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In 7 Days to Die, Perks are part of the Skills and Perks system and play a pivotal role in shaping the survival experience, offering players the opportunity to specialize and thrive in the unforgiving post-apocalyptic world. These Perks provide a diverse array of abilities and bonuses, ranging from enhancing combat prowess to improving resource management and crafting efficiency. Whether you aspire to be a master marksman, a cunning scavenger, or a proficient builder, the Perks system offers customization options that cater to various playstyles, ensuring each survivor can carve out their own path to survival amidst the zombie-infested wasteland.


There are 5 main Attributes: Perception, Strength, Fortitude, Agility, and Intellect, each having 10 levels and giving a bonus in that category with every level. The player starts with one level in all five attributes and can continue leveling them up at their discretion by spending skill points. Levels 2-5 cost one skill point each, levels 6-8 cost two skill points each, and the last two levels cost 3 points each.

Each of the main Attributes have its own Perks associated with it. These Attribute-Associated Perks have a prerequisite level of the Attribute which must be met in order to further advance levels in that Perk. Note that certain Drugs and other items can be used to increase attributes temporarily, which may allow a prerequisite to be met for a Perk. However, if the Drug or item effect wears off, and the character no longer meets the prerequisites for a given Perk level, they lose the benefit of that Perk level until they again meet the prerequisite.

Most Perks require the exact same Attribute levels, but there are exceptions.

Perk Requirement Levels
Skill Level Most Perks Lucky Looter &

Salvage Operations

Pack Mule Miner 69'er & Mother Lode Robotics Inventor Advanced Engineering Grease Monkey
1 Attribute 1 Perception 1 Strength 1 Strength 1 Intelligence 3 Intelligence 1 Intelligence 2
2 Attribute 3 Perception 2 Strength 2 Strength 2 Intelligence 5 Intelligence 4 Intelligence 4
3 Attribute 5 Perception 3 Strength 3 Strength 3 Intelligence 6 Intelligence 6 Intelligence 6
4 Attribute 7 Perception 5 Strength 4 Strength 5 Intelligence 8 Intelligence 8 Intelligence 8
5 Attribute 10 Perception 7 Strength 5 Strength 7 Intelligence 10 Intelligence 10 Intelligence 10

Attribute-Associated Perks

PerceptionAttribute.png Perception Attribute

Perception is the measure of your sensory awareness. Level one of this perk gives 200% headshot damage to spears, rifles and explosive weapons. Levels 2-8 increase headshot damage by 10% and chance to dismember by 5%. Levels 9 and 10 increase headshot damage by 15% and dismember chance by 5%. It's split into three subcategories with various perks related to combat, general perception, and scavenging.

MarksmanshipPerks.png Combat Perks
DeadEye.png Dead Eye "Specialize in taking keen aim with rifles and wasting your target with an expertly-placed bullet. One shot, one kill."
ExplosiveWeapons.png Demolitions Expert "Specialize in explosive weapons to stun, cripple and dismember your foes."
SpearMaster.png Spear Master "Learn to inflict more damage and slow your enemies with powerful attacks."
FlurryOfBlows.png Quick and Perceptive "You are quick and perceptive. Improve attack speeds with spears."
PerceptionAttribute.png General Perception Perks
PerceptionAttribute.png The Infiltrator "Use your heightened senses to take less damage from traps."
AnimalTracker.png Animal Tracker "Learn to detect and track animals within 100m and never go hungry."
PaintCopyBlock.png The Penetrator "You find weak spots in a target's armor and can use AP rifle bullets to shoot through multiple organic targets."
ScavengingPerks.png Scavenging Perks
LuckyLooter.png Lucky Looter "Specialize in tracking down the motherlode, and maybe getting a little extra for your trouble. You find better loot with every perk level."

Treasure icon.png Treasure Hunter

"Become one of the greatest treasure hunters of all time learning tricks that would even make Blackbeard envious."
SalvageOperations.png Salvage Operations "Waste not, want not! Salvage items for more resources with a wrench, ratchet, or impact driver."

StrenghtAttribute.png Strength Attribute

Strength is the measure of your muscular might. Level one of this perk gives 200% headshot damage to shotguns, clubs and sledgehammers. Levels 2-8 increase headshot damage by 10% and chance to dismember by 5%. Levels 9 and 10 increase headshot damage by 15% and dismember chance by 5%. It's split into three subcategories with various perks related to combat, general strength, and construction.

MarksmanshipPerks.png Combat Perks
ShotgunMessiahPerk.png Boomstick "Specialize with shotguns and send your enemies to meet their maker. Do more damage, blow limbs off, shoot and reload faster."
StayDown.png Pummel Pete "Specialize in knocking your foes senseless with clubs and bats."
HeavyMetal.png Skull Crusher "Specialize in destroying enemies with heavy weapons like sledgehammers."
FlurryOfBlows.png Big and Fast "You are not just strong, but you are fast as well. Increase club and sledgehammer speeds."
StrenghtAttribute.png General Strength Perks
HeavyArmor.png Heavy Armor "Specialize in shielding yourself with iron and steel, becoming an unstoppable behemoth on the battlefield."
PackMule.png Pack Mule "You're a pack mule and can carry more items in your inventory without suffering movement penalties."
MasterChef.png Master Chef "Create more filling meals with advanced benefits and learn to cook faster."
ConstructionPerks.png Construction Perks
Miner69er.png Miner 69’er "Maximize your mining efforts by increasing tool damage to bring down rocks and trees faster."
MotherLode.png Mother Lode "Harvest more resources and bring home the mother lode."

FortitudeAttribute.png Fortitude Attribute

Fortitude is the measure of your physical resilience. Level one of this perk gives 200% headshot damage to fists and machine guns. Levels 2-8 increase headshot damage by 10% and chance to dismember by 5%. Levels 9 and 10 increase headshot damage by 15% and dismember chance by 5%. It's split into three subcategories with various perks related to combat, survival, and recovery.

MarksmanshipPerks.png Combat Perks
TheBrawler.png The Brawler "Learn martial arts and use your fists to stun, knock down, disarm and ragdoll your opponent.
AutomaticWeapons.png Machine Gunner "Become a commando using automatic weapons to slay your foes."
FlurryOfBlows.png Lightning Hands "Pulverize your enemies with faster brawling strikes."
SurvivalPerks.png Survival Perks
Archery.png The Huntsman "Specialize in hunting your prey and harvesting more meat, bone and leather."
WellInsulated.png Well Insulated "Specialize in using a combination of clothing and natural resilience to weather even the harshest of environments."
LivingOffTheLand.png Living Off The Land "Specialize in harvesting more crops using your hands or a tool."
PainTolerance.png Pain Tolerance "Specialize in shrugging off blows, fighting through pain and staying in the fight when others would be down for the count."
RecoveryPerks.png Recovery Perks
HealingFactor.png Healing Factor "Specialize in boosting your natural healing rates as long as you're not starving."
SlowMetabolism.png Iron Gut "Specialize in gastrointestinal health to reduce chance of food poisoning and nutrient uptake to use less calories and oxygen swimming."
Cardio.png Rule 1: Cardio "Train your body in number one tactic against the zombie menace: Running away from them."

AgilityAttribute.png Agility Attribute

Agility is the measure of your athletic prowess. Level one of this perk gives 200% headshot damage and have a 5% chance to dismember with bows, handguns, and knives. Levels 2-8 increase headshot damage by 10% and chance to dismember by 5%. Levels 9 and 10 increase headshot damage by 15% and dismember chance by 5%. It's split into three subcategories with various perks related to combat, athletics, and stealth.

MarksmanshipPerks.png Combat Perks
Archery.png Archery "Master the use of bows and crossbows."
Gunslinger.png Gunslinger "Settle your disputes the old way and be a gunslinger in the apocalypse. Master the use of handguns and SMG. Unlocks pistol crafting."
DeepCuts.png Deep Cuts "Specialize in using bladed weapons like knives or machetes (not axes) to bleed your foes dry."
FlurryOfBlows.png Whirlwind "Learn to swing your blades fast and become a whirlwind of destruction and carnage."
AthleticPerks.png Athletic Perks
RunAndGun.png Run and Gun "Improve your hip fire accuracy and run faster while reloading any ranged weapon."
LightArmor.png Light Armor "Specialize in light armor to increase armor rating and armor durability."
Parkour.png Parkour "Specialize in acrobatically getting anywhere you want to go, no matter how far up or far down that may be."
StealthPerks.png Stealth Perks
HiddenStrike.png Hidden Strike "Specialize in catching your enemies unaware while you are sneaking and they are resting or wandering aimlessly."
FromTheShadows.png From The Shadows "Specialize in sneaking around in the dark and making less noise in general."

IntellectAttribute.png Intellect Attribute

Intellect is the measure of your mental ability. Increasing Intellect improves head shot damage with intellect governed weapons such as Robotic turrets and stun batons. Level one of this perk gives 200% headshot damage and have a 5% chance to dismember with stun batons and Robotic turrets. Levels 2-8 increase headshot damage by 10% and chance to dismember by 5%. Levels 9 and 10 increase headshot damage by 15% and dismember chance by 5%. It's split into three subcategories with various perks related to combat, incluence, and general intellect.

MarksmanshipPerks.png Combat Perks
Electrocutioner.png Electrocutioner "Learn how to use stun batons more effectively. Incapacitate your victims easier and do more damage."
TurretsSyndrome.png Robotics Inventor "You are fascinated with robotics. Learn to use and craft deployed weapons."
FlurryOfBlows.png Calculated Attack "Use your intellect to determine the shortest trajectory to the target and effectively increase attack speed with batons."
InfluencePerks.png Influence Perks
BetterBarter.png Better Barter "Specialize in convincing area traders to give you a better deal and open up their secret stashes of the really good stuff."
TheDaringAdventurer.png The Daring Adventurer "Be a daring adventurer! Get better rewards for doing quests."
CharismaticNature.png Charismatic Nature "You are an inspiration to your allies, increasing their combat prowess."
CraftsmanshipPerks.pngGeneral Intellect Perks
Physician.png Physician "Use medicine and health items more effectively."
AdvancedEngineering.png Advanced Engineering "Engineer advanced items such as workbenches, electrical items and traps and craft 20% faster on workbenches."

GreaseMonkey.png Grease Monkey

"Learn to build vehicles from junk in the wasteland! Vehicles can be assembled from parts without this perk."
LockPicking.png Lock Picking "Learn to pick locks faster and break less lock picks."

Book Perks

There are many other Perks that are not directly associated with character Attributes. These Book Perks cannot be purchased using skill points and are only able to be obtained by reading the various Perk Books found throughout the game world. Each volume of the various Perk Books unlocks a permanent Perk that provides a specific benefit to various aspects of gameplay. These Perk Books do not need to be read in any particular order. Read all the volumes in a series and receive a special collector's perk.


What skills to get first, keep in mind that you can get enough points to max out every skill.

de:Fähigkeiten pl:System_umiejętności es:Habilidades