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Could you also include in the effects of consumption the creation of an Empty Bottle, seeing how trying to keep hydrated becomes difficult as you can only stack 5 bottles of water and each bottle requires an empty glass jar to create.

I'm sure you are capable of pressing the edit button on the Bottled Water page and doing it yourself— Kuro (talk) 11:57, 13 September 2013 (UTC)
I think he is asking the developers to change the game so you get an empty glass bottle when drinking bottled water.— SyphonA1 (talk)
Aah, I thought he meant you could get empty jars since I've heard from a number of sources that you can when you drink water, regardless I added that you can "supposedly" get empty jars from drinking — Kuro(User:OOShinigamiOo)[ADMIN] (talk) 14:10, 13 September 2013 (UTC)

Changed Name

This seems to have been renamed into Boiled Water and can no longer be crafted with snowballs.
It looks like the current implementation is:
On campfire
snowball + empty water jar > murky water
murky water > boiled water
no cooking pot required for either.