List of Skills

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This is a list of all the items (by Infobox item) that have been updated and confirmed to be in Category:Version Alpha 17 Skills. Note: Confirmed means that the details have been confirmed to be accurate in version Alpha 17.

Name Group Perk Added Removed Updated Last Confirmed
SlowMetabolism.png Slow Metabolism (Perk) Recovery Yes Alpha 17 Alpha 17

To be Confirmed

This is a list of all the items (by Infobox item) that need to be updated to be confirmed to be in Category:Version Alpha 15 Items. Note: Confirmed means that the details have been confirmed to be accurate in version Alpha 15. It is expected that this list will get shorter and the following list will get longer.

Name Group Perk Added Updated Last Confirmed
AdvancedEngineering.png Advanced Engineering Craftsmanship Alpha 17 Alpha 17
AnimalTracker.png Animal Tracker General Perception Alpha 18 Alpha 18
Archery.png Archery Combat Alpha 17 Alpha 17
Forge icon.png Armor Smithing (Perk) clothing Alpha 16.3
Resource icon.png Bad Mechanic (Perk) Y Alpha 16
BetterBarter.png Better Barter Influence
FlurryOfBlows.png Big and Fast Combat
ShotgunMessiahPerk.png Boomstick Combat Alpha 17 Alpha 18
FlurryOfBlows.png Calculated Attack Combat
CharismaticNature.png Charismatic Nature Influence
Armor iron icon.png Clothing / Armor (Skill) clothing Alpha 16
Resource icon.png Construction Tools (Skill) tools Alpha 16.3
DeadEye.png Dead Eye Combat
DeepCuts.png Deep Cuts Combat Y Alpha 17 Alpha 17
ExplosiveWeapons.png Demolitions Expert Combat
Electrocutioner.png Electrocutioner Combat Alpha 18
FromTheShadows.png From The Shadows Stealth Alpha 17 Alpha 17.4
GreaseMonkey.png Grease Monkey Craftsmanship Alpha 18
Gunsmithing skill icon.png Gun Smithing (Perk) crafting Alpha 16.3
Gunslinger.png Gunslinger Combat Alpha 17 Alpha 18.2
Pistol skill icon.png Handguns (Skill) Firearms Alpha 16
HealingFactor.png Healing Factor Recovery Alpha 17 Alpha 17
Run icon.png Health Nut (Perk) health y Alpha 14 Alpha 16.3
HeavyArmor.png Heavy Armor General Strength Alpha 17 Alpha 17.4
HiddenStrike.png Hidden Strike Stealth Alpha 17 Alpha 17
IntrinsicImmunity.png Intrinsic Immunity (Perk) Survival Y Alpha 17 Alpha 17
SlowMetabolism.png Iron Gut Recovery Alpha 18
LightArmor.png Light Armor Athletic Alpha 17 Alpha 17
FlurryOfBlows.png Lightning Hands Combat
LivingOffTheLand.png Living Off The Land Survival Alpha 17 Alpha 18
LockPicking.png Lock Picking Craftsmanship Alpha 18 Alpha 19
LuckyLooter.png Lucky Looter Scavenging Alpha 18 Alpha 18
AutomaticWeapons.png Machine Gunner Combat Alpha 17
MasterChef.png Master Chef General Strength Alpha 17 Alpha 17
Mining skill icon.png Miner 69er Construction Alpha 17
Mining skill icon.png Mining Tools (Skill) tools Alpha 16.3
DoItYourself.png Miscellaneous Crafting (Skill) Crafting Alpha 16.3
MotherLode.png Mother Lode Construction Alpha 17 Alpha 17
PackMule.png Pack Mule General Strength Alpha 17 Alpha 17
PainTolerance.png Pain Tolerance Survival Alpha 17 Alpha 17
Parkour.png Parkour Athletic Alpha 17 Alpha 17
Physician.png Physician Craftsmanship Alpha 17
StayDown.png Pummel Pete Combat Alpha 19.4
FlurryOfBlows.png Quick and Perceptive Combat
RangedTraps.png Ranged Traps (Perk) science yes Alpha 16
Rifle skill icon.png Rifles (Skill) Firearms Alpha 16.3
TurretsSyndrome.png Robotics Inventor Combat
Cardio.png Rule 1: Cardio Recovery Alpha 17 Alpha 17
RunAndGun.png Run and Gun Athletic Alpha 17 Alpha 17
SalvageOperations.png Salvage Operations Scavenging Alpha 17 Alpha 18
Loot sack icon.png Scavenging (Skill) scavenging Alpha 16.3
HeavyMetal.png Skull Crusher Combat Alpha 17 Alpha 18
SlowMetabolism.png Slow Metabolism (Perk) Recovery yes Alpha 17 Alpha 17
SpearMaster.png Spear Master Combat Alpha 18 Alpha 18
TheBrawler.png The Brawler Combat Alpha 18 Alpha 18
TheDaringAdventurer.png The Daring Adventurer Influence
Archery.png The Huntsman Survival Alpha 17 Alpha 17
PerceptionAttribute.png The Infiltrator General Perception Alpha 18 Alpha 19
PaintCopyBlock.png The Penetrator General Perception Alpha 18 Alpha 18
Treasure icon.png Treasure Hunter Scavenging Alpha 18
WellInsulated.png Well Insulated Survival Alpha 17 Alpha 17
FlurryOfBlows.png Whirlwind Combat