User:GrayBeard Actual/DPL Archive

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DPL Search and Count

"PRE" formatted to reduce DPL queries from the Sandbox.

|uses = Template:Grid/Crafting Table
|format=,|resultsheader=There are currently %TOTALPAGES% pages containing the crafting grid.

Create DPL search using new Template:Recipe

Version 2 (with phantom template + formatting from crafting/grid

Begin testing: February 3, 2016 Completed and implemented February 4, 2016

Once the query is ready to go live, change |allowcachedresults=false to true

"PRE" formatted to reduce DPL queries from the Sandbox.

|uses = Template:Recipe
|include = {infobox item}:image, {infobox item}:category, {Recipe} dpl, {infobox item}:unlocked
|secseparators = ¶¦ {{#if:,,|[[File:,|30px|link=%PAGE%]]|[[File:Placeholder.png|30px|link=%PAGE%]]}} [[%PAGE%]],¶¦,,¶¦,¶¦,
|multisecseparators = ,,<br>
|format={¦ class="wikitable sortable"¶!Item!!Category!! class="unsortable" ¦ Required Materials!!Unlocked Through,¶¦-,,¶¦}

DPL Search: Recent Edits

10 most-recent edits to pages matching these parameters:

"PRE" formatted to reduce the number of DPL queries from this Sandbox.

| category = Craftable_items
| notcategory = Removed_Items
| uses = Template:Grid/Crafting_Table
| ordermethod = lastedit
| order = descending
| addpagecounter = true
| count = 10
| addeditdate=true
| adduser=true

Wandering through this page, exploring ways to use DPL:

DPL Search: Marked for Deletion

"PRE" formatted to reduce DPL queries from Sandbox

 | category = Category:Candidates_for_deletion
 | ordermethod = lastedit
 | addeditdate=true
 | order = descending
 | addpagecounter = true
 | adduser=true
 | count=5

DPL Search: New Pages

"PRE" formatted to reduce the number of DPL queries from this Sandbox.

 | namespace=
 | ordermethod=created
 | order=descending
 | count=30


DPL Search: List Pages Using Template:Infobox_warning

Comleted February 10, 2016

Preparing to rename the template, as it's not an infobox.

 | uses = Template:Infobox_warning
 | allowcachedresults = yes

DPL Search: Recent Changes

All edits since 2/1/16, not user Mcwresearch:

 | namespace =
 | allrevisionssince=20160201
 | notmodifiedby=Mcwresearch
 | ordermethod = lastedit
 | order = descending
 | addeditdate = true
 | adduser=true

Good reference:

DPL Search: Stale Pages

 | namespace =
 | ordermethod = lastedit
 | order = descending
 | allrevisionsbefore=20151001
 | addeditdate = true
 | adduser=true

DPL Search: Meltable Items Producing Iron

Found on Iron_Ingot

This is a good candidate for a list page...


category = Meltable items
category = Scrap_Iron
uses= Template:infobox item
include = {infobox item}:image, {infobox item}:weight, {infobox item}:weight_forge
secseparators = \n|[[File:,|60px|link=%PAGE%]] [[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]],\n|,,\n|
format = {| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:50%"\n!Name!!Weight (lb)!!Forge Weight,\n|-

DPL Search: Removed Items Without Infobox Parameter

"Note that in combination with templates the regexp matching will only work if you produce some output at all via the include statement.[1]

Implementation here on Gamepedia seems to differ from DPL Manual in that after the template name in the "include" statement, you don't want a space before calling the results of a specific parameter.

Also, wasn't able to effectively use a regex number limiter such as {3,6} to limit the "." wildcard to between 3 - 6 characters. Matching any number of characters after the "=" works, albeit sloppily.


 | category = Removed_Items
 | uses = Template:infobox item
 | include = {infobox item}:removed
 | includematch= /\{{!}}\s*removed\s*=\s*.*/s
 | table = , Page, Version


 | category = Removed_Items
 | uses = Template:infobox item
 | include = {infobox item}:item-id
 | includenotmatch= /\{{!}}\s*removed\s*=\s*.*/s
 | table = , Page, Item-id

DPL Search: semi-auto weapons


 | category = Firearms
 | uses = Template:infobox item
 | include = {infobox item}:type
 | includematch= /\{{!}}\s*type\s*=\s*Semi-automatic\s*/s
 | table = , Page, type

This could be useful to detect unused parameters in the the beast (Template:Infobox_item)

List all "types" used in infoboxes (CPU-Costly and a big-honking table!)


 | uses = Template:infobox item
 | include = {infobox item}:type
 | table = , Page, type

List all buffs

Conditional within DPL to hide image gibberish if no image is provide. Must escape curlies and pipes[2]:


|category = Buffs
|include = {infobox buff}:image:type:hunger:thirst:health:stamina
|table = class="wikitable sortable",-,Name, Type, Hunger, Thirst, Health, Stamina
|tablerow = ²{#if: %% {{!}} [[File:%%|30px|link=%PAGE%]] }² [[%PAGE%]],%%

Very useful in solvoing:

escape character corresponding wiki character
« <
» >
²{ {{
\n newline
¦ |
{{!}} |
{{!!}} ||

