Craftable food/cooking

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Item Required Items Workstation Unlocking Schematic Unlocking Skill
FoodBaconAndEggs.png Bacon and Eggs

Raw Meat  x5, Egg  x2

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
FoodBakedPotato.png Baked Potato

Potato  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
DrinkJarBeer.png Beer

Hops Flower  x4, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
DrinkJarBlackStrapCoffee.png Blackstrap Coffee

Coffee Beans  x1, Water  x1, Gun Powder  x5

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
FoodBlueberryPie.png Blueberry Pie

Blueberries  x5, Egg  x1, Corn Meal  x1, Animal Fat  x1, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
BlueberrySeed.png Blueberry Seed

Blueberries  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodEggBoiled.png Boiled Egg

Egg  x1, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodBoiledMeat.png Boiled Meat

Raw Meat  x5, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
Campfire.png Campfire

Small Stone  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodCanSham.png Can of Sham

Rotting Flesh  x5, Bone  x5, Animal Fat  x5

Template:Recipe workstation Shamway Secret Recipe Master Chef
FoodCharredMeat.png Charred Meat

Raw Meat  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
ChemistryStation.png Chemistry Station

Beaker  x1, Forged Iron  x100, Cooking Pot  x3, Short Iron Pipe  x30, Bottle of Acid  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodChiliDog.png Chili Dog

Can of Chili  x1, Raw Meat  x5, Corn Bread  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
ChrysanthemumSeed.png Chrysanthemum Seed

Chrysanthemum Flower  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
DrinkJarCoffee.png Coffee

Water  x1, Coffee Beans  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
CoffeeBean.png Coffee Seed

Coffee Beans  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
CookingGrill.png Cooking Grill

Iron (Forge)  x25, Clay (Forge)  x5

Template:Recipe workstation Advanced Engineering
CookingPot.png Cooking Pot

Iron (Forge)  x25, Clay (Forge)  x5

Template:Recipe workstation Advanced Engineering
FoodCornBread.png Corn Bread

Corn Meal  x1, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
CornMeal.png Corn Meal

Ear of Corn  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
CornSeed.png Corn Seed

Ear of Corn  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
DewCollector.png Dew Collector

Scrap Polymers  x100, Short Iron Pipe  x4, Duct Tape  x4

Template:Recipe workstation
FarmPlot.png Farm Plot

Wood  x4, Rotting Flesh  x10, Nitrate Powder  x25, Clay Soil  x100

Template:Recipe workstation Living Off The Land
FoodFishTacos.png Fish Tacos

Can of Salmon  x1, Corn Meal  x2

Template:Recipe workstation
GoldenrodSeed.png Goldenrod Seed

Goldenrod Flower  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
DrinkJarGoldenRodTea.png Goldenrod Tea

Water  x1, Goldenrod Flower  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
DrinkJarGrandpasAwesomeSauce.png Grandpa's Awesome Sauce

Duke's Casino Token  x50, Jar of Honey  x5, Mushrooms  x5, Gas Can  x10, Ear of Super Corn  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
DrinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir.png Grandpa's Learn'n Elixir

Can of Dog Food  x2, Red Tea  x2, Bottle of Acid  x1, Beer  x1, Ear of Super Corn  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
DrinkJarGrandpasMoonshine.png Grandpa's Moonshine

Corn Meal  x5, Beer  x1, Blueberries  x5, Bottle of Acid  x1, Ear of Super Corn  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
GrassSeed.png Grass Seed

Plant Fibers  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodCornOnTheCob.png Grilled Corn

Ear of Corn  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodGrilledMeat.png Grilled Meat

Raw Meat  x5

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
FoodGumboStew.png Gumbo Stew

Large Beef Ration  x1, Can of Peas  x1, Can of Stock  x1, Animal Fat  x3, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
FoodHoboStew.png Hobo Stew

Rotting Flesh  x10, Potato  x2, Ear of Corn  x2, Animal Fat  x1, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
HopSeed.png Hop Seed

Hops Flower  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodMeatStew.png Meat Stew

Raw Meat  x5, Potato  x2, Ear of Corn  x2, Animal Fat  x1, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
MushroomSeed.png Mushroom Spore Seed

Mushrooms  x5, Clay Soil  x2

Template:Recipe workstation
PotatoSeed.png Potato Seed

Potato  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodPumpkinBread.png Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin  x1, Corn Meal  x1, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodPumpkinCheesecake.png Pumpkin Cheesecake

Pumpkin  x1, Egg  x1, Corn Meal  x1, Animal Fat  x1, Beer  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodPumpkinPie.png Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin  x2, Egg  x1, Corn Meal  x1, Animal Fat  x1, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
PumpkinSeed.png Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin  x5

Template:Recipe workstation
DrinkJarPureMineralWater.png Pure Mineral Water

Water  x1, Coal  x1, Goldenrod Flower  x1, Chrysanthemum Flower  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
DrinkJarRedTea.png Red Tea

Water  x1, Chrysanthemum Flower  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodShamChowder.png Sham Chowder

Can of Sham  x1, Potato  x2, Ear of Corn  x2, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
FoodShepardsPie.png Shepards Pie

Lamb Rations  x1, Can of Peas  x1, Ear of Corn  x1, Animal Fat  x3, Potato  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
FoodSpaghetti.png Spaghetti

Large Beef Ration  x1, Can of Pasta  x1, Mushrooms  x1, Animal Fat  x3, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
FoodSteakAndPotato.png Steak and Potato Meal

Raw Meat  x5, Potato  x2, Mushrooms  x2, Animal Fat  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
GraceCornSeed.png Super Corn Seed

Ear of Super Corn  x5

Template:Recipe workstation Super Corn (Seed) Recipe
FoodTunaFishGravyToast.png Tuna Fish Gravy Toast

Can of Tuna  x1, Corn Meal  x1, Corn Bread  x2, Animal Fat  x3, Can of Peas  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
FoodVegetableStew.png Vegetable Stew

Potato  x2, Ear of Corn  x2, Mushrooms  x2, Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water

Murky Water  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
DrinkJarYuccaJuice.png Yucca Juice

Water  x1, Yucca Fruit  x1

Template:Recipe workstation
DrinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie.png Yucca Juice Smoothie

Yucca Fruit  x4, Blueberries  x4, Snowball  x1

Template:Recipe workstation Master Chef
YuccaSeed.png Yucca Seed

Yucca Fruit  x5

Template:Recipe workstation

de:Fertigbare Nahrung/Kochen