Known Bugs: Console

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NOTE: This is not the bug submission portal This is simply a list created and managed by users for the purpose of publicly logging discovered bugs. The 7DTD forums are where you would go if you would like to submit a bug report to The Fun Pimps or to look for help fixing an issue.

This page is for detailing bugs related to the console versions of the game.

  • If the current version of a known bug is not listed here, feel free to add it. Please don't use a general section.
  • If you are not sure if you have found a valid bug or not, use this page's talk page to discuss it.
  • Please mark your posts with ` ~~~~ ` (creates a wiki signature). This way we can easily know who found this bug.
  • Please only categorize with the base version number, for example Alpha 9.3 and Alpha 9.7 would both fall under Alpha 9.
  • Bugs for PC can be logged on the Known Bugs page.

To save on space, we ask users to submit bugs in a neat order. Please submit bugs in the following format:

* Auger causes you to fly and not come down, you are unaffected and can pass through other blocks. - Alpha 9.3 ~~~~

This helps keep the table of contents to a minimal size instead of taking up most of the page already


  • XB - I believe update 1.12 for Xbox (supposed to fix things, changed med kit icon to have a medical symbol of that helps) and now, occasionally, supply crates will fall (usually if we don't go for them immediately or look to see them falling) they will fall 10-30 blocks below ground. (World was up before the update) 4/13/2017
  • XB1 - While playing multiplayer on Xbox one, I'm hosting and a friend joins. Around 20-30mins in he starts to just walk on the spot on my screen but on his screen everything is normal. A minute later he cant interact with anything, cant hurt me, hurt zombies, loot anything, nothing. He disconnects and it works for a bit sometimes it doesn't do anything. We have tried restarting consoles, new games, different characters. Nothing is working 16/1/2017 Tony
  • Xbox one - I can't join any friend online. It states that I'm joining the game but it disconnects me every time. I can only play single player but I cannot join nor invite any body to my game.
  • Xbox 1 Split Screen - Screen starts flashing slightly for 30 seconds then completely shuts down game. All built houses reset and all stored supplies disappear. Issues with getting crafting menu to pop up.

New glitch (splitscreen): When playing splitscreen after quitting your house is replaced with another house thus resulting in everything being deleted it only seems to be the New house 2/13/17

  • Xbox One - Was playing single player in a new survival game, day 4, respawned after some dogs f***ed player up and it was suddenly day 169. Have tried quitting/restarting game, unplugging console and dying/respawning again, to no avail. Weird. 05/09/2018
  • XB1: In a private server that my friend hosts, we will be walking around, or just standing still, and all of a sudden, he will die. Has happened at least 3 times, and he wasn't infected or anything like that.

XB1: In a Single Player game, it crashed to the main menu. Upon logging back in, part of the house I was living in reset to the prefab version, removing all chests and objects in that section.

Xbox1 the cursor for the inventory keeps getting stuck on the screen after looking inside chests thus stopping me from being able to move completely

XB1 - the cursor for the inventory keeps getting stuck on the screen after looking inside chests thus stopping me from being able to move completely

XB1 - Firing automatic weapons, using the chainsaw, and auger for more than 5 seconds will cause the sound of item used to be rendered in the last current place used indefinitely until used in another location for under the 5 second threshold. Usually heard by all players but occasionally heard by non users. 07/20/16

XB1 - I cant join a friends game, get stuck on “waiting for server“, then crash. Worked fine before the last update, now we cant play, none of us is playing as Miguel or Clint.

XB1 - While playing our doors to our house downgrades to a regular wooden door, when it was currently upgraded to its max, this is all in multiplayer split screen... Also since day 49, we have been attacked by feral and police zombies as well as 30 other zombies every night as we are on day 81 and we are still getting attacked every single night.

XB1 - After leaving loot menu of killed zombie the body will explode. This sometimes causes items not retrieved to be deleted. Also happens with treasure chests. 07/20/16

XB1 - Some killed zombies stay in standing position. 07/20/16

XB1 - Nail gun will randomly only upgrade certain blocks, using wrench or axe will usually reset it. 07/20/16

XB1 - Zombies killed by spikes will occasionally not allow you to interact with them. 07/2016 XB1 - game freezes and doesn't allow the game to load after 27 days

XB1 - zombies won't attack and you cannot attack them.

XB1 - When playing on a private server, if you exit out and then try to get back on the server this results in very long load times. I have been having an issue continuing a saved game on Xbox One. It goes through the load screen and gets stuck once it shows the "building environment" message in the center of the screen. This same error occurs on PS4 after one player disconnects from the host's game world. It appears to be loading in but the only thing that ever loads is the audio while the player is stuck "waiting for server".

XB1 - once chainsaw is activated the noise continues even after being stored.

XB1 - My friend can't seem to get back into my private server all it does is say waiting for server and he can only hear the noise of me punching blocks of where he once was 😢

XB1 - Disconnects on the multiplayer server after 10–30 minutes. Cannot save game. New server each time.

XB1 - When playing split-screen. Player 1 can die but will get a black screen and won't respawn. While player 2 respawns like normal. Player 2 can also see that player 1 is still alive laying on the ground. Player 1 can not be killed to trigger the respawn either. Seems the conditional statement of the programming does not set the player death correctly. It shows the death animation and blood then nothing.. This also corrupts the save where you can not load it again.

  • UPDATE ON PREVIOUS ERROR: You can avoid the whole black screen of death and save corruption by crafting a sleeping back with plant fiber. Game has not crashed and played it for hours.

XB1 - When going to continue a game. Load times become extremely long. More than 30 mins.

XB1 - Rendering issues consistent. Forced to restart game just to render the map especially when using the minibike. 7-3-16

XB1 - player made doors disappear in building and are replaced by default doors. Possibly caused by house not being rendered by a player at the time loot would reset for that building.

XB1 - Can not kill or loot zombies while weapons are equipped.

XB1 - Minibike disappears when jumping off while driving sometimes. I also somehow cloned my minibike which proceeded to replace my hotbar with the duplicated parts.

XB1: Game will freeze and upon return an entire area that has been modified for a base will be gone from bedrock to top of land this seems to have something to do with either campfires or forges removing great deals of work and causing me to consider retiring this game. This never happened prior to this newest 1.80 gb update.

XB1: after shooting an automatic firearm (AK47 and SMG) the sound of shooting will continue to play. It may go away after a bit. (Hasn't been tested


  • PS4 - While playing multiplayer on ps4 offline, player one force quit the gane while both of us were dying. Logged back in just for the character to die anyways, and player 2 could not log in anymore. One day later, character can be logged into but the enviornment never loaxs. and I think I changed the real time it takes for an in game day from 20 to 10. 1/6/17
  • Ps4 when on single player offline trying to look at character tab in inventory game crashes
  • Splitscreen ps4 - Building houses or fixing old ones causes roof to cave in
  • PS4 - I died on my spikes when I respawned; I keep getting health taken away. Now I keep dying as soon as I respawn.

PS4 game error occurred a couple times kicking all players in the world. Then the same thing happened, only this time after restarting the saved file, the area and house we built our dynasty in had respawned. Had to break down the door to get in and all content of the house had reverted to a default state. All trees and stones in the area respawned as well, completely overwriting anything that had been there. An entire corner of a player built structure would be missing and a boulder would be in its place. Or a player built bridge would have a tree replace a portion of it. Only occurred in the area near bed roll (and everything we had), tried to reload the file but, I assume it saved the condition of the world upon exiting and reloaded the file as such.

PS4 - Iron bars have glitched into place. Zombies can now run threw them and players can fall and walk threw them. When you go to break them it's as if nothing is there but they can not be replaced with more iron bars or other blocks.

PS4 - version1.0 glass panes don't act as a solid block fixed by update

PS4 - Blocks in player created structures disappear, unable to place new blocks where original blocks went missing, resulting in invisible boundaries that can't be removed or interacted with, players and zombies can still move through these boundaries as though nothing is there. Removing all blocks surrounding the boundaries has no effect, when water is poured over the top of the boundaries, the water simply stops dead upon meeting the boundary.

PS4 - Created a chest in a nuclear bunker, went scavenging and when I came back the chest had disappeared and my forge was broken

PS4 - Map Marker Deletion: Upon placing map markers, previous ones may disappear (yet still be active, just not on the map or tracker.) The previous marker icon replaces whatever the new one is supposed to be. Example: House icon is placed. Cave icon is placed. The original house icon is deleted, and the cave is now a house on both the map and tracker. 8/22/16

PS4 - Day 7 hordes may never spawn in sp maps.

PS4 - When getting water into a bucket or trying to place an error message appears for the game. This kicks the player out to the ps4 homescreen and shuts app fully. Playing on another friends map on online multiplayer. The buckets also disappear once another invite was sent but all other items were accounted for.

PS4 - Doors reappear after destroying them,and cannot be opened unless destroyed again.

PS4 - Firing automatic weapons, using the chainsaw, and auger for more than 5 seconds will cause the sound of item used to be rendered in the last current place used indefinitely until used in another location for under the 5 second threshold. Usually heard by all players but occasionally heard by non users. 07/20/16

PS4 - Some killed zombies stay in standing position. 07/20/16

PS4 - Currently playing day 79 and digging around my base. Render on some of the dirt isn't there causing the character to continue to hop up and down on nothing. I died on this spot and cannot find my bag. Sometimes if you place a block the game re-renders and shows the dug out as normal. If you then re-dig the block it again goes back to bottomless map. It seems to be a rendering issues on blocks when you dig them out.

PS4 - Audio cut out day 19 for brief moments, zombies make no noise, mining or attacking has no audio at first but cuts out again.

PS4 - When playing split screen, 7 day hordes (usually day 21 and above) will cause the frame rate to drop so low that it is nearly impossible to accomplish anything in the game. ~~~~Cujonaut 8/31/2016

PS4 - once chainsaw is activated the noise continues even after being stored.

PS4 - Driving the minibike causes a severe drop in frame rate on any given map.

PS4 - When driving the minibike into a burning forest biome on a survive map w/ cheat mode on, there is a chance of catching fire. After a few minutes of this, you will fly off the bike straight up into the air. The bike simultaneously falls straight down indefinitely. The game then crashes. Even after deleting the affected map, it seems as though none of your other maps will load.

PS4: Random disconnects from online server, every 10–20 minutes

PS4 - World does not render for non host players and they either fall through the map and must re log or they are thrown back 5 blocks from the non rendered map and must re log. 216-973-1605

PS4 - In some MP survival saves, no zombie hordes will spawn on the 14th night, 21st night, and onwards.(possibly just out of sync due to 18 hour days)

PS4 - Player freezes when they use the server players section of the inventory and must re log, they also are just known as Player by the server but others see them as their online ID.

PS4 - player made doors disappear in building and are replaced by default doors. Possibly caused by house not being rendered by a player at the time loot would reset for that building.

PS4 - Game does not load after death. Instead it locks up at a blank loading screen. Closing down the program and restarting results in a save game that no longer loads.

PS4 - Minibike disappeared parked on grass.

PS4 - Air drop indicator shown on compass as yellow marked but crate is nowhere to be found. I have two on one random gen map. Theses seem to persist indefinitely.

PS4 - When holding the handgun, opening doors and looting is almost impossible as the sweet spot to click on them is almost non-existent.

PS4: When playing on a private MP server with a friend, we were unable to access a door, 2 forges, 2 campfires, 4 storage boxes, and 1 hatch. This seems to have happened right after our night 14 horde, and after repairing our damages. I'm wondering if something we did while repairing the pre-built building glitched out an area in our base. Either way, major issue. It cost us all our smelting resources, parts, food, etc.

PS4 - Minibike disappears when jumping off while driving sometimes. I also somehow cloned my minibike which proceeded to replace my hotbar with the duplicated parts.

PS4 - House on lake is inaccessible. All of the wood blocks crash the moment player steps on one. Also cause some sort of glitch in the lake from that point forward. Building tunnel upwards from underneath and every block glitches and turns into hundreds of blocks then into debris.

PS4 - Went to a lake with a house and a bridge. Bashed a tire on the bridge deck and all hell broke loose. Sounded like the bridge collapsed but it didn't and the sound of water splashing played in infinity loop. Looked like the edge of the lake got a wave that tried to fill a bulge with water blocks. Had to hide in the house due to night fall, bad idea. The game eventually crashed and save game file is unloadable. It just loads and loads to the sound of splashing water then crashes. Clint as character. Single Player.

PS4: After the bridge incident I built a house from scratch by another lake. Suddenly a familiar sound of splashing water is heard without apparent reason. Game stalls to a crawl and crashes. Save unloadable just as before. Clint as character. Single Player.

PS4: Tried to fill out a side of a creek with dirt. All went well until blocks underneath was destroyed an a waterfall was created. Since I already got two corrupt save files due to water glitches (see two post above this one) I was eager to fill it out so the splashing blocks of death would't appear. But they did and again game crawls to a stall. I was able to run a couple of 100 meters from it and saved game but now I fear it too is unloadable. I'm beginning to get sick of this. 80–100 hours invested and all items and progress is lost again. 20160916

  • Update* The running away from the mess and then saving tactic worked! I got a strange three level creek now but rather that than an unloadable save.

PS4: When going to the other town then coming back, the house in the wilderness outside of cities and towns, and everything in it, just disappears. Note that the house collapsed several times, but I kept fixing it.

PS4: All sound from interacting with blocks is gone. Mining, breaking, upgrading etc. Occasionally will hear it once but then goes silent again. Other sounds seem to be working fine

PS4: If the game crashes while riding the minibike, the minibike may disappear after reloading the game. The game crashes often for unknown reasons when riding the minibike. Too often that it ruins the game for me.

PS4: While playing horde night's on private multiplayer, game slows down so much it is actually unplayable. Once horde is killed zombie corpse's are flashing in and out of screen and you are not able to interact with some of them horde night 21 no-show night 28 as above.

Ps4 no zombies or horde spawn anymore have made different worlds and it works for maybe 30 day or so then they stop spawning again Ps4 in version 1.0 glass panes placed show but aren't solid update fixes it

PS4: I can't save skill points. If I level up and get 5 skill points and not spend them if I level up again and get 5 points I won't have 10 points. I'll still have 5. If anyone has any info on how to fix this please let me know.