Leather Tanning (Perk)

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This page contains content no longer in the game.
This skill/perk was removed in Alpha 16.

Leather Tanning (Perk)
No image yet
Removed: Alpha 16
Attribute %Skills without a attribute
Group Clothing
Max level 1
Experience to level
Experience Multiplier
Experience Multiplier
Skill points to level 10
Skill points multiplier
Required Player Level
Required Skill Name
  1. Leatherworking (Skill)
Required Skill Level
  1. 10
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

Leather Tanning (Perk) is a perk that allows you to craft Leather for use in Clothes.

  • Replaced in Alpha 16 by individual leather armor schematics.

de:Leder gerben (Fähigkeit)