Fully Hydrated (Perk)

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This page contains content no longer in the game.
This feature was removed and exists only in previous versions of 7 Days to Die.

Fully Hydrated
Slows your thirst so you don't have to drink as much.
Removed: {{{removed_version}}}
Attribute Fortitude
Group Recovery
Max level 5
Experience to level
Experience Multiplier
Experience Multiplier
Skill points to level
Skill points multiplier
Effects Thirst Degradation
Required Player Level
Required Skill Name
  1. Fortitude
Required Skill Level
  1. 1,
  2. 3,
  3. 5,
  4. 7,
  5. 10
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

Requirements and Effects

Skill Level Fortitude Level Effect Description
1 1 Reduce water loss by 10%. Gain 20% more hydration from beverages.
2 3 Reduce water loss by 20%. Gain 40% more hydration from beverages.
3 5 Reduce water loss by 30%. Gain 60% more hydration from beverages.
4 7 Reduce water loss by 40%. Gain 80% more hydration from beverages.
5 10 Reduce water loss by 50%. Gain 100% more hydration from beverages.

de:Das Kamel (Fähigkeit)