Blood Loss Advanced

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This status effect was removed in Alpha 18.

Blood Loss Advanced
Critical icon.png
Removed: Alpha 18
Category Status Effect
Type Negative
Caused by Blood Draw Kit
Cured by
Leads to
Overall Duration
Effect on Fullness
Effect on Hydration
Effect on Health
Damage caused
Effect on Stamina -2 every second
Effect on Wellness -0.6 every 60 seconds
Cold Resist
Heat Resist
Effect on Temperature °F, 0°C

Stun Resist
Damage Resist
Other Effects
Stack (Cumulative) Effects


Blood Loss Advanced is a negative buff that is applied when using a Blood Draw Kit three or more times in quick succession. While at beginning it only drains Stamina, applying Blood Draw Kit again will cause the debuff duration to lengthen and draw on Wellness.

Generally it can be avoided by simply not using Blood Draw Kits in quick succession (less than 2.5 minutes interval).


User Killermoench explains mechanic (alpha 15.1) on Steam Forum as follows (edited by Zacha for better english and structure):

Blood Draw Kit rises the bloodloss value by 150. Bloodloss value decreases by 10 every 10 seconds. If bloodloss value is greater than 150 you lose 0.5 stamina per second until bloodloss value is equal or less than 150. If it is greater than 300 you lose 2 stamina per second and 0.6 wellness per minute until bloodloss is equal or less then 300.
So this means, use Blood Draw Kit every 150 seconds, you have only HP reduction. When you use the Blood Draw Kit a second time before 150 seconds have passed, then comes the first drawback with stamina loss (Blood Loss). With a third use before the first 150 seconds run out, the second drawback comes with an additional wellness loss (Blood Loss Advanced).