Apartment Brick 6 Floors

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Apartment Brick 6 Floors
Ui game symbol skull red 5.png
Apartment Brick 6 Floors.png
A 6 story apartment
'Removed: '
Category Point of Interest

Coordinates 506 W, 467 S

Game Worlds

Navezgane Yes
Random World Generation Yes


Apartment Brick 6 Floors or apartment_brick_6_flr is a very large buildings standing at 6 stories tall with many outside trusses and tiered rooftop area. Only one exists in Navezgane. Many of the rooms within the have a complex layout to navigate. The method to traverse to the top can take a few in-game days depending on how much the player loots and how thorough the player is. The Rear Entrance can be considered the starting point and can be started there and appears to be an underground garage.




There are 2 types of Apartments.

Prefab Name Description
apartment_adobe_red_5_flr Apartment Adobe Red 5 Floors A 5 story Apartment Building made out of adobe.
apartment_brick_6_flr Apartment Brick 6 Floors A 6 story Apartment Building made out of brick.