Trader Rekt

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Trader Rekt

Specialty Food and Seeds
Biome Pine Forest
Shop Name Rekt Feeds

Trader Rekt is a Trader in 7 Days to Die.


Located in the Pine Forest, Rekt specializes in Food and Seeds.


Items Count
Items Count
All Ammo
Items Count
Arrows and Bolts
Items Count Trader Stage
Arrow.png Stone Arrow 2-60 1+
CrossbowBolt.png Stone Crossbow Bolt
IronArrow.png Iron Arrow 10+
IronCrossbowBolt.png Iron Crossbow Bolt
SteelArrow.png Steel Arrow 25+
SteelCrossbowBolt.png Steel Crossbow Bolt
FlamingArrow.png Flaming Arrow 40+
FlamingCrossbowBolt.png Flaming Crossbow Bolt
ExplodingArrow.png Exploding Arrow 50+
ExplodingCrossbowBolt.png Exploding Crossbow Bolt
Brass Ammo
Items Count Trader Stage
9mmBullet.png 9mm Ammo 40-150 1+
762mmBullet.png 7.62mm Ammo 20-100
44MagnumBullet.png .44 Magnum Ammo 15-60
ShotgunShell.png Shotgun Shell 15-100
ShotgunSlug.png Shotgun Slug 6-25 25+
AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug.png Shotgun Breaching Slug 15-100 55+
HP Ammo
Items Count Trader Stage
Ammo9mmBulletHP.png HiPower 9mm Ammo 40-150 25+
Ammo762mmBulletHP.png HiPower 7.62mm Ammo 20-100
44MagnumBulletHP.png HiPower .44 Magnum Ammo 15-60
RocketHEAlpha20.png Rocket HE 1-4
AP Ammo
Items Count Trader Stage
Ammo9mmBulletAP.png AP 9mm Ammo 40-150 55+
Ammo762mmBulletAP.png AP 7.62mm Ammo 20-100
44MagnumBulletAP.png AP .44 Magnum Ammo 15-60
RocketFragAlpha20.png Rocket Frag 1-4
PotassiumNitratePowder.png Nitrate Powder 2-4
GunPowder.png Gunpowder 25
Ammo Supplies
Items Count
BulletCasing.png Bullet Casing 20-200
BulletTip.png Bullet Tip
Buckshot.png Buckshot
GunPowder.png Gunpowder
Paper.png Paper
IronArrowHead.png Iron Arrowhead
SteelArrowHead.png Steel Arrowhead 5-25
Feather.png Feather 20-200
GasCan.png Gas Can 5000-10000
Thrown Ammo
Items Count
PipeBomb.png Pipe Bomb 5-20
ThrownGrenadeContact.png Contact Grenade
ThrownGrenade.png Grenade
ThrownTimedCharge.png Timed Charge
Tnt.png Stick of Dynamite
MolotovCocktail.png Molotov Cocktail
DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water 2-4
All Food
Items Count
Canned Food
Items Count
CanBeef.png Large Beef Ration 1
FoodCanCatfood.png Can of Cat Food
FoodCanChicken.png Chicken Ration
FoodCanChili.png Can of Chili
FoodCanDogfood.png Can of Dog Food
FoodCanSham.png Can of Sham
FoodCanLamb.png Lamb Rations
FoodCanMiso.png Can of Miso
FoodCanPasta.png Can of Pasta
CanPeas.png Can of Peas
FoodCanSalmon.png Can of Salmon
FoodCanStock.png Can of Stock
FoodCanTuna.png Can of Tuna
FoodCanPears.png Can of Pears
Food Supplies
Items Count
FoodEgg.png Egg 2-8
FoodRawMeat.png Raw Meat 10-40
Corn.png Ear of Corn 4-20
Potato.png Potato 4-18
Blueberries.png Blueberries 5-20
CornMeal.png Corn Meal 5-20
Mushrooms.png Mushrooms 4-8
FoodHoney.png Jar of Honey 1-2
Prepared Food
Items Count
FoodBlueberryPie.png Blueberry Pie 1-2
FoodMeatStew.png Meat Stew
FoodCornBread.png Corn Bread
FoodCharredMeat.png Charred Meat
FoodGrilledMeat.png Grilled Meat
FoodBoiledMeat.png Boiled Meat
FoodEggBoiled.png Boiled Egg
FoodBakedPotato.png Baked Potato
FoodBaconAndEggs.png Bacon and Eggs
FoodVegetableStew.png Vegetable Stew
FoodFishTacos.png Fish Tacos
FoodHoboStew.png Hobo Stew
FoodShamChowder.png Sham Chowder
FoodSteakAndPotato.png Steak and Potato Meal
FoodChiliDog.png Chili Dog
Items Count
DrinkJarYuccaJuice.png Yucca Juice 1-2
DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water
DrinkJarGoldenRodTea.png Goldenrod Tea
DrinkJarRedTea.png Red Tea
DrinkJarCoffee.png Coffee
DrinkJarBeer.png Beer
DrinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie.png Yucca Juice Smoothie
DrinkJarGrandpasForgettingElixir.png Grandpa's Fergit'n Elixir 1
VendingMachineTrader.png Player Vending Machine
DyeWhite.png Dye 5
Bandage.png Bandage 3-5
Splint.png Splint
Items Count
All Ammo
Items Count
Arrows and Bolts
Items Count Trader Stage
Arrow.png Stone Arrow 2-60 1+
CrossbowBolt.png Stone Crossbow Bolt
IronArrow.png Iron Arrow 10+
IronCrossbowBolt.png Iron Crossbow Bolt
SteelArrow.png Steel Arrow 25+
SteelCrossbowBolt.png Steel Crossbow Bolt
FlamingArrow.png Flaming Arrow 40+
FlamingCrossbowBolt.png Flaming Crossbow Bolt
ExplodingArrow.png Exploding Arrow 50+
ExplodingCrossbowBolt.png Exploding Crossbow Bolt
Brass Ammo
Items Count Trader Stage
9mmBullet.png 9mm Ammo 40-150 1+
762mmBullet.png 7.62mm Ammo 20-100
44MagnumBullet.png .44 Magnum Ammo 15-60
ShotgunShell.png Shotgun Shell 15-100
ShotgunSlug.png Shotgun Slug 6-25 25+
AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug.png Shotgun Breaching Slug 15-100 55+
HP Ammo
Items Count Trader Stage
Ammo9mmBulletHP.png HiPower 9mm Ammo 40-150 25+
Ammo762mmBulletHP.png HiPower 7.62mm Ammo 20-100
44MagnumBulletHP.png HiPower .44 Magnum Ammo 15-60
RocketHEAlpha20.png Rocket HE 1-4
AP Ammo
Items Count Trader Stage
Ammo9mmBulletAP.png AP 9mm Ammo 40-150 55+
Ammo762mmBulletAP.png AP 7.62mm Ammo 20-100
44MagnumBulletAP.png AP .44 Magnum Ammo 15-60
RocketFragAlpha20.png Rocket Frag 1-4
Paint.png Paint 1-12
Gun Parts
Items Count
HandgunParts.png Handgun Parts 1-5
GunDoubleBarrelShotgunParts.png Shotgun Parts
MachineGunParts.png Machine Gun Parts
RifleParts.png Rifle Parts
BowCrossbowParts.png Bow & Crossbow Parts
RoboticsParts.png Robotics Parts
RocketLauncherParts.png Rocket Launcher Parts
ArmorParts.png Armor Parts 3-5
SewingKit.png Sewing Kit
Flashlight02.png Flashlight 1
Items Count
Perk Books (43.5%) 1
Rare Books (13%)
Items Count
ModRoboticDroneCargoMod.png Robotic Drone Cargo Mod Schematic 1
ModRoboticDroneMedicMod.png Robotic Drone Medic Mod Schematic
ModRoboticDroneHeadlampMod.png Robotic Headlamp Mod Schematic
ModRoboticDroneArmorPlatingMod.png Robotic Drone Armor Plating Mod Schematic
ModRoboticDroneMoraleBoosterMod.png Robotic Drone Morale Booster Mod Schematic
Common Books (43.5%)
Items Count
Perk Books (60%) 1
Common Mod Schematics (35%)
Items Count
HelmetLight.png Helmet Light Mod Schematic 1
Bandolier.png Bandolier Mod Schematic
InsulatedLiner.png Insulated Liner Mod Schematic
CoolingMesh.png Cooling Mesh Mod Schematic
ModArmorPlatingBasic.png Armor Plating Mod Schematic
Improvedfittings.png Improved Fittings Mod Schematic
StoragePocket.png Armor Pocket Mod Schematic
DoubleStoragePocket.png Armor Double Pocket Mod Schematic
MuffledConnectors.png Muffled Connectors Mod Schematic
BarrelExtender.png Barrel Extender Mod Schematic
MuzzleBrake.png Muzzle Brake Mod Schematic
WeaponFlashlight.png Weapon Flashlight Mod Schematic
Scope2X.png Scope 2x Mod Schematic
Scope4X.png Scope 4x Mod Schematic
ReflexSight.png Reflex Sight Mod Schematic
TriggerSemi.png Trigger Group: Semi Mod Schematic
Bipod.png Bipod Mod Schematic
ForeGrip.png Fore Grip Mod Schematic
RetractingStock.png Retracting Stock Mod Schematic
ShotgunDuckbill.png Shotgun Duckbill Mod Schematic
ShotgunChoke.png Shotgun Choke Mod Schematic
MagazineExtender.png Magazine Extender Mod Schematic
ShotgunSawedOffbarrel.png Sawed-Off Shotgun Barrel Mod Schematic
CrippleEm.png Cripple Em Mod Schematic
ArrowRest.png Arrow Rest Mod Schematic
PolymerString.png Polymer String Mod Schematic
TemperedBlade.png Tempered Blade Mod Schematic
SerratedBlade.png Serrated Blade Mod Schematic
WeightedHead.png Weighted Head Mod Schematic
StructuralBrace.png Structural Brace Mod Schematic
ErgonomicGrip.png Ergonomic Grip Mod Schematic
BarbedWireMod.png Barbed Wire Mod Schematic
MetalSpikesMod.png Metal Spikes Mod Schematic
BurningShaftMod.png Burning Shaft Mod Schematic
WoodSplitter.png Wood Splitter Mod Schematic
ModFuelTankSmall.png Power Tool Small Tank Mod Schematic
ModFuelTankLarge.png Power Tool Large Tank Mod Schematic
TheHunter.png The Hunter Mod Schematic
Vehicle Mod Schematics (5%)
Items Count
VehicleFuelSaver.png Vehicle Fuel Saver Mod Schematic 1
VehicleOffRoadHeadlights.png Vehicle Off Road Headlights Mod Schematic
VehicleSuperCharger.png Vehicle Super Charger Mod Schematic
VehicleExpandedSeat.png Vehicle Expanded Seating Mod Schematic
VehicleReserveFuelTank.png Vehicle Reserve Fuel Tank Mod Schematic
ModVehiclePlow.png Vehicle Plow Mod Schematic
ModVehicleArmor.png Vehicle Armor Mod Schematic
Ammo Supplies
Items Count
BulletCasing.png Bullet Casing 20-200
BulletTip.png Bullet Tip
Buckshot.png Buckshot
GunPowder.png Gunpowder
Paper.png Paper
IronArrowHead.png Iron Arrowhead
SteelArrowHead.png Steel Arrowhead 5-25
Feather.png Feather 20-200
Items Count
PotatoSeed.png Potato Seed 1
CoffeeBean.png Coffee Seed
CornSeed.png Corn Seed
BlueberrySeed.png Blueberry Seed
CottonSeed.png Cotton Seed
GoldenrodSeed.png Goldenrod Seed
AloeSeed.png Aloe Vera Seed
YuccaSeed.png Yucca Seed
HopSeed.png Hop Seed
ChrysanthemumSeed.png Chrysanthemum Seed
PumpkinSeed.png Pumpkin Seed
Canned Food
Items Count
CanBeef.png Large Beef Ration 1
FoodCanCatfood.png Can of Cat Food
FoodCanChicken.png Chicken Ration
FoodCanChili.png Can of Chili
FoodCanDogfood.png Can of Dog Food
FoodCanSham.png Can of Sham
FoodCanLamb.png Lamb Rations
FoodCanMiso.png Can of Miso
FoodCanPasta.png Can of Pasta
CanPeas.png Can of Peas
FoodCanSalmon.png Can of Salmon
FoodCanStock.png Can of Stock
FoodCanTuna.png Can of Tuna
FoodCanPears.png Can of Pears
Prepared Food
Items Count
FoodBlueberryPie.png Blueberry Pie 1-2
FoodMeatStew.png Meat Stew
FoodCornBread.png Corn Bread
FoodCharredMeat.png Charred Meat
FoodGrilledMeat.png Grilled Meat
FoodBoiledMeat.png Boiled Meat
FoodEggBoiled.png Boiled Egg
FoodBakedPotato.png Baked Potato
FoodBaconAndEggs.png Bacon and Eggs
FoodVegetableStew.png Vegetable Stew
FoodFishTacos.png Fish Tacos
FoodHoboStew.png Hobo Stew
FoodShamChowder.png Sham Chowder
FoodSteakAndPotato.png Steak and Potato Meal
FoodChiliDog.png Chili Dog
Items Count
DrinkJarYuccaJuice.png Yucca Juice 1-2
DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water
DrinkJarGoldenRodTea.png Goldenrod Tea
DrinkJarRedTea.png Red Tea
DrinkJarCoffee.png Coffee
DrinkJarBeer.png Beer
DrinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie.png Yucca Juice Smoothie
Land Mines
Items Count
MineCandyTin.png Tin Land Mine 1-6
MineHubcap.png Hub Cap Land Mine 1-5
MineAirFilter.png Air Filter Land Mine 1-4
Construction Supplies
Items Count
Cement.png Cement 50-500
Cobblestones.png Cobblestone Rocks
ConcreteMix.png Concrete Mix 100-500
Nails.png Nails 10-100
Rare Tools
Items Count Trader Stage
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
SteelToolParts.png Steel Tool Parts 1-3 1+
PickaxeSteel.png Steel Pickaxe 1 50+
Steel Shovel.png Steel Shovel
Axesteel.png Steel Axe
Auger.png Auger 100+
Chainsaw.png Chainsaw
Nailgun.png Nailgun
Ratchet.png Ratchet 15-40 30-50 40-60 50-70 60-70
SteelSledgehammer.png Steel Sledgehammer 50+
Crucible.png Crucible 1+
SmallEngine.png Engine
Rare Medicine
Items Count
FirstAidKit.png First Aid Kit 1
Beaker.png Beaker
Antibiotics.png Antibiotics
FortBites.png Fort Bites
Recog.png Recog
Steroids.png Steroids
DrinkJarGrandpasMoonshine.png Grandpa's Moonshine
DrinkJarGrandpasAwesomeSauce.png Grandpa's Awesome Sauce
DrinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir.png Grandpa's Learn'n Elixir
Items Count
Painkillers.png Painkillers 1
FirstAidBandage.png First Aid Bandage 1-4
Bandage.png Bandage 1
BloodBag.png Blood Bag 2-4
Vitamins.png Vitamins 1
Splint.png Splint
Rare Medicine
Items Count
FirstAidKit.png First Aid Kit 1
Beaker.png Beaker
Antibiotics.png Antibiotics
FortBites.png Fort Bites
Recog.png Recog
Steroids.png Steroids
DrinkJarGrandpasMoonshine.png Grandpa's Moonshine
DrinkJarGrandpasAwesomeSauce.png Grandpa's Awesome Sauce
DrinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir.png Grandpa's Learn'n Elixir
Antibiotics.png Antibiotics
Items Count
Forge.png Forge 1
NewWorkbench.png Workbench
CementMixer.png Cement Mixer
ChemistryStation.png Chemistry Station
Items Count Trader Stage
Wheel.png Wheel 1 1+
SmallEngine.png Engine
BicycleChassis.png Bicycle Chassis 1-50
BicycleHandlebars.png Bicycle Handlebars
Bicycle.png Bicycle 25-75
MinibikeChassis.png Minibike Chassis
MinibikeHandlebars.png Minibike Handlebars
Minibike.png Minibike 50-100
MotorcycleChassis.png Motorcycle Chassis
MotorcycleHandlebars.png Motorcycle Handlebars
MotorcyclePlaceable.png Motorcycle 75+
4x4TruckChassis.png 4x4 Truck Chassis
4x4TruckAccessories.png 4x4 Truck Accessories
4x4TruckPlaceable.png 4x4 Truck 100+
GyrocopterChassis.png Gyrocopter Chassis
GyrocopterAccessories.png Gyrocopter Accessories
GyrocopterPlaceable.png Gyrocopter 150+
BookTacticalWarfare.png Crafting Skill Magazines 1-3
Items Count
Perk Books (43.5%) 1
Rare Books (13%)
Items Count
ModRoboticDroneCargoMod.png Robotic Drone Cargo Mod Schematic 1
ModRoboticDroneMedicMod.png Robotic Drone Medic Mod Schematic
ModRoboticDroneHeadlampMod.png Robotic Headlamp Mod Schematic
ModRoboticDroneArmorPlatingMod.png Robotic Drone Armor Plating Mod Schematic
ModRoboticDroneMoraleBoosterMod.png Robotic Drone Morale Booster Mod Schematic
Common Books (43.5%)
Items Count
Perk Books (60%) 1
Common Mod Schematics (35%)
Items Count
HelmetLight.png Helmet Light Mod Schematic 1
Bandolier.png Bandolier Mod Schematic
InsulatedLiner.png Insulated Liner Mod Schematic
CoolingMesh.png Cooling Mesh Mod Schematic
ModArmorPlatingBasic.png Armor Plating Mod Schematic
Improvedfittings.png Improved Fittings Mod Schematic
StoragePocket.png Armor Pocket Mod Schematic
DoubleStoragePocket.png Armor Double Pocket Mod Schematic
MuffledConnectors.png Muffled Connectors Mod Schematic
BarrelExtender.png Barrel Extender Mod Schematic
MuzzleBrake.png Muzzle Brake Mod Schematic
WeaponFlashlight.png Weapon Flashlight Mod Schematic
Scope2X.png Scope 2x Mod Schematic
Scope4X.png Scope 4x Mod Schematic
ReflexSight.png Reflex Sight Mod Schematic
TriggerSemi.png Trigger Group: Semi Mod Schematic
Bipod.png Bipod Mod Schematic
ForeGrip.png Fore Grip Mod Schematic
RetractingStock.png Retracting Stock Mod Schematic
ShotgunDuckbill.png Shotgun Duckbill Mod Schematic
ShotgunChoke.png Shotgun Choke Mod Schematic
MagazineExtender.png Magazine Extender Mod Schematic
ShotgunSawedOffbarrel.png Sawed-Off Shotgun Barrel Mod Schematic
CrippleEm.png Cripple Em Mod Schematic
ArrowRest.png Arrow Rest Mod Schematic
PolymerString.png Polymer String Mod Schematic
TemperedBlade.png Tempered Blade Mod Schematic
SerratedBlade.png Serrated Blade Mod Schematic
WeightedHead.png Weighted Head Mod Schematic
StructuralBrace.png Structural Brace Mod Schematic
ErgonomicGrip.png Ergonomic Grip Mod Schematic
BarbedWireMod.png Barbed Wire Mod Schematic
MetalSpikesMod.png Metal Spikes Mod Schematic
BurningShaftMod.png Burning Shaft Mod Schematic
WoodSplitter.png Wood Splitter Mod Schematic
ModFuelTankSmall.png Power Tool Small Tank Mod Schematic
ModFuelTankLarge.png Power Tool Large Tank Mod Schematic
TheHunter.png The Hunter Mod Schematic
Vehicle Mod Schematics (5%)
Items Count
VehicleFuelSaver.png Vehicle Fuel Saver Mod Schematic 1
VehicleOffRoadHeadlights.png Vehicle Off Road Headlights Mod Schematic
VehicleSuperCharger.png Vehicle Super Charger Mod Schematic
VehicleExpandedSeat.png Vehicle Expanded Seating Mod Schematic
VehicleReserveFuelTank.png Vehicle Reserve Fuel Tank Mod Schematic
ModVehiclePlow.png Vehicle Plow Mod Schematic
ModVehicleArmor.png Vehicle Armor Mod Schematic
Items Count Trader Stage
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
StoneAxe.png Stone Axe 1 - 1-10 5-15 10-20 15-20
PickaxeIron.png Iron Pickaxe 15-40 30-50 40-60 50-70 60-70
StoneShovel.png Stone Shovel - 1-10 5-15 10-20 15-20
Shovel.png Iron Shovel 15-40 30-50 40-60 50-70 60-70
Fireaxe.png Iron Fireaxe
Sledgehammer.png Iron Sledgehammer
Clawhammer.png Claw Hammer
Wrench.png Wrench (6.9%) - 1-10 5-15 10-20 15-20
WeaponRepairKit.png Repair Kit 1-4 1+
Anvil.png Anvil (1.7%) 1
Bellows.png Advanced Bellows (1.7%)
ForgedIron.png Forged Iron 5-50
IngotSteel.png Forged Steel
Paintbrush.png Paint Brush (1.7%) 1
WireTool.png Wire Tool (1.7%)
Rare Tools
Items Count Trader Stage
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
SteelToolParts.png Steel Tool Parts 1-3 1+
PickaxeSteel.png Steel Pickaxe 1 50+
Steel Shovel.png Steel Shovel
Axesteel.png Steel Axe
Auger.png Auger 100+
Chainsaw.png Chainsaw
Nailgun.png Nailgun
Ratchet.png Ratchet 15-40 30-50 40-60 50-70 60-70
SteelSledgehammer.png Steel Sledgehammer 50+
Crucible.png Crucible 1+
SmallEngine.png Engine
ToolDewGatherer.png Gatherer 1-3
ToolDewTarp.png Tarp
ResourceWaterFilter.png Water Filter
CookingPot.png Cooking Pot
CookingGrill.png Cooking Grill
All Mods
Items Count
Melee Mods
Items Count Trader Stage
SerratedBlade.png Serrated Blade Mod 1 1+
StructuralBrace.png Structural Brace Mod
WeightedHead.png Weighted Head Mod
GraveDigger.png Grave Digger Mod
WoodSplitter.png Wood Splitter Mod
ModFuelTankSmall.png Power Tool Small Tank Mod
BurningShaftMod.png Burning Shaft Mod 25+
BarbedWireMod.png Barbed Wire Mod
FortifyingGrip.png Fortifying Grip Mod
BunkerBuster.png Bunker Buster Mod
ModFuelTankLarge.png Power Tool Large Tank Mod
MetalSpikesMod.png Metal Spikes Mod 55+
ErgonomicGrip.png Ergonomic Grip Mod
TemperedBlade.png Tempered Blade Mod
IronBreaker.png Iron Breaker Mod
RadRemover.png Rad Remover Mod
Ranged Mods
Items Count Trader Stage
ShotgunChoke.png Shotgun Choke Mod 1 1+
ShotgunDuckbill.png Shotgun Duckbill Mod
Bipod.png Bipod Mod
WeaponFlashlight.png Weapon Flashlight Mod
ForeGrip.png Fore Grip Mod
MagazineExtender.png Magazine Extender Mod
TheHunter.png The Hunter Mod
MuzzleBrake.png Muzzle Brake Mod
Scope2X.png Scope 2x Mod
ShotgunSawedOffbarrel.png Sawed-Off Shotgun Barrel Mod
TriggerSemi.png Trigger Group: Semi Mod
BarrelExtender.png Barrel Extender Mod 25+
CrippleEm.png Cripple Em Mod
LaserSight.png Laser Sight Mod
ReflexSight.png Reflex Sight Mod
RetractingStock.png Retracting Stock Mod
Scope4X.png Scope 4x Mod
Silencer.png Silencer Mod
TriggerBurst.png Trigger Group: Burst Mod
PolymerString.png Polymer String Mod 55+
Scope8X.png Scope 8x Mod
TriggerAuto.png Trigger Group: Full Auto Mod
Armor Mods
Items Count Trader Stage
HelmetLight.png Helmet Light Mod 1 1+
InsulatedLiner.png Insulated Liner Mod
CoolingMesh.png Cooling Mesh Mod
ModArmorPlatingBasic.png Armor Plating Mod
StoragePocket.png Armor Pocket Mod
Improvedfittings.png Improved Fittings Mod
ModArmorPerception.png Perception Mod
ModArmorStrength.png Strength Mod
ModArmorFortitude.png Fortitude Mod
ModArmorAgility.png Agility Mod
ModArmorIntellect.png Intellect Mod
ModArmorTreasureHunter.png Treasure Hunters Mod
WaterPurifier.png Water Purifier Mod 25+
ImpactBracing.png Impact Bracing Mod
ModArmorPlatingReinforced.png Banded Armor Plating Mod
MuffledConnectors.png Muffled Connectors Mod
DoubleStoragePocket.png Armor Double Pocket Mod
CustomizedFittings.png Customized Fittings Mod
Cigar.png Cigar
Bandolier.png Bandolier Mod 55+
TripleStoragePocket.png Armor Triple Pocket Mod
AdvancedMuffledConnectors.png Advanced Muffled Connectors Mod
ModArmorNightVision.png Night Vision Mod
Items Count
Woodresource.png Wood 50-1000
CrushedSand.png Crushed Sand 50-500
PotassiumNitratePowder.png Nitrate Powder 20-60
Coal.png Coal
ScrapLead.png Lead 5-90
ScrapBrass.png Brass 30-80
ScrapIron.png Iron 25-250
ForgedIron.png Forged Iron 5-50
IngotSteel.png Forged Steel
ShortMetalPipe.png Short Iron Pipe 5-20
OilShale.png Oil Shale 20-60
Oil.png Oil 3-10
Glue.png Glue 5-15
DuctTape.png Duct Tape 10-30
Cloth.png Cloth Fragment 5-100
Leather.png Leather 5-25
ScrapPlastics.png Scrap Polymers 30-150
GunPowder.png Gunpowder 3-30
Acid.png Bottle of Acid 1
AnimalFat.png Animal Fat 5-40
Headlight.png Headlight 5-20
Spring.png Spring 5-30
ElectricParts.png Electrical Parts 15-50
MechanicalParts.png Mechanical Parts 15-80
Lockpick.png Lockpick 1-10
Candle.png Candle 5-20
Bucket.png Bucket 1
Melee Weapons
Items Count Trader Stage
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife 1 15-40 30-50 40-60 50-70 60-70
BaseballBat.png Baseball Bat
IronSpear.png Iron Spear
Sledgehammer.png Iron Sledgehammer
IronKnuckles.png Iron Knuckles
StunBaton.png Stun Baton 50+
Machete.png Machete 100+
SteelClub.png Steel Club
SteelSpear.png Steel Spear
SteelSledgehammer.png Steel Sledgehammer
SteelKnuckles.png Steel Knuckles
Ranged Weapons
Items Count Trader Stage
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
PrimitiveBow.png Primitive Bow 1 - 1-10 5-15 10-25 15-25
GunHandgunT0PipePistol.png Pipe Pistol 10-20 15-20
GunShotgunT0PipeShotgun.png Pipe Shotgun
GunRifleT0PipeRifle.png Pipe Rifle
GunMGT0PipeMachineGun.png Pipe Machine Gun
WoodenBow.png Wooden Bow 15-25 20-30 25-35 30-40 35-50
Pistol.png Pistol 15-40 30-50 40-60 50-70 60-70
DoubleBarrelShotgun.png Double Barrel Shotgun
HuntingRifle.png Hunting Rifle
Ak47.png AK-47 Machine Gun
RoboticSledge.png Robotic Sledge
Crossbow.png Iron Crossbow 30-50 40-60 50-70 60+ 70+
CompoundBow.png Compound Bow
44Magnum.png .44 Magnum 50+
PumpShotgun.png Pump Shotgun
GunRifleT2LeverActionRifle.png Lever-Action Rifle
TacticalAssaultRifle.png Tactical Assault Rifle
RoboticsTurret.png Robotic Turret
CompoundCrossbow.png Compound Crossbow 50-70 60-80 70-90 80+ 90+
MP5.png SMG-5 100+
M60MachineGun.png M60 Machine Gun
44DesertVulture.png .44 Desert Vulture
AutomaticShotgun.png Auto Shotgun
SniperRifle.png Sniper Rifle
A13RocketLauncher.png Rocket Launcher
GunBotT3JunkDrone.png Robotic Drone
Gun Parts
Items Count
HandgunParts.png Handgun Parts 1-5
GunDoubleBarrelShotgunParts.png Shotgun Parts
MachineGunParts.png Machine Gun Parts
RifleParts.png Rifle Parts
BowCrossbowParts.png Bow & Crossbow Parts
RoboticsParts.png Robotics Parts
RocketLauncherParts.png Rocket Launcher Parts
ArmorParts.png Armor Parts 1-2
SewingKit.png Sewing Kit
Items Count Trader Stage
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
ElectricParts.png Electrical Parts 15-35 1+
GeneratorBank.png Generator Bank 1
BatteryBank.png Battery Bank 25+
SolarBank.png Solar Bank 55+
SolarCell.png Solar Cell 3-6 45+ 55+ 65+ 75+ 85+
Switch.png Switch 3-9 1+
TripWirePost.png Tripwire Post 1-5
PressurePlate.png Trigger Plate
MotionSensor.png Motion Sensor 1-2 25+
ElectricWireRelay.png Electric Wire Relay 5-15 1+
Electrictimerrelay.png Electric Timer Relay 1-3
Lantern.png Lantern 1
LanternOld.png Old Lantern 5
CeilingLight01.png Basic Light Bulb 1-6
MobileSpotlight.png Spotlight 1-2
Speaker.png Speaker
ElectricFencePost.png Electric Fence Post 2-6
Dart.png Iron Dart 15-70
DartTrap.png Dart Trap 1-2 25+
BladeTrap.png Blade Trap 1-3 55+
AutoTurret.png SMG Auto Turret 1-2
ShotgunTurret.png Shotgun Auto Turret
Light Armor
Items Count Trader Stage
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
ArmorLumberjackHelmet.png Lumberjack Hat 1 1-50 10-75 25+ 50+ 75+
ArmorLumberjackOutfit.png Lumberjack Outfit
ArmorLumberjackGloves.png Lumberjack Gloves
ArmorLumberjackBoots.png Lumberjack Boots
ArmorPreacherHelmet.png Preacher Hat
ArmorPreacherOutfit.png Preacher Outfit
ArmorPreacherGloves.png Preacher Gloves
ArmorPreacherBoots.png Preacher Boots
ArmorRogueHelmet.png Rogue Hood
ArmorRogueOutfit.png Rogue Outfit
ArmorRogueGloves.png Rogue Gloves
ArmorRogueBoots.png Rogue Boots
ArmorAthleticHelmet.png Athletic Hat
ArmorAthleticOutfit.png Athletic Outfit
ArmorAthleticGloves.png Athletic Gloves
ArmorAthleticBoots.png Athletic Shoes
ArmorEnforcerHelmet.png Enforcer Sunglasses
ArmorEnforcerOutfit.png Enforcer Outfit
ArmorEnforcerGloves.png Enforcer Gloves
ArmorEnforcerBoots.png Enforcer Shoes
Medium Armor
Items Count Trader Stage
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
ArmorFarmerHelmet.png Farmer Hat 1 1-50 10-75 25+ 50+ 75+
ArmorFarmerOutfit.png Farmer Outfit
ArmorFarmerGloves.png Farmer Gloves
ArmorFarmerBoots.png Farmer Boots
ArmorBikerHelmet.png Biker Helmet
ArmorBikerOutfit.png Biker Outfit
ArmorBikerGloves.png Biker Gloves
ArmorBikerBoots.png Biker Boots
ArmorScavengerHelmet.png Scavenger Hat
ArmorScavengerOutfit.png Scavenger Outfit
ArmorScavengerGloves.png Scavenger Gloves
ArmorScavengerBoots.png Scavenger Boots
ArmorRangerHelmet.png Ranger Hat
ArmorRangerOutfit.png Ranger Outfit
ArmorRangerGloves.png Ranger Gloves
ArmorRangerBoots.png Ranger Boots
ArmorCommandoHelmet.png Commando Helmet
ArmorCommandoOutfit.png Commando Outfit
ArmorCommandoGloves.png Commando Gloves
ArmorCommandoBoots.png Commando Boots
ArmorAssassinHelmet.png Assassin Hood
ArmorAssassinOutfit.png Assassin Outfit
ArmorAssassinGloves.png Assassin Gloves
ArmorAssassinBoots.png Assassin Boots
Heavy Armor
Items Count Trader Stage
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
ArmorMinerHelmet.png Miner Helmet 1 1-50 10-75 25+ 50+ 75+
ArmorMinerOutfit.png Miner Outfit
ArmorMinerGloves.png Miner Gloves
ArmorMinerBoots.png Miner Boots
ArmorNomadHelmet.png Nomad Headgear
ArmorNomadOutfit.png Nomad Outfit
ArmorNomadGloves.png Nomad Gloves
ArmorNomadBoots.png Nomad Boots
ArmorNerdHelmet.png Nerd Goggles
ArmorNerdOutfit.png Nerd Outfit
ArmorNerdGloves.png Nerd Gloves
ArmorNerdBoots.png Nerd Boots
ArmorRaiderHelmet.png Raider Helmet
ArmorRaiderOutfit.png Raider Outfit
ArmorRaiderGloves.png Raider Gloves
ArmorRaiderBoots.png Raider Boots
Construction Supplies
Items Count
Cement.png Cement 50-500
Cobblestones.png Cobblestone Rocks
ConcreteMix.png Concrete Mix 100-500
Nails.png Nails 10-100
Decorative Blocks
Items Count
Mini Blind Top Sheet 10-15
Mini Blind Bottom Sheet
AirConditioner.png Air Conditioner 2-3
CashRegister.png Cash Register 1
CntCooler.png Cooler
FileCabinet.png File Cabinet
Kitchen Sink 2-4
Pictures and Paintings 2-3
CntWaterCoolerFull.png Water Cooler 1
Large Pipes 20-30
Small Pipes
Azalea 8-15
Bar Stool 4-8
Plumbing Fixtures


Items Count
Items Count
PotatoSeed.png Potato Seed 1
CoffeeBean.png Coffee Seed
CornSeed.png Corn Seed
BlueberrySeed.png Blueberry Seed
CottonSeed.png Cotton Seed
GoldenrodSeed.png Goldenrod Seed
AloeSeed.png Aloe Vera Seed
YuccaSeed.png Yucca Seed
HopSeed.png Hop Seed
ChrysanthemumSeed.png Chrysanthemum Seed
PumpkinSeed.png Pumpkin Seed
Canned Food
Items Count
CanBeef.png Large Beef Ration 1
FoodCanCatfood.png Can of Cat Food
FoodCanChicken.png Chicken Ration
FoodCanChili.png Can of Chili
FoodCanDogfood.png Can of Dog Food
FoodCanSham.png Can of Sham
FoodCanLamb.png Lamb Rations
FoodCanMiso.png Can of Miso
FoodCanPasta.png Can of Pasta
CanPeas.png Can of Peas
FoodCanSalmon.png Can of Salmon
FoodCanStock.png Can of Stock
FoodCanTuna.png Can of Tuna
FoodCanPears.png Can of Pears
Food Supplies
Items Count
FoodEgg.png Egg 2-8
FoodRawMeat.png Raw Meat 10-40
Corn.png Ear of Corn 4-20
Potato.png Potato 4-18
Blueberries.png Blueberries 5-20
CornMeal.png Corn Meal 5-20
Mushrooms.png Mushrooms 4-8
FoodHoney.png Jar of Honey 1-2
All Food
Items Count
Canned Food
Items Count
CanBeef.png Large Beef Ration 1
FoodCanCatfood.png Can of Cat Food
FoodCanChicken.png Chicken Ration
FoodCanChili.png Can of Chili
FoodCanDogfood.png Can of Dog Food
FoodCanSham.png Can of Sham
FoodCanLamb.png Lamb Rations
FoodCanMiso.png Can of Miso
FoodCanPasta.png Can of Pasta
CanPeas.png Can of Peas
FoodCanSalmon.png Can of Salmon
FoodCanStock.png Can of Stock
FoodCanTuna.png Can of Tuna
FoodCanPears.png Can of Pears
Food Supplies
Items Count
FoodEgg.png Egg 2-8
FoodRawMeat.png Raw Meat 10-40
Corn.png Ear of Corn 4-20
Potato.png Potato 4-18
Blueberries.png Blueberries 5-20
CornMeal.png Corn Meal 5-20
Mushrooms.png Mushrooms 4-8
FoodHoney.png Jar of Honey 1-2
Prepared Food
Items Count
FoodBlueberryPie.png Blueberry Pie 1-2
FoodMeatStew.png Meat Stew
FoodCornBread.png Corn Bread
FoodCharredMeat.png Charred Meat
FoodGrilledMeat.png Grilled Meat
FoodBoiledMeat.png Boiled Meat
FoodEggBoiled.png Boiled Egg
FoodBakedPotato.png Baked Potato
FoodBaconAndEggs.png Bacon and Eggs
FoodVegetableStew.png Vegetable Stew
FoodFishTacos.png Fish Tacos
FoodHoboStew.png Hobo Stew
FoodShamChowder.png Sham Chowder
FoodSteakAndPotato.png Steak and Potato Meal
FoodChiliDog.png Chili Dog
Items Count
DrinkJarYuccaJuice.png Yucca Juice 1-2
DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water
DrinkJarGoldenRodTea.png Goldenrod Tea
DrinkJarRedTea.png Red Tea
DrinkJarCoffee.png Coffee
DrinkJarBeer.png Beer
DrinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie.png Yucca Juice Smoothie


  • Trader Rekt is voiced by Ric Spiegel.
  • Trader Rekt is named after the dated Internet slang term "rekt", which is short for "wrecked."
  • Before 1.0, Trader Rekt was located in the Wasteland in Navezgane. He was swapped with Trader Joel.
