Game Settings

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This page is about in-game settings. For video settings available through the Options tab, see Video Display Options.


The Game Settings are how the player can customize their game to their liking. The settings are located on the right side of the player's screen when creating a new world, or loading a previous world.


The Game Settings are represented by tabs that when clicked on will change the menu to the specified category. The current menus are General, Basic, Advanced, and Multiplayer.



Global region the server is located in. Selecting your proper region will allow for better server performance.

  • North America - East
  • North America - West
  • Central America
  • South America
  • Europe
  • Russia
  • Asia
  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • Oceania

Server Visibility:

Who will be able to see your hosted server.

  • Not Listed - No one will be able to join.
  • Friends Only - Only friends will be able to join.
  • Public - Anyone will be able to join. (Default)

Game Password:

Requires those who join to enter a password to gain entry.

Max Players:

Sets the maximum amount of players allowed in your game.

  • 1 Players
  • 2 Players
  • 4 Players
  • 8 Players (Default)
  • 16 Players

Difficulty Settings:

Changes the difficulty of the game.

ie. Enemy health, and damage dealt.

  • Scavenger (1): Easiest setting designed for noobs. - Easiest
  • Adventurer (2): Not just a new recruit any more. - Easy (Default)
  • Nomad (3): Designed for experienced FPS players. - Normal
  • Warrior (4): Now you're starting to impress. - Hard
  • Survivalist (5): Kids don't try this at home! - Harder
  • Insane (6): You're one brave Mother! - Hardest

Note: The serverconfig.xml file uses the numbers 0-5 (easiest to hardest) to determine difficulty. When viewing servers in the MP server browser, it uses the numbers 1-6 (easiest to hardest).

24 Hour Cycle:

How long 1 in game day takes.

  • 10 Minutes
  • 20 Minutes
  • 30 Minutes
  • 40 Minutes
  • 50 Minutes
  • 60 Minutes (Default)
  • 90 Minutes
  • 120 Minutes

Daylight Length:

How many hours in game that the sun will be out

  • 12 Hours
  • 14 Hours
  • 16 Hours
  • 18 Hours


Blood Moon Frequency:

How often a Blood Moon will happen in your world.

  • Disabled
  • 1 Days
  • 2 Days
  • 3 Days
  • 4 Days
  • 5 Days
  • 6 Days
  • 7 Days (Default)
  • 8 Days
  • 9 Days
  • 10 Days
  • 14 Days
  • 20 Days
  • 30 Days

Blood Moon Range:

The deviation that a Blood Moon can occur.

ie. if it is set to 3, a Blood Moon can happen up to 3 days later than usual.

  • 0 Days (Disabled) (Default)
  • 1 Days
  • 2 Days
  • 3 Days
  • 4 Days
  • 7 Days
  • 10 Days
  • 14 Days
  • 20 Days

Blood Moon Warning:

The time when the day number turns red to indicate a Blood Moon.

  • Disabled
  • Morning (Default)
  • Evening

Zombie Day Speed:

The speed of the zombies during the day time.

  • Walk - Zombies walk slowly. (Default)
  • Jog - Zombies speed up a bit, but remain relatively slow.
  • Run - Zombies run relatively quickly, about the speed of a walking player.
  • Sprint - Zombies run fast, about a player's sprint speed.
  • Nightmare - Zombies are considerably faster than a sprinting player.

Zombie Night Speed:

The speed of the zombies during the night time.

  • Walk - Zombies walk slowly.
  • Jog - Zombies speed up a bit, but remain relatively slow.
  • Run - Zombies run relatively quickly, about the speed of a walking player.
  • Sprint - Zombies run fast, about a player's sprint speed. (Default)
  • Nightmare - Zombies are considerably faster than a sprinting player.

Zombie Feral Speed:

The speed of feral zombies.

  • Walk - Zombies walk slowly.
  • Jog - Zombies speed up a bit, but remain relatively slow.
  • Run - Zombies run relatively quickly, about the speed of a walking player.
  • Sprint - Zombies run fast, about a player's sprint speed. (Default)
  • Nightmare - Zombies are considerably faster than a sprinting player.

Note: Feral Zombies are unaffected by Zombie Day and Night Speed.

Zombie Blood Moon Speed:

The speed of the zombies during a Blood Moon.

  • Walk - Zombies walk slowly.
  • Jog - Zombies speed up a bit, but remain relatively slow.
  • Run - Zombies run relatively quickly, about the speed of a walking player.
  • Sprint - Zombies run fast, about a player's sprint speed. (Default)
  • Nightmare - Zombies are considerably faster than a sprinting player.

Zombie Feral Sense:

Increases the zombies ability to detect a player.

  • Off (Default)
  • Day
  • Night
  • All

Persistent Profiles:

Controls if the player can switch characters on this world.

  • Off - The player can switch between characters. (Default)
  • On - The player can only use the character they first joined with.

XP Multiplier:

Scales the amount of player experience points received

  • 25%
  • 50%
  • 75%
  • 100% (Default)
  • 125%
  • 150%
  • 175%
  • 200%
  • 300%


Player Block Damage:

Scales the amount of damage the player deals on Blocks.

  • 25%
  • 50%
  • 75%
  • 100% (Default)
  • 125%
  • 150%
  • 175%
  • 200%
  • 300%

AI Block Damage:

Scales the amount of damage enemies deal on Blocks.

  • 25%
  • 33%
  • 50%
  • 67%
  • 75%
  • 100% (Default)
  • 125%
  • 150%
  • 175%
  • 200%
  • 300%

AI Blood Moon Block Damage:

Scales the amount of damage enemies deal on Blocks during a Blood Moon.

  • 25%
  • 33%
  • 50%
  • 67%
  • 75%
  • 100% (Default)
  • 125%
  • 150%
  • 175%
  • 200%
  • 300%

Loot Abundance:

Scales the amount of Loot the player can find in containers and zombies.

  • 25%
  • 33%
  • 50%
  • 67%
  • 75%
  • 100% (Default)
  • 125%
  • 150%
  • 175%
  • 200%

Loot Respawn Time:

The number of days it takes loot to respawn if there are no players present in the area.

  • Disabled
  • 5 Days
  • 7 Days (Default)
  • 10 Days
  • 15 Days
  • 20 Days
  • 30 Days
  • 40 Days
  • 50 Days

Note: Loot will only respawn in non player placed containers, and if the all of the following conditions are met. No player is near the container, the container must be empty, and the player has waited the specified time without opening the container.

Drop on Death:

Determines what is dropped when a player dies.

  • Nothing
  • Everything (Default)
  • Toolbelt Only
  • Backpack Only
  • Delete All

Drop on Quit:

Determines what is dropped when a player disconnects from the world.

  • Nothing (Default)
  • Everything
  • Toolbelt Only
  • Backpack Only

Blood Moon Count:

The amount of zombies per player that can be alive in a world during Blood Moons.

ie. If playing with two people and Blood Moon Count is 8, there will be 16 Zombies

  • 4 Enemies
  • 6 Enemies
  • 8 Enemies (Default)
  • 10 Enemies
  • 12 Enemies
  • 16 Enemies
  • 24 Enemies
  • 32 Enemies
  • 64 Enemies

Enemy Spawning:

Determines if zombies can spawn in the world

  • On - Zombies can spawn (Default)
  • Off - Zombies can not spawn

Air Drops:

Determines how often Air Drops will spawn in the world.

  • Disabled
  • Everyday
  • Every 3 Days (Default)
  • Every 7 Days

Cheat Mode:

Determines if Creative Mode and Creative Tools are allowed.

  • On
  • Off (Default)

Note: Using the Command Console, a player can activate Creative in game.

Mark Air Drops:

Determines if Air Drops are marked on map when spawned.

  • On (Default)
  • Off


Player Killing:

Determines the type PvP that is enabled.

  • No Killing: Players cannot damage one another under any circumstances.
  • Kill Allies Only: Players can only damage each other if both agree to it by adding each other to their Allies list using the in game players menu.
  • Kill Strangers Only: Players can damage each other UNLESS they are Allies. (Default)
  • Kill Everyone: Players can damage everyone, regardless of Allied status

Claim Size:

The size of a claim zone when a Land Claim Block is placed.

  • 21 Blocks - 21x21 Area
  • 31 Blocks - 31x31 Area
  • 41 Blocks - 41x41 Area (Default)
  • 51 Blocks - 51x51 Area
  • 71 Blocks - 71x71 Area

Note: A land claim zone reaches from the skybox to bedrock.

Claim Deadzone:

Determines how close other land claim blocks can be placed.

ie. If set to 30, there would need to be a 30 block gap in between the edges of the Land Claim.

  • No Deadzone
  • 5 Blocks
  • 10 Blocks
  • 15 Blocks
  • 20 Blocks
  • 30 Blocks (Default)
  • 40 Blocks
  • 50 Blocks

Claim Duration:

Determines the number of days a player can be offline before their Land Claim decays.

  • 1 Day
  • 2 Days
  • 3 Days
  • 4 Days
  • 5 Days
  • 7 Days (Default)
  • 10 Days
  • 30 Days

Claim Decay Mode:

How a land claim's hardness modifier decays over time.

ie. The longer a player is offline, the more the Claim Health is decreased.

  • Slow (Default)
  • Fast
  • None

Claim Health Online:

Determines the amount of health a block has within a Land Claim when the owner is online.

  • Infinite
  • 1x
  • 2x
  • 4x (Default)
  • 8x
  • 16x
  • 32x
  • 64x
  • 128x
  • 256x

Claim Health Offline:

Determines the amount of health a block has within a Land Claim when the owner is offline.

  • Infinite
  • 1x
  • 2x
  • 4x (Default)
  • 8x
  • 16x
  • 32x
  • 64x
  • 128x
  • 256x

Claim Offline Delay:

The time it takes for a Land Claim to transition from online to offline hardness.

  • 0 Minutes (Default)
  • 1 Minute
  • 5 Minutes
  • 10 Minutes
  • 20 Minutes
  • 30 Minutes
  • 60 Minutes

Bedroll Deadzone:

Determines how far away from the player's bedroll zombies can respawn.

  • No Deadzone
  • 5 Blocks
  • 15 Blocks (Default)
  • 30 Blocks

Bedroll Duration:

Determines how may days a bedroll stays active after the owner goes offline.

  • 3 Days
  • 7 Days
  • 15 Days
  • 30 Days
  • 45 Days (Default)
  • 60 Days

Party Shared Kill Range:

Determines the distance that XP will be shared to Allies.

  • Disabled
  • 100 Meters (Default)
  • 500 Meters
  • 1000 Meters
  • 5000 Meters
  • 10000 Meters

Note: One block roughly equals 1 meter.

Game Port:

The port number others use to connect to your server.


Below are screenshots of the default game settings when creating a new game.

Default settings in the "General" section of game creation.
Default settings in the "Basic" section of game creation.
Default settings in the "Advanced" section of game creation.
Default settings in the "Multiplayer" section of game creation.
