Weapon Smithing (Skill)

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This page contains content no longer in the game.
This skill/perk was removed in Alpha 16.0.

Weapon Smithing
Weapon smithing.png
Removed: Alpha 16.0
Attribute %Skills without a attribute
Group Weapons
Max level 100
Experience to level
Experience Multiplier
Experience Multiplier
Skill points to level 1
Skill points multiplier
Effects Crafting Time
Crafting Quality
Repair Time
Repair Amount
Repair Quality Loss

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5


Craft bows, arrows and handheld melee weapons faster and with better quality. Decrease repair penalties and get more from repair kits. Gain skill by crafting and repairing items from this group

Weapon Smithing (Skill) is one of the Skills in 7 Days to Die. A survivor can increase his Weapon Smithing (Skill) level by crafting and repairing weapons, including both melee weapons and ranged weapons. It is also possible to spend skill points on this skill to increase its level.

Attribute \ Level 1 - 5 5 - 11 11 - 19 19 - 32 32 - 49 49 - 70 70 - 100
Crafting Time 100 - 93.1% 93.1 - 87.1% 87.1 - 81.3% 81.3 - 74.1% 74.1 - 66.7% 66.7 - 59.1% 59.1 - 50.0%
Crafting Quality 1 - 69 69 - 129 129 - 187 187 - 259 259 - 334 334 - 409 409 - 500
Repair Quality Loss 1.67 - 1.464 1.464 - 1.283 1.283 - 1.109 1.109 - 0.892 0.892 - 0.668 0.668 - 0.440 0.440 - 0.167

It is unknown currently what the Repair Quality Loss figure represents, these figures are completely different from the similar Gun Smithing (Skill). Repair Time and Repair Amount have a different progression to the previous three attributes.

Attribute \ Level 1 - 10 10 - 20* 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70 70 - 80 80 - 90 90 - 100
Repair Time 100 - 70% 70 - 61% 61 - 54% 54 - 48% 48 - 43% 43 - 39% 39 - 35% 35 - 31% 31 - 28% 28 - 25%
Repair Amount 1 - 21 21 - 27 27 - 31 31 - 35 35 - 38 38 - 41 41 - 43 43 - 46 46 - 48 48 - 50

*Note: the levels overlap as defined by the progression.xml file, i.e. 1-10 and 10-20 where level 10 is included in both. It is unclear if the overlapped levels have a larger spread. For example, according to the xml file, level 10 has both a crafting time of 100-70% and 70-61%. That could mean at level 10, one has a broader range, from 100-61%.

Skill Group Items

The crafting or repairing of the following items will improve this skill, and this skill will improve the quality of these crafted items.

de:Waffenschmied (Fertigkeit)