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Duration and cure

I created this page based on buffs.XML. Based on that file, I don't see that there is a cure and since I haven't tested this in-game, I assume once you've triggered the debuff, you just wait it out. I also don't see how long one has to wait it out. The series of debuffs associated with the BDK are triggered by blood loss levels not available to the player (that I'm aware of). So I'm not sure how else to present this information.

If my assumptions are wrong, feel free to correct the page itself or correct me here and I'll update the page.

I based the page on buff id "bloodDrawWeak."

Raw XML data:

<buff id="bloodDrawTrigger" duration="1" actions="increment(BDKbloodLoss, 150, 1, 0, 0)" /> <!-- 1 default game hour = 150s -->
<buff id="bloodDrawDecay" duration="0" buffif="BDKbloodLoss greater 0" debuffif="BDKbloodLoss less 1" actions="increment(BDKbloodLoss, -10, 10, 0, 0)" />

<buff id="bloodDrawWarn" stack="discard" buffif="BDKbloodLoss greater 150" debuffif="BDKbloodLoss greater 300" duration="0"
	icon="ui_game_symbol_death" name_key="BDKWarning" description_key="BDKWarningDesc" tooltip_key="BDKWarningDesc" >
	<modify id="1" stat="stamina" amount="-.5" rate="1"/>
<buff id="bloodDrawDecayClear" duration="1" buffif="BDKbloodLoss less 150" debuffif="BDKbloodLoss greater 139" actions="debuff(bloodDrawWarn)"/>

<buff id="bloodDrawWeak" stack="discard" buffif="BDKbloodLoss greater 300" debuffif="BDKbloodLoss less 301" duration="0"
	icon="ui_game_symbol_death" name_key="BDKWarning" description_key="BDKWarningDesc" tooltip_key="BDKWarningDesc" >
	<modify id="0" stat="wellness" amount="-.6" rate="60" />
	<modify id="1" stat="stamina" amount="-2" rate="1"/>

GrayBeard_Actual (talk) 22:30, 20 April 2017 (UTC)