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Why does this cost more than the Forge in materials? a crucible goes INSIDE a forge to smelt materials, if they wanted to make it harder to get, make it cost something unique (obtainable around the same time as you gain the levels to use it <+->1-2 levels.

I mean Forge : 60 Clay soil, 50 Small stones, bellows(super easy if you know what you need) and Iron pipes (pretty much a given if you break down sinks, toilets, or cars)

Crucible : 40 Forged Iron (geez, but maybe its for the framework of a mold?) 10 Mechanical parts (why?) 1200 Small Stone (thats 2400% of what it takes to make the forge) and finally...900 Clay soil (or 1500% of the forge's cost in soil)

in conclusion, this recipe either needs a unique item (to make it not a quick get, as those numbers are "supposed" to make it harder) or they just need to be reworked (make the forge cost like 600 soil and 400 stone + bellows and pipes...and the crucible like 300 Soil and 400 Stone + The forged Iron + 10 {or 200 sand}(mech parts...really? {maybe sand, as its a non heat conductive material})