Rotting Carcass

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Zombie Carcass

Removed: {{{removed_version}}}
Category Zombie
Type Hostile
Zombie Type Normal, Feral, Radiated
Entity-ID 4
Drops Water Bottle
Loot Container 15, 38
Location Everywhere


HP (Normal) 150
HP (Feral) 285
HP (Radiated) 541
HP (Legendary) N/A
Entity Damage
Block Damage 0.075
Crit Ratio


Rotting Carcass, formerly Zombie Yo, is one of the variants of Zombies. These zombies died and turned long ago, evidence of this being the fact that their bodies are highly decomposed. The massive head trauma might have been the cause of death and it is a good visual characteristic that helps identifying this zombie.


These Zombies are normal zombies with not a whole lot of HP or strength, but like all zombies they can stun you and cause trouble in groups. The Rotting Carcass can spawn anywhere and is usually found in Day 7 hordes.

During night, the running behaviour is the same as all other zombies. If distance or sheer zombie numbers aren't a concern, scoring a headshot when it's running headfirst towards you can be slightly easier

Images (A13)

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