Poopy Pants Daycare

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Poopy Pants Daycare
In-game Screenshot
'Removed: '
Category Point of Interest

Coordinates 1825 S, 1919 E

Game Worlds

Navezgane Yes
Random World Generation

The Poopy Pants Daycare is a poi in Departure that was added, alongside the city, in Alpha 16. Poopy Pants Daycare is made up of 3 rooms. The main room is the first accessible room. It contains: 2 Bookcases, 2 Ovens, a Refridgerator and 11 Cabinets.

The Poopy Pants Daycare's other rooms are two bathrooms which contain one toilet, one Sink and a Cabinet each.

In a survival situation a player could easily climb up to the railings inside the building, temporarily keeping them safe from the zombies.


The level of loot in the Poopy Pants Daycare is average. In the Bookcases you can find schematics and magazines, and in the cabinets: food, water, resources and tools.