Heavy Metal (Perk)

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This page contains content no longer in the game.
This skill/perk was removed in Alpha 18.

Heavy Metal (Perk)
Smash your enemies like a wrecking ball by doing devastating power attacks
Removed: Alpha 18
Attribute Strength
Group (!)Melee Combat%Unknown Group
Max level 5
Experience to level
Experience Multiplier
Experience Multiplier
Skill points to level
Skill points multiplier
Effects 'Knock Down with Heavy weapons
Required Player Level
Required Skill Name
  1. Strength
Required Skill Level
  1. 1,
  2. 3,
  3. 5,
  4. 7,
  5. 10
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

Requirements and Effects

Skill Level Strength Level Effect Description
1 1 You have a 20% chance to knock down enemies with heavy weapons.
2 3 You have a 30% chance to knock down enemies with heavy weapons.
3 5 You have a 40% chance to knock down enemies with heavy weapons, 20% for power attacks to knock down nearby foes.
4 7 You have a 60% chance to knock down enemies with heavy weapons, 40% for power attacks to knock down nearby foes.
5 10 You have a 100% chance to knock down enemies with heavy weapons, 60% for power attacks to knock down nearby foes.
