Miner Zombie

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This page contains content no longer in the game.
This enemy/NPC was removed in Alpha 16.

Miner Zombie

Removed: Alpha 16
Category Removed Zombie
Type Hostile%Hostile NPCs
Zombie Type
Drops Stick of Dynamite
Mining Helmet
Mining Equipment
Loot Container
Location Utility And Factory Locations


HP (Normal)
HP (Feral)
HP (Radiated)
HP (Legendary)
Entity Damage
Block Damage
Crit Ratio


The Miner Zombie was one of the variants of Zombies up until Alpha 16. These zombies died and turned long ago, evidence of this being the fact that their bodies are highly decomposed.


These Zombies are normal zombies with not a whole lot of HP or strength, but like all zombies they can stun you and cause trouble in groups. The Miner Zombie can be found in Utility And Factory Locations, as well as Blood Moon Hordes.

During night, the running behaviour is the same as all other zombies. If distance or sheer zombie numbers aren't a concern, scoring a headshot when it's running towards you can be slightly easier.


  • The Miner also had a small chance of having an Auger on his body when killed.