Boar Barn Fields

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Boar Barn Fields
Ui game symbol skull red 2.png
Outside of barn_03
'Removed: '
Category Point of Interest

Coordinates 663 N, 235 W

Game Worlds

Navezgane Yes
Random World Generation Yes


Boar Barn Fields is one of 3 types of Barns, found in Navezgane across from Bob's Boars & Carl's Corn. This barn is medium sized with corn crops next to it. It is is very similar to Mason's Barn with the exception of the silo toward the rear of the barn.

This Point of Interest has potential for starting a personal corn crop since it has a fair amount of Corn Plants. It also has a small garden out front with Yucca and Blueberry plants.

Locations in Navezgane

There is only one Boar Barn Fields located at:

  • 663 N, 235 W

Locations in Random World Generation



There are 3 types of Barns.

Prefab Description
Hay Dude Fields A small wooden barn
Mason's Barn A medium sized barn
Boar Barn Fields Similar to Mason's Barn except with a silo
