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How to Help

Welcome to the 7 Days to Die Wiki! The following help section is created and edited by wiki users, just like the rest of the wiki.

Please consider these guidelines to facilitate the organization of the wiki. Thank you. (Administration).



  • Post any information you know that doesn't already exist in the article, or update existing, outdated information.
  • Post new articles with information not currently in the wiki, e.g. new items or new skills.
  • Post bug information in the Known Bugs article, not the specific item's or feature's article.
  • Use Talk page to discuss with other users about your opinions, questions and consults related with the article and sign your comments with the Signature button.

Do Not...

  • Delete contents of an entire page because the item or feature no longer exists in the game. See Help:Deleting for more information on how and when pages should be deleted.
  • Post bugs in another article that is not Known Bugs.
  • Post redundant information, that is duplicate information existent in the article, unless you want to highlight other non existent information.
  • Post speculative or personal opinions in articles. Use the Talk page instead.
  • Negate the information in the articles. If you think it's wrong, correct it, but if you are not sure, use the talk page instead.
  • Speak in first person, attribute contributions or sign in the articles. Please use neutrality. Also, try to reduce the amount of direct references to the reader (i.e saying 'you') unless it is a guide. Use things like 'player' or 'survivor' instead.
  • Create new articles with no information on it or are only a request for other users to fill it in. The article will be deleted as irrelevant. If you wish to start a page but don't know how, discuss the process with another user.
  • Post nonsensical, intentionally false information or spam. You willl be banned for that. Also, the spam articles will be deleted/reverted as soon as an admin detects it.

Are you...

Experienced with both 7 Days to Die and Wikis?

We need you! We have a new project started to bring the wiki up to date with all of the changes made in A13.

If you are keen to help, head over to the project page and see what all needs to be done.

Experienced with 7 Days to Die, but new to Wikis?

  • A wiki is designed to allow every user to edit its content. If you see something you think could be improved about the 7 Days to Die Wiki, improve it! Just click the "edit" tab at the top of most pages to edit their contents. You may have to sign up and/or log in before you'll see the "edit" tab - but it's free and takes under a minute to do so.
  • Don't be afraid to edit. Part of the wiki system is an integrated version tracking system, so there's never a fear of losing something. If you make a mistake, you or someone else can easily fix it - so take the initiative and make a change if you think it's useful. (Tip: when editing, you can also use the "Preview" button to check how the page will look before you save it!)
  • While it's not required reading, Help:Style guide has some handy pointers on how to format pages so they stay consistent with the rest of the wiki. Don't worry if you just want to make a small change, though - go ahead and do it; someone can always update it later if need be to make it consistent.
  • If you need a basic guide to the formatting syntax used for editing pages, take a look at the editing help page.
  • If you want to experiment with wiki code someplace other than an actual article page, you can use your own userpage, or the shared sandbox page.
  • Once you feel comfortable with Wiki syntax, feel free to start adding your 7 Days to Die knowledge to the many articles.

Experienced with Wikis, but new to 7 Days to Die?

  • The 7 Days to Die Wiki is designed to be a reference for all things 7 Days to Die-related. Feel free to create articles on topics as you encounter them, and of course to use the 7 Days to Die Wiki as a helpful guide to your 7 Days to Die experience.
  • If you've worked with Media-wiki's before, then all of the standard formatting will be familiar.
  • See Help:Style guide for some basic guidelines regarding article formatting.

New to everything?

  • If you're looking to find information, the best place to start is either browsing from the Main Page, or using the search box at the top of the page (Note: clicking "Go" will try to go to a page with the exact name you entered - if you want to look for keywords, click Search instead!).
  • If you don't find what you're looking for, remember that the 7 Days to Die Wiki is made up of articles contributed by its users - it might just be that no one has written about that topic yet! So create one!
  • If you want to contribute (perhaps you found a topic that didn't have any info when you were looking for it, and now you know more about it), go for it! The editing help page has the basics of how to use wiki formatting, and you can edit any page just by clicking the "edit" link at the top (you'll need to be logged in to see edit links, but creating an account is free and easy!). If you want to create a new page, just type the name in the search box on the left and click Go - if it doesn't exist, you'll be given the option to edit it as new.
  • Enjoy your exploration of 7 Days to Die!

Additional Help

If you need help with something related to the administration of the wiki, contact a admin.

de:Hilfe:Inhaltsverzeichnis es:Ayuda:Contenidos fr:Aide:Accueil it:Aiuto:Indice nl:Help:Inhoud pl:Pomoc:Spis treści ru:Справка:Содержание