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Hello once again! So if you remember, a couple months ago I had asked you about helping the 7DTD wiki with animated crafting tables, and you suggested either using your javascript, or waiting for 1.21. And so I waited and here we are now. Now that we now have lua, would you care to help us? Our curse bureaucrat said that he will do whatever you need to help us get cycling crafting table images. Whether it be extensions or helping with css. Please help us, as it would help us out alot! Thanks!


Curse hasn't installed lua on our wiki yet so I haven't tested it, however the module should be working.Once you have the scribunto extension installed then I can either set it up for you, or give you instructions on how to do it. It's pretty simple, you just need to copy the module, change the template to invoke it and pop in a little js and css to do the actual animating part.