Stealth system Console

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In the 7 Days to Die Console, stealth mechanics are different than the PC build. Zombies are usually outside so you could sneak in the house and have no zombies chase you. Also, there is a system where when you crouch you can see if you are seen, unseen, sensed because you made noise, or getting hunted because you have meat and/or you are near them. In the PC build, you can see how stealthy you are, this is probably just an updated version of the seen, unseen, or getting hunted.

Meat makes you much less stealthy, both when standing and crouching, increasing detection radius. All variants of meat expect for Rotten Meat will do this. Rotten meat likely does not increase your detection radius, as zombies are comprised of it.

I am nowhere finished with this article and if you have something to add, go ahead.