod

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Robotic Drone Cargo Mod
"Increase your drone's storage capacity with this modification. Add more for additional storage"
Basic Information
Removed: {{{removed_version}}}
Group Mods
Category Robotic Drone Mod


Mod Properties
Reload Speed
Elemental Damage Resist
Cold Resist
Heat Resist
Stamina Regen
Armor Rating
Carrying Capacity
Noise Reduction
Damage Falloff Range
Max Range
Spread Multiplier from the hip
Spread Multiplier aiming down sights
Spread Multiplier when walking
Spread Multiplier when crouched
Horizontal Recoil
Vertical Recoil
Weapon Handling
Entity Damage Modifier
Burst Round Count
Rounds Per Minute
Recoil after each shot
Horizontal Crosshair change
Vertical Crosshair change
Magazine size
Block Damage
Degradation Rate
Fuel Usage
Damage Modifier
Characteristic Properties
Mod Type Storage
Affected Part
Base Price
Max Stack 1
Scrapping/Forging Properties
Scraps into
Burn Time
Obtainable Through Crafting, Trading


The Robotic Drone Cargo Mod increases the Robotic Drones storage from the default 16 slots to a total of 24. This Robotic Drone Cargo Mod adds 8 storage slots to the Drone and can be stacked along with more mods of the same type to increase so long as Quality of the Drone permits it and is not limited to one Modifier slot. A total of 4 Robotic Drone Cargo Mods can be added to the highest quality Robotic Drone, Quality 6.


To install the mod into the Robotic Drone it must be in your inventory or Tool Belt. Click on the Drone in your inventory and click on Modify and drag and drop the Robotic Drone Cargo Mod into the Modifiers slots available. If the Drone is already deployed in the air, press and hold the E key and select TAKE and proceed as stated above.


Currently adding more Robotic Drone Cargo Mods to the Robotic Drone is not working with the drag and drop method when adding additional amounts of this mod. Players must use Shift + Left Click to add more than 1 of these storage Mods. See the entire conversation addressing the resolution to this issue here: [1]


Required Items

{{{nameresult}}}{{{imageresult}}}{{{yield}}}{{{time}}}Forged Steel5Scrap Polymers10Electrical Parts4Mechanical Parts4{{{linkname5}}}{{{itemcount5}}}{{{magazinetype}}}{{{magazinecount}}}{{{magazinequal2}}}{{{magazinequal3}}}{{{magazinequal4}}}{{{magazinequal5}}}{{{magazinequal6}}}{{{LeveledCraft}}}{{{craftmultiplier}}}{{{skill}}}{{{skillmod}}}{{{perkbook}}}
Robotic Drone Cargo Mod Schematic{{{workstation}}}{{{implement}}}{{{inventorycraft}}}
|style="padding: 7px"| |Item missing!

Robotic Drone Cargo Mod Recipe
Item Name Count
Item Name Count
Quality 1 Quality 2 Quality 3 Quality 4 Quality 5 Quality 6

Craftingclock.png 01:18.6

IngotSteel.png Forged Steel 5
ScrapPlastics.png Scrap Polymers 10
ElectricParts.png Electrical Parts 4
MechanicalParts.png Mechanical Parts 4
Item 5 missing!
Unlock Options
Robotic Drone Cargo Mod Schematic
Crafted in

Weapons Melee

BarbedWireMod.png Barbed Wire Mod · BurningShaftMod.png Burning Shaft Mod · ModMeleeDiamondTip.png Diamond Blade Tip Mod · DyeWhite.png Dye · ErgonomicGrip.png Ergonomic Grip Mod · FortifyingGrip.png Fortifying Grip Mod · MetalChainMod.png Metal Chain Mod · MetalSpikesMod.png Metal Spikes Mod · RadRemover.png Rad Remover Mod · SerratedBlade.png Serrated Blade Mod · StructuralBrace.png Structural Brace Mod · StunBatonRepulsorMod.png Stun Baton Repulsor Mod · TheHunter.png The Hunter Mod · WeightedHead.png Weighted Head Mod ·


ArrowRest.png Arrow Rest Mod · BarrelExtender.png Barrel Extender Mod · Bipod.png Bipod Mod · CrippleEm.png Cripple Em Mod · DrumMagazine.png Drum Magazine Mod · ForeGrip.png Fore Grip Mod · LaserSight.png Laser Sight Mod · MagazineExtender.png Magazine Extender Mod · MuzzleBrake.png Muzzle Brake Mod · PolymerString.png Polymer String Mod · ReflexSight.png Reflex Sight Mod · RetractingStock.png Retracting Stock Mod · ShotgunSawedOffbarrel.png Sawed-Off Shotgun Barrel Mod · Scope2X.png Scope 2x Mod · Scope4X.png Scope 4x Mod · Scope8X.png Scope 8x Mod · ShotgunChoke.png Shotgun Choke Mod · ShotgunDuckbill.png Shotgun Duckbill Mod · ModGunShotgunTubeExtenderMagazine.png Shotgun Tube Extender Mod · Silencer.png Silencer Mod · TriggerBurst.png Trigger Group: Burst Mod · TriggerAuto.png Trigger Group: Full Auto Mod · TriggerSemi.png Trigger Group: Semi Mod · WeaponFlashlight.png Weapon Flashlight Mod ·


BunkerBuster.png Bunker Buster Mod · ModMeleeDiamondTip.png Diamond Blade Tip Mod · DyeWhite.png Dye · ErgonomicGrip.png Ergonomic Grip Mod · FiremansAxeMod.png Fireman's Axe Mod · GraveDigger.png Grave Digger Mod · IronBreaker.png Iron Breaker Mod · ModFuelTankLarge.png Power Tool Large Tank Mod · ModFuelTankSmall.png Power Tool Small Tank Mod · StructuralBrace.png Structural Brace Mod · TemperedBlade.png Tempered Blade Mod · WoodSplitter.png Wood Splitter Mod ·


AdvancedMuffledConnectors.png Advanced Muffled Connectors Mod · DoubleStoragePocket.png Armor Double Pocket Mod · ModArmorPlatingBasic.png Armor Plating Mod · StoragePocket.png Armor Pocket Mod · TripleStoragePocket.png Armor Triple Pocket Mod · BallCap.png Ball Cap Mod · ModArmorPlatingReinforced.png Banded Armor Plating Mod · Bandolier.png Bandolier Mod · CoolingMesh.png Cooling Mesh Mod · CowboyHat.png Cowboy Hat Mod · CustomizedFittings.png Customized Fittings Mod · DyeWhite.png Dye · HelmetLight.png Helmet Light Mod · ImpactBracing.png Impact Bracing Mod · Improvedfittings.png Improved Fittings Mod · InsulatedLiner.png Insulated Liner Mod · MuffledConnectors.png Muffled Connectors Mod · PressboyCapWhite.png Press Boy Cap Mod · SkullCap.png Skull Cap Mod · WaterPurifier.png Water Purifier Mod ·


VehicleExpandedSeat.png Vehicle Expanded Seating Mod · VehicleFuelSaver.png Vehicle Fuel Saver Mod · VehicleOffRoadHeadlights.png Vehicle Off Road Highlights Mod · VehicleReserveFuelTank.png Vehicle Reserve Fuel Tank Mod · VehicleSuperCharger.png Vehicle Super Charger Mod ·
