7 Days to Die Wiki/Bottom section

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7DtDLogoRed7.pngWiki News

Greetings all Survivalists. The Fun Pimps has released Version 1.0 experimental! We have started with edits. Choose a topic and update those pages.

Players can help us out by creating a Wiki.gg account and adding new content not yet found in the Wiki here. Correcting outdated info and stats is a big help. We are working to get the older Points of Interest to have current pictures. All Zombies have updated images for the current Alpha as seen here List of Zombies. Any little bit people can do or contribute to the Wiki is a big help. If you love the game as we do, take a second to update now and again. It goes a long way.

If any Admins from other 7 Days To Die Wiki are reading this message, consider messaging me to gather our images for sharing through this method: [1] You all can then take advantage of our already captured images of Zombies as well as POI imagery. Shared Repository is the way to go to launch your 7DTD Wiki to the most current models. You must be an Admin or you can apply to adopt a neglected 7DTD language Wiki here: [2]

Also we have worked with another member to open a new 7 Days To Die Wiki in Chinese. You can find it here: [3]



We are currently maintaining 8,637 pages (1,943 articles)!
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How to help
See how you can help contribute to the 7 Days to Die Wiki! Remember to maintain a standard for grammar and punctuation in your contributions, please.
Get invloved with our small community of editors on the discord: [4]!
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