Archery (Skill)

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Ui game symbol misc crafting.png
This page contains content no longer in the game.
This skill/perk was removed in Alpha 21.2.

Archery skill icon.png
Removed: Alpha 21.2
Attribute %Skills without a attribute
Group Weapons
Max level 100
Experience to level 150
Experience Multiplier
Experience Multiplier
Skill points to level 1
Skill points multiplier
Effects Entity Damage

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5


Do more damage with bows and crossbows. Gain Skill by using items from this group.

Archery (Skill) is one of the Skills in 7 Days to Die. A survivor can increase his Archery (Skill) level by hitting enemies or objects with bows. It is also possible to spend skill points in order to increase the level of this skill.

Level Multiply
1 - 5 1.00 - 1.04
5 - 11 1.04 - 1.07
11 - 19 1.07 - 1.10
19 - 32 1.10 - 1.14
32 - 49 1.14 - 1.19
49 - 70 1.19 - 1.23
70 - 100 1.23 - 1.28

Skill Group Items

The usage of the following items will improve this skill, and this skill will improve the usage of these items.

de:Bogenschießen (Fertigkeit)