Explosive Weapons (Perk)

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This page contains content no longer in the game.
This skill/perk was removed in Alpha 18.

Explosive Weapons (Perk)
"Specialize in explosive weapons to stun, cripple and dismember your foes."
Removed: Alpha 18
Attribute Perception
Group (!)Marksmanship%Unknown Group
Max level 5
Experience to level
Experience Multiplier
Experience Multiplier
Skill points to level
Skill points multiplier
Effects '
Required Player Level
Required Skill Name
  1. Perception
Required Skill Level
  1. 1,
  2. 3,
  3. 5,
  4. 7,
  5. 10
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

Perk Effects

Skill Level Perception Level Effect Description
1 1 Increase reload speed by 15%. 10% Faster aiming. 50% chance to stun enemies.
2 3 Increase reload speed by 20%. 20% Faster aiming. 100% chance to stun enemies.
3 5 Increase reload speed by 25%. 30% Faster aiming. 75% chance to cripple enemies.
4 7 Increase reload speed by 30%. 40% Faster aiming. 50% chance to dismember.
5 10 Increase reload speed by 35%. 50% Faster aiming. 100% chance to dismember.
