List of Items

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List of all items, by item group


There are 87 found using this criteria.

Name Group Category Type Last Confirmed
44DesertVulture.png .44 Desert Vulture Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Handgun
44MagnumBulletAP.png .44 Magnum Bullet (AP) Ammo/Weapons Ammo Handgun Ammo
44MagnumBulletHP.png .44 Magnum Bullet (HP) Ammo/Weapons Ammo Handgun Ammo
44MagnumBullet.png .44 Magnum Bullet Ammo/Weapons Ammo Handgun Ammo
44Magnum.png .44 Magnum Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Handgun
Ammo762mmBulletAP.png 7.62mm Bullet (AP) Ammo/Weapons Ammo Rifle Ammo, Machine Gun Ammo
Ammo762mmBulletHP.png 7.62mm Bullet (HP) Ammo/Weapons Ammo Rifle Ammo, Machine Gun Ammo
762mmBullet.png 7.62mm Bullet Ammo/Weapons Ammo Rifle Ammo, Machine Gun Ammo
Ammo9mmBulletAP.png 9mm Bullet (AP) Ammo/Weapons Ammo Pistol Ammo
Ammo9mmBulletHP.png 9mm Bullet (HP) Ammo/Weapons Ammo Pistol Ammo
9mmBullet.png 9mm Bullet Ammo/Weapons Ammo Pistol Ammo
Ak47.png AK-47 Machine Gun Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Machine Gun
AutomaticShotgun.png Auto Shotgun Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Shotgun
BaseballBat.png Baseball Bat Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Club
BoneShiv.png Bone Knife Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Knife
Buckshot.png Buckshot Ammo/Weapons Intermediate Resource Alpha 17
BulletCasing.png Bullet Casing Ammo/Weapons Intermediate Resource Alpha 17
BulletTip.png Bullet Tip Ammo/Weapons Intermediate Resource Alpha 18
Candycaneclub.png Candy Cane Club Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Club
Candycaneknife.png Candy Cane Knife Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Knife
CompoundBow.png Compound Bow Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Bow
CompoundCrossbow.png Compound Crossbow Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Crossbow
ThrownGrenadeContact.png Contact Grenade Ammo/Weapons Explosive Explosives, Throwable
DoubleBarrelShotgun.png Double Barrel Shotgun Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Shotgun
ExplodingArrow.png Exploding Arrow Ammo/Weapons Ammo Explosives, Arrow
ExplodingCrossbowBolt.png Exploding Crossbow Bolt Ammo/Weapons Ammo Explosives, Bolt
Fist.png Fists Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Alpha 18.1
FlamingArrow.png Flaming Arrow Ammo/Weapons Ammo Arrow
FlamingCrossbowBolt.png Flaming Crossbow Bolt Ammo/Weapons Ammo Bolt
ThrownGrenade.png Grenade Ammo/Weapons Explosive Explosives, Throwable
HuntingKnife.png Hunting Knife Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Knife
HuntingRifle.png Hunting Rifle Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Rifle
IronArrow.png Iron Arrow Ammo/Weapons Ammo Arrow
IronArrowHead.png Iron Arrowhead Ammo/Weapons Intermediate Resource Alpha 17
IronCrossbowBolt.png Iron Crossbow Bolt Ammo/Weapons Ammo Bolt
Crossbow.png Iron Crossbow Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Crossbow
Dart.png Iron Dart Ammo/Weapons Ammo Alpha 17
IronKnuckles.png Iron Knuckles Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Knuckles
Sledgehammer.png Iron Sledgehammer Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Sledgehammer
IronSpear.png Iron Spear Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Spear
KnuckleWraps.png Knuckle Wraps Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Knuckles
GunRifleT2LeverActionRifle.png Lever-Action Rifle Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Rifle
M60MachineGun.png M60 Machine Gun Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Machine Gun
Machete.png Machete Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Knife
MolotovCocktail.png Molotov Cocktail Ammo/Weapons Explosive Explosives, Throwable
PipeBaton.png Pipe Baton Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Baton
PipeBomb.png Pipe Bomb Ammo/Weapons Explosive Explosives, Throwable
GunMGT0PipeMachineGun.png Pipe Machine Gun Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Machine Gun
GunHandgunT0PipePistol.png Pipe Pistol Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Handgun
GunRifleT0PipeRifle.png Pipe Rifle Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Rifle
GunShotgunT0PipeShotgun.png Pipe Shotgun Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Shotgun
Pistol.png Pistol Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Handgun
PrimitiveBow.png Primitive Bow Basics, Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Bow
PumpShotgun.png Pump Shotgun Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Shotgun
GunBotT3JunkDrone.png Robotic Drone Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Robotic
RoboticSledge.png Robotic Sledge Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Robotic
AmmoJunkTurretAP.png Robotic Turret Ammo (AP) Ammo/Weapons Ammo Turret Ammo
AmmoJunkTurretShell.png Robotic Turret Ammo (Shell) Ammo/Weapons Ammo Turret Ammo
AmmoRoboticTurret.png Robotic Turret Ammo Ammo/Weapons Ammo Turret Ammo
RoboticsTurret.png Robotic Turret Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Robotic
A13RocketCasing.png Rocket Casing Ammo/Weapons Intermediate Resource Alpha 15.1
RocketFragAlpha20.png Rocket Frag Ammo/Weapons Ammo Explosives, Rocket
RocketHEAlpha20.png Rocket HE Ammo/Weapons Ammo Explosives, Rocket
A13RocketLauncher.png Rocket Launcher Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Explosives
A13RocketTip.png Rocket Tip Ammo/Weapons Intermediate Resource Alpha 15.1
MP5.png SMG-5 Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Handgun
AmmoShotgunBreachingSlug.png Shotgun Breaching Slug Ammo/Weapons Ammo Shotgun Ammo
ShotgunShell.png Shotgun Shell Ammo/Weapons Ammo Shotgun Ammo
ShotgunSlug.png Shotgun Slug Ammo/Weapons Ammo Shotgun Ammo
SniperRifle.png Sniper Rifle Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Rifle
SteelArrow.png Steel Arrow Ammo/Weapons Ammo Arrow
SteelArrowHead.png Steel Arrowhead Ammo/Weapons Intermediate Resource Alpha 15.1
SteelClub.png Steel Club Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Club
SteelCrossbowBolt.png Steel Crossbow Bolt Ammo/Weapons Ammo Bolt
SteelKnuckles.png Steel Knuckles Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Knuckles
SteelSledgehammer.png Steel Sledgehammer Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Sledgehammer
SteelSpear.png Steel Spear Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Spear
Tnt.png Stick of Dynamite Ammo/Weapons Explosive Explosives, Throwable
Arrow.png Stone Arrow Basics, Ammo/Weapons Ammo Arrow
CrossbowBolt.png Stone Crossbow Bolt Ammo/Weapons Ammo Bolt
StoneSledgehammer.png Stone Sledgehammer Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Sledgehammer
StoneSpear.png Stone Spear Basics, Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Spear
StunBaton.png Stun Baton Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Baton
TacticalAssaultRifle.png Tactical Assault Rifle Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Machine Gun
ThrownTimedCharge.png Timed Charge Ammo/Weapons Explosive Explosives, Throwable Alpha 18
WoodenBow.png Wooden Bow Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Bow
WoodenClub.png Wooden Club Ammo/Weapons, Basics Melee Weapon Club


There are 12 found using this criteria.

Name Group Category Type Last Confirmed
Bandage.png Bandage Basics, Science Medical Supply Alpha 17
BedRoll01 1.png Bedroll Basics, Building Placeable Furniture Alpha 18.1
FrameShapes.png Building Block Basics, Building Building Material Material Block Alpha 17
Campfire.png Campfire Basics, Building, Food/Cooking Placeable Workstation Alpha 16.2
DewCollector.png Dew Collector Basics, Building, Food/Cooking Placeable Workstation
PrimitiveBow.png Primitive Bow Basics, Ammo/Weapons Ranged Weapon Bow
StorageChest.png Secure Storage Chest Basics, Building Placeable Container Alpha 19.2
Arrow.png Stone Arrow Basics, Ammo/Weapons Ammo Arrow
StoneAxe.png Stone Axe Basics, Tools/Traps Tool Axe, Repair Tool
StoneSpear.png Stone Spear Basics, Ammo/Weapons Melee Weapon Spear
Torch.png Torch Basics, Building Placeable, Tool Lighting, Special Tool Alpha 18
WoodenClub.png Wooden Club Ammo/Weapons, Basics Melee Weapon Club


There are 2 found using this criteria.

Name Group Category Type Last Confirmed
BookTacticalWarfare.png Crafting Skill Magazines Books Book Crafting Magazine
Schematic.png Schematic Books Book Schematic Alpha 18.3


There are 55 found using this criteria.

Name Group Category Type Last Confirmed
CntATMSecure.png ATM Building Creative Container
AirConditioner.png Air Conditioner Building Creative Furniture Alpha 16.2
Awning1.png Awning Red Blocks Building Creative Blocks Alpha 15.1
BarbedFence.png Barbed Wire Fence Building Placeable Trap Alpha 16.2
CeilingLight01.png Basic Light Bulb Building Placeable Lighting Alpha 19.2
BedRoll01 1.png Bedroll Basics, Building Placeable Furniture Alpha 18.1
BrickBlock.png Brick Blocks Building Creative Material Block Alpha 16.2
FrameShapes.png Building Block Basics, Building Building Material Material Block Alpha 17
BulletProofGlassPlate.png Bulletproof Glass Block Building Building Material Material Block Alpha 16.2
BurningBarrel.png Burning Barrel Building Placeable Lighting Alpha 16.2
Campfire.png Campfire Basics, Building, Food/Cooking Placeable Workstation Alpha 16.2
CementMixer.png Cement Mixer Building, Science Placeable Workstation Alpha 17
Cobblestone.png Cobblestone Block Building Building Material Material Block Alpha 17
ConcreteBlock.png Concrete Block Building Building Material Material Block Alpha 17
CntCupboardCabinetOldTopLootHelper.png Cupboard Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container
DewCollector.png Dew Collector Basics, Building, Food/Cooking Placeable Workstation
FarmPlot.png Farm Plot Food/Cooking, Building Placeable Farm Plot Alpha 18
Forge.png Forge Building Placeable Workstation Alpha 18
GarageDoorMetal v2.png Garage Door Metal v2 Building Building Material Door Alpha 15.1
GarageDoorMetal v3.png Garage Door Metal v3 Building Building Material Door Alpha 15.1
GarageDoorMetal v1.png Garage Door Metal Building Building Material Door Alpha 15.1
GlassBusinessCTRSheet.png Glass Block Building Building Material Material Block Alpha 16.2
CntGunSafe.png Gun Safe Building Placeable Container Alpha 15.1
HayBale.png Hay Bale Building Placeable Furniture Alpha 15.2
IronBars.png Iron Bars Building Building Material Bars Alpha 15.1
IronDoor1 v1.png Iron Door Building Building Material Door Alpha 16.2
ScrapHatch v1.png Iron Hatch Building Building Material Hatch Alpha 16.2
LadderMetal.png Iron Ladder Building Building Material Ladder Alpha 15.2
JailDoor.png Jail Door Building Building Material Door Alpha 21
LandClaimBlock.png Land Claim Block Building Building Material Blocks Alpha 16
Lantern.png Lantern Science, Building Placeable Lighting
CntMailBox01White.png Mail Box Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container
CntPostMailbox.png Mail Drop Box Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container
MetalTrussing.png Metal Trussing / I-Beams Building Building Material Blocks Alpha 17
CntMicrowaveOvenVer1Open.png Microwave Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container
ThinPlanks.png Plywood Building Building Material Siding Alpha 15
MetalReinforcedWoodDrawBridge.png Reinforced Drawbridge (Powered) Building Placeable Door
MetalReinforcedWoodDrawBridge.png Reinforced Drawbridge Building Building Material Door Alpha 21
StorageChest.png Secure Storage Chest Basics, Building Placeable Container Alpha 19.2
SteelBlock.png Steel Block Building Building Material Material Block Alpha 17
VaultDoor01.png Steel Door 01 Building Building Material Door Alpha 15.1
VaultHatch.png Steel Hatch (Powered) Building Building Material Hatch
VaultHatch.png Steel Hatch Building Building Material Hatch Alpha 16.2
LadderSteel.png Steel Ladder Building Building Material Ladder
Storagebox.png Storage Box Building Placeable Container Alpha 17
TableSaw.png Table Saw Building Creative Furniture Alpha 18.3
Torch.png Torch Basics, Building Placeable, Tool Lighting, Special Tool Alpha 18
CntTrash can01.png Trash Can Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
CntWasherClosed.png Washing Machine Building Placeable Furniture
WoodBlock.png Wood Block Building Building Material Material Block Alpha 17
SecureWoodDoor.png Wood Door Building Building Material Door Alpha 16.2
Wooden Hatch.png Wood Hatch Building Building Material Hatch Alpha 16.2
StorageChest.png Wooden Chest Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container
Ladder.png Wooden Ladder Building Building Material Ladder Alpha 15.2
NewWorkbench.png Workbench Building Placeable Workstation Alpha 17


There are 8 found using this criteria.

Name Group Category Type Last Confirmed
GasCan.png Gas Can Chemicals, Resources Intermediate Resource Fuel Alpha 17
Glue.png Glue Resources, Chemicals Intermediate Resource Alpha 16.1
GunPowder.png Gun Powder Resources, Chemicals Intermediate Resource Alpha 15.1
CarBattery.png Lead Car Battery Resources, Chemicals Component Alpha 18
MilitaryFiber.png Military Fiber Resources, Chemicals Intermediate Resource Alpha 17
Oil.png Oil Chemicals Intermediate Resource Alpha 16.2
Paint.png Paint Resources, Chemicals Intermediate Resource, Building Material Alpha 17
Paper.png Paper Resources, Chemicals Intermediate Resource Alpha 16.2



There are 220 found using this criteria.

Name Group Category Type Last Confirmed
CntTrashPile04.png Abandoned Rubbish Decor/Miscellaneous Furniture Container
PlantAloe.png Aloe Vera Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 18
CntAmbulanceTruck01.png Ambulance Decor/Miscellaneous Vehicle Container
CntAmmoPileSmall.png Ammo Pile Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
AnimalGore.png Animal Gore Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Block-Item Alpha 16.2
CntChest02.png Apache Artifact Chest Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntmunitionsBoxArmy.png Army Munitions Box Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntArmyTruckOpen.png Army Truck Decor/Miscellaneous Vehicle Container
Asphalt.png Asphalt Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material Terrain Alpha 18.2
CntBathTubGore.png Bathtub Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Bedrock.png Bedrock Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain
CntBeerCooler.png Beverage Cooler Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 17
Birdnest.png Bird Nest Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
WinterPine13m.png Blue Spruce Tree Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Tree Alpha 15.2
Blueberry.png Blueberry Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 18
CntBookPile01.png Book Pile Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntBookShelfDoubleTopFull01.png Book Shelf Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Bookcase.png Bookcase Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Boulder.png Boulder Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Alpha 16.4
BrownGrass.png Brown Grass Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Alpha 17
BunkBedMade.png Bunk Bed Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture Alpha 16.2
BurntForestGround.png Burnt Forest Ground Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain Alpha 17
BurntTree.png Burnt tree Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable
Candle.png Candle Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Lighting Alpha 16.2
CardboardBox.png Cardboard Box Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CashRegister.png Cash Register Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 17
CntCasketModernClosedTan.png Casket Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
ChandelierLight.png Chandelier Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable
CntCharcoalGrillClosed.png Charcoal Grill Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntChemPileSmall.png Chemistry Set Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
PlantChrysanthemum.png Chrysanthemum Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 17
CinderBlocks01.png Cinder Blocks Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Alpha 16.4
CntClothesPileFloor01.png Clothes Pile Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntClothesRackWallTShirts.png Clothes Rack Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntClothesShelfStackShirts01.png Clothes Shelf Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CoalOre.png Coal Ore Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain Alpha 15.1
Web.png Cob Web Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Block-Item
Cobweb.png Cobweb Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Block-Item Alpha 16.2
CntCoffeeMaker.png Coffee Maker Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CoffeeBeanPlant1.png Coffee Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 18
Coffin.png Coffin Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
ConcreteBlock.png Concrete Bricks Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material
Conduit01.png Conduit01 Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Block-Item
CntShippingCrateHero.png Construction Crate Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
ControlPanelBase01.png Control Panel Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material Alpha 16.2
CntCooler.png Cooler Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.1
PlantedCorn3Harvest.png Corn Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 18
CottonPlant.png Cotton Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 17
CrackABookCrate.png Crack-A-Book Crate Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntCupboardCabinetOldTopLootHelper.png Cupboard Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container
DeadPineLeaf.png Dead Pine Leaf Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Block-Item
SandStone.png Desert Ground Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain Alpha 17
DesertShrubScreenshot.png Desert Shrub Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Block-Item Alpha 17
CntDeskSafe.png Desk Safe Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 17
BatteryBank.png Destroyed Battery Bank Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CementMixer.png Destroyed Cement Mixer Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
ChemistryStation.png Destroyed Chemistry Station Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Forge.png Destroyed Forge Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
GeneratorBank.png Destroyed Generator Bank Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
DestroyedStone.png Destroyed Stone Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material Terrain
Workbench.png Destroyed Workbench Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Dirt.png Dirt Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material Terrain Alpha 17
CntDomedTrashCanFull.png Domed Trash Can Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Driftwood.png Driftwood Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Block-Item Alpha 16.2
CntDuffle01.png Duffle Bag Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntDumpster.png Dumpster Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntStoreShelfElectronicsDoubleBottomGoods01.png Electronic Store Shelf Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
EndTableLamp.png End Table Lamp Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture Alpha 15.1
CntGunRackSmallMagazines.png Equipment Rack Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
FileCabinet.png File Cabinet Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Garbage decor1.png Floor Garbage Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntFoodPileSmall.png Food Pile Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
ForestGround.png Forest Ground Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain Alpha 17
ThinMetalPlate.png Forging Iron Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material Siding
CntTrashPile08.png Foul Trash Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Fountain.png Fountain Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Decoration
CntFreezerGroceriesMiddleFullClosed.png Freezer Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CornerFullWedgeAwning1.png Full Corner Awning Wedge 1 Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material
FurnaceDrawer.png Furnace Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Fusebox.png Fusebox Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Alpha 17
CardboardBox.png Garage Storage Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntTrashPile07.png Garbage Pile Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntModularClosetClosed.png Garment Bag Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntGasGrillClosed.png Gas Grill Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntGasPumpFull.png Gas Pump Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Alpha 16.4
GoldenrodFlower.png Goldenrod Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 17
GoreBlock1Prefab.png Gore Decor/Miscellaneous Creative
Grass.png Grass Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain
Gravel.png Gravel Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material Terrain Alpha 15.1
CntGunRackLargeGuns01.png Gun Rack Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntHardenedChestSecure.png Hardened Chest Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntShippingCrateHero.png Hidden Stash Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
HopsFlower.png Hop Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 17
Faucet04.png Household Faucet (bath) Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
Faucet02.png Household Faucet (kitchen) Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
Household faucet2.png Household Faucet 2 Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture Alpha 18
Household Faucet.png Household Faucet Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture Alpha 17.0
GlassIndustrial02CTRPlate.png Industrial Glass 2 Centered Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material
GlassIndustrial.png Industrial Glass Centered Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material
CntMetalDesk02RandomLootHelper.png Iron Desk Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container, Furniture
IronOre.png Iron Ore Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain Alpha 15.1
Jack-o-lantern.png Jack-o-lantern Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture Alpha 18
CntJanitorCartFull.png Janitor Cart Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Bed02.png King Sized Bed Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
CntLaundryBasketVer2Full.png Laundry Basket Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
LeadOre.png Lead Ore Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain Alpha 15.1
SectionalLeatherCouchSofaMiddle.png Leather Couch Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
CntLootChestHeroInsecureT2.png Leather Trunk Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntLockersShortClosed.png Lockers Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.1
CntLuggageBigClosed.png Luggage Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntMailBox01White.png Mail Box Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container
CntPostMailbox.png Mail Drop Box Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container
Mattress.png Mattress Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
CntPillCaseClosed.png Medical Cabinet Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntMedicLootPileA.png Medical Supplies Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
MedicineCabinet.png Medicine Cabinet Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntStoreShelfSingleBottomEmpty.png Metal Furniture Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container, Furniture
MetalSignLetter a.png Metal Sign Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable
CntMicrowaveOvenVer1Open.png Microwave Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container
CntShippingCrateMoPowerElectronics.png Mo Power Crate Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntServiceTruckMoPower.png Mo Power Service Truck Decor/Miscellaneous Vehicle Container
CouchModernSection.png Modern Couch Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
CntBackpack03.png Moldy Backpack Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
MorticianDrawer.png Mortician's Drawer Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 16.4
CntTrashPile03.png Mound of Garbage Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
CntChest02.png Mountain Man Chest Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
MushroomPlant.png Mushroom Clump Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 17
CntNightstandClosed.png Night Stand Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 17
OakTree.png Oak Tree Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Tree Alpha 18.4
OfficeChair01.png Office Chair Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
OilDeposit.png Oil Deposit Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain
Chair01.png Old Chair Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
SectionalPlaidCouchSofaMiddle.png Old Couch Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
CntStoveOldVer1Closed.png Old Stove Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntTrashPile09.png Old Trash Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
CntStoveModernVer1Closed.png Oven Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 17
Pass-N-GasCrate.png Pass-N-Gas Crate Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntStoreShelfSingleBottomPharmaGoods01.png Pharma Shelf Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntTrashPile02.png Pile of Garbage Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
PineTree.png Pine Tree Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Tree Alpha 15.2
CntBarrelPlasticSingle00.png Plastic Barrel Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Pop-N-PillsCrate.png Pop-N-Pills Crate Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
PotassiumNitrate.png Potassium Nitrate Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain Alpha 15.2
PotatoPlant.png Potato Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 17
Plant02.png Potted Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
PricklyPear.png Prickly Pear Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Cactus Alpha 17
CntStoreProduceBasketApples1.png Produce Basket Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
Pumpkin.png Pumpkin Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 18
CntPurse01.png Purse Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
StairsQuarterFilledWood.png Quarter Filled Stairs Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material Stairs
CntRetroFridgeVer1Closed.png Refrigerator Decor/Miscellaneous Furniture Storage Alpha 20.3
CntLootChestHero.png Reinforced Chest Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
ReinforcedMetalSiding.png Reinforced Metal Siding Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material Siding
Rock01.png Rocks Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable
CntRollingToolBoxClosed.png Rolling Toolbox Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
SportsBag01.png Rotting Sports Bag Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
CntTrashPile05.png Rotting Trash Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
Rug01.png Rug Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material
CntBarrelGasOld.png Rusty Barrel Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Explosives, Container
Saguaro.png Saguaro Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Cactus Alpha 17
Sand.png Sand Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain
Sandbags.png Sandbags Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material
CntShippingCrateSavageCountry.png Savage Country Crate Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntBusSchool.png School Bus Decor/Miscellaneous Vehicle Container
ScrapIronTable.png Scrap Iron Table Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
ScrapMetalBlock.png Scrap Metal Pile Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable
CntCar03SedanDamage0Master.png Sedan Decor/Miscellaneous Vehicle Container Alpha 17
ShamwayCrate.png Shamway Crate Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
CntDeskSafe.png Shamway Lab Safe Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntShoesPileSneakers.png Shoes Pile Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntShoppingBasket.png Shopping Basket Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 17
CntShoppingCart.png Shopping Cart Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
ShotgunMessiahCrate.png Shotgun Messiah Crate Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
Sink.png Sink Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
PedestalSink.png Sinks and Toilets Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container, Furniture
Bin.png Small Trash Bin Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
Snow.png Snow Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain
Snowberry3Harvest.png Snowberry Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 17
CntSodaFountain.png Soda Fountain Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
ChairCouchSofa01.png Sofa Chair Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture
CntTrashPile06.png Spoiled Trash Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
Stone.png Stone Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material Terrain Alpha 17
CntStoreShelfDoubleBottomFood01.png Store Shelf Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntSuitcase.png Suitcase Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
SuperCorn-Crop.jpg Super Corn Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 17
TV.png TV Large, Left Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture Alpha 17
TV.png TV Large, Right Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture Alpha 17
TV.png TV Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Furniture Alpha 17
TreeTallGrassDiagonal.png Tall Grass Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Grass Alpha 17
CntTiltTruckFull.png Tilt Truck Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntToilet01.png Toilet Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 16.1
CntToolBoxClosed.png Toolbox Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
ForestGround.png Top Soil Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material Terrain Alpha 17
CntTrash can01.png Trash Can Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
CntTrashCompactor.png Trash Compactor Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 16.4
CntTrashPile01.png Trash Pile Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
TreeStump.png Tree Stump Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Alpha 18
CntUtilityCartFull.png Utility Cart Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
VendingMachine.png Vending Machines Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable
VentDuctBlock.png Vent Duct Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable
CntWallOven.png Wall Oven Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntWallSafe.png Wall Safe Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.1
Water.png Water (Block) Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain
WaterCoolerJug.png Water Cooler Bottle Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 18
CntWaterCoolerFull.png Water Cooler Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntBackpack01.png Weathered Backpack Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
SportsBag02.png Weathered Sports Bag Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
CntLootChestHeroInsecureT1.png Wood Crate Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntNightstandOpen.png Wood Furniture Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container, Furniture
TrunkPine.png Wood Log Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable
WoodDebris.png WoodDebris Decor/Miscellaneous Creative Terrain
StorageChest.png Wooden Chest Decor/Miscellaneous, Building Placeable Container
Desk01.png Wooden Desk Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container, Furniture Alpha 15.2
PlayerSignWood1x1.png Wooden Sign Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable
Storagebox.png Wooden Storage Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container
CntServiceTruckWorkingStiffTools.png Working Stiff Tools Work Truck Decor/Miscellaneous Vehicle Container
WorkingStiffCrate.png Working Stiffs Crate Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 15.2
CntStorageGenericSigned.png Writable Storage Box Decor/Miscellaneous Placeable Container Alpha 21.2
WroughtIronFenceSheet.png Wrought Iron Fence Decor/Miscellaneous Building Material Siding 16.1
PlantYucca.png Yucca Plant Decor/Miscellaneous Flora Crop Plant Alpha 17


There are 89 found using this criteria.

Name Group Category Type Last Confirmed
AloeVeraLeaf.png Aloe Vera Leaf Food/Cooking, Science Basic Resource Crop Alpha 21.2
AnimalFat.png Animal Fat Food/Cooking Food Raw Food
FoodBaconAndEggs.png Bacon and Eggs Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
FoodBakedPotato.png Baked Potato Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
DrinkJarBeer.png Beer Food/Cooking Drink Drink
DrinkJarBlackStrapCoffee.png Blackstrap Coffee Food/Cooking Drink Drink
Blueberries.png Blueberries Food/Cooking Food Raw Food
FoodBlueberryPie.png Blueberry Pie Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
BlueberrySeed.png Blueberry Seed Food/Cooking Seed Plant Seed Alpha 18
FoodEggBoiled.png Boiled Egg Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
FoodBoiledMeat.png Boiled Meat Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
Campfire.png Campfire Basics, Building, Food/Cooking Placeable Workstation Alpha 16.2
FoodCanCatfood.png Can of Cat Food Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodCanChili.png Can of Chili Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodCanDogfood.png Can of Dog Food Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodCanMiso.png Can of Miso Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodCanPasta.png Can of Pasta Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodCanPears.png Can of Pears Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
CanPeas.png Can of Peas Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodCanSalmon.png Can of Salmon Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodCanSham.png Can of Sham Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodCanStock.png Can of Stock Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodCanTuna.png Can of Tuna Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodCharredMeat.png Charred Meat Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
ChemistryStation.png Chemistry Station Food/Cooking Placeable Workstation
FoodCanChicken.png Chicken Ration Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodCanSoup.png Chicken Soup Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodChiliDog.png Chili Dog Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
PlantedChrysanthemum3Harvest.png Chrysanthemum Flower Food/Cooking Basic Resource Crop Alpha 21.2
ChrysanthemumSeed.png Chrysanthemum Seed Food/Cooking Seed Plant Seed Alpha 18
CoffeeBeans.png Coffee Beans Food/Cooking Basic Resource Crop Alpha 17
CoffeeBean.png Coffee Seed Food/Cooking Seed Plant Seed Alpha 17
DrinkJarCoffee.png Coffee Food/Cooking Drink Drink
CookingGrill.png Cooking Grill Food/Cooking Crafting Implement Campfire Implement Alpha 15.1
CookingPot.png Cooking Pot Food/Cooking Crafting Implement Campfire Implement Alpha 15.1
FoodCornBread.png Corn Bread Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
CornMeal.png Corn Meal Food/Cooking Food Raw Food Alpha 21.2
CornSeed.png Corn Seed Food/Cooking Seed Plant Seed Alpha 18
DewCollector.png Dew Collector Basics, Building, Food/Cooking Placeable Workstation
Corn.png Ear of Corn Food/Cooking Food Raw Food
EarOfSuperCorn.png Ear of Super Corn Food/Cooking Food Raw Food
FoodEgg.png Egg Food/Cooking Food Raw Food
FarmPlot.png Farm Plot Food/Cooking, Building Placeable Farm Plot Alpha 18
FoodFishTacos.png Fish Tacos Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
GoldenrodSeed.png Goldenrod Seed Food/Cooking Seed Plant Seed Alpha 17
DrinkJarGoldenRodTea.png Goldenrod Tea Food/Cooking Drink Drink
DrinkJarGrandpasAwesomeSauce.png Grandpa's Awesome Sauce Food/Cooking Drink Drink
DrinkJarGrandpasForgettingElixir.png Grandpa's Fergit'n Elixir Food/Cooking Drink Drink
DrinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir.png Grandpa's Learn'n Elixir Food/Cooking Drink Drink
DrinkJarGrandpasMoonshine.png Grandpa's Moonshine Food/Cooking Drink Drink
GrassSeed.png Grass Seed Food/Cooking Seed Grass Seed Alpha 18
FoodCornOnTheCob.png Grilled Corn Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
FoodGrilledMeat.png Grilled Meat Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
FoodGumboStew.png Gumbo Stew Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
FoodHoboStew.png Hobo Stew Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
HopSeed.png Hop Seed Food/Cooking Seed Plant Seed Alpha 18
HopsFlower.png Hops Flower Food/Cooking Basic Resource Crop Alpha 18
FoodHoney.png Jar of Honey Food/Cooking Food Raw Food Alpha 18
FoodCanLamb.png Lamb Rations Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
CanBeef.png Large Beef Ration Food/Cooking Food Canned Food
FoodMeatStew.png Meat Stew Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
DrinkCanMegaCrush.png Mega Crush Food/Cooking Drink Drink
DrinkJarRiverWater.png Murky Water Food/Cooking Drink Drink
MushroomSeed.png Mushroom Spore Seed Food/Cooking Seed Plant Seed Alpha 18
Mushrooms.png Mushrooms Food/Cooking Food Raw Food
FoodOldShamSandwich.png Old Sham Sandwich Food/Cooking Food Raw Food Alpha 18
PotatoSeed.png Potato Seed Food/Cooking Seed Plant Seed Alpha 18
Potato.png Potato Food/Cooking Food Raw Food
FoodPumpkinBread.png Pumpkin Bread Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
FoodPumpkinCheesecake.png Pumpkin Cheesecake Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
FoodPumpkinPie.png Pumpkin Pie Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
PumpkinSeed.png Pumpkin Seed Food/Cooking Seed Plant Seed Alpha 18
Pumpkin.png Pumpkin Food/Cooking Food Raw Food
DrinkJarPureMineralWater.png Pure Mineral Water Food/Cooking Drink Drink
FoodRawMeat.png Raw Meat Food/Cooking Food Raw Food
DrinkJarRedTea.png Red Tea Food/Cooking Drink Drink
FoodRottingFlesh.png Rotting Flesh Food/Cooking Food Raw Food
FoodShamChowder.png Sham Chowder Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
FoodShepardsPie.png Shepards Pie Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
FoodSpaghetti.png Spaghetti Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
FoodSteakAndPotato.png Steak and Potato Meal Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
GraceCornSeed.png Super Corn Seed Food/Cooking Seed Plant Seed Alpha 17
FoodTunaFishGravyToast.png Tuna Fish Gravy Toast Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
FoodVegetableStew.png Vegetable Stew Food/Cooking Food Cooked Food
DrinkJarBoiledWater.png Water Food/Cooking Drink Drink
FoodYuccaFruit.png Yucca Fruit Food/Cooking Food Raw Food
DrinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie.png Yucca Juice Smoothie Food/Cooking Drink Drink
DrinkJarYuccaJuice.png Yucca Juice Food/Cooking Drink Drink
YuccaSeed.png Yucca Seed Food/Cooking Seed Plant Seed Alpha 18


There are 75 found using this criteria.

Name Group Category Type Last Confirmed
AdvancedMuffledConnectors.png Advanced Muffled Connectors Mod Mods Armor Mod
DoubleStoragePocket.png Armor Double Pocket Mod Mods Armor Mod
ModArmorPlatingBasic.png Armor Plating Mod Mods Armor Mod
StoragePocket.png Armor Pocket Mod Mods Armor Mod
TripleStoragePocket.png Armor Triple Pocket Mod Mods Armor Mod
ArrowRest.png Arrow Rest Mod Mods Weapon Mod
BallCap.png Ball Cap Mod Mods Armor Mod
ModArmorPlatingReinforced.png Banded Armor Plating Mod Mods Armor Mod
Bandolier.png Bandolier Mod Mods Armor Mod
BarbedWireMod.png Barbed Wire Mod Mods Weapon Mod
BarrelExtender.png Barrel Extender Mod Mods Weapon Mod
Bipod.png Bipod Mod Mods Weapon Mod
BunkerBuster.png Bunker Buster Mod Mods Tool Mod
BurningShaftMod.png Burning Shaft Mod Mods Weapon Mod
CoolingMesh.png Cooling Mesh Mod Mods Armor Mod
CowboyHat.png Cowboy Hat Mod Mods Armor Mod
CrippleEm.png Cripple Em Mod Mods Weapon Mod
CustomizedFittings.png Customized Fittings Mod Mods Armor Mod
ModMeleeDiamondTip.png Diamond Blade Tip Mod Mods Tool Mod, Weapon Mod
DrumMagazine.png Drum Magazine Mod Mods Weapon Mod
DyeWhite.png Dye Mods Armor Mod, Tool Mod, Weapon Mod
ErgonomicGrip.png Ergonomic Grip Mod Mods Tool Mod, Weapon Mod
FiremansAxeMod.png Fireman's Axe Mod Mods Tool Mod
ForeGrip.png Fore Grip Mod Mods Weapon Mod
FortifyingGrip.png Fortifying Grip Mod Mods Weapon Mod
GraveDigger.png Grave Digger Mod Mods Tool Mod
HelmetLight.png Helmet Light Mod Mods Armor Mod
ImpactBracing.png Impact Bracing Mod Mods Armor Mod
Improvedfittings.png Improved Fittings Mod Mods Armor Mod
InsulatedLiner.png Insulated Liner Mod Mods Armor Mod
IronBreaker.png Iron Breaker Mod Mods Tool Mod
LaserSight.png Laser Sight Mod Mods Weapon Mod
MagazineExtender.png Magazine Extender Mod Mods Weapon Mod
MetalChainMod.png Metal Chain Mod Mods Weapon Mod
MetalSpikesMod.png Metal Spikes Mod Mods Weapon Mod
MuffledConnectors.png Muffled Connectors Mod Mods Armor Mod
MuzzleBrake.png Muzzle Brake Mod Mods Weapon Mod
PolymerString.png Polymer String Mod Mods Weapon Mod
ModFuelTankLarge.png Power Tool Large Tank Mod Mods Tool Mod
ModFuelTankSmall.png Power Tool Small Tank Mod Mods Tool Mod
PressboyCapWhite.png Press Boy Cap Mod Mods Armor Mod
RadRemover.png Rad Remover Mod Mods Weapon Mod
ReflexSight.png Reflex Sight Mod Mods Weapon Mod
RetractingStock.png Retracting Stock Mod Mods Weapon Mod
ModRoboticDroneArmorPlatingMod.png Robotic Drone Armor Plating Mod Mods Robotic Drone Mod
ModRoboticDroneCargoMod.png Robotic Drone Cargo Mod Mods Robotic Drone Mod
ModRoboticDroneMedicMod.png Robotic Drone Medic Mod Mods Robotic Drone Mod
ModRoboticDroneMoraleBoosterMod.png Robotic Drone Morale Booster Mod Mods Robotic Drone Mod
ModRoboticDroneHeadlampMod.png Robotic Headlamp Mod Mods Robotic Drone Mod
ShotgunSawedOffbarrel.png Sawed-Off Shotgun Barrel Mod Mods Weapon Mod
Scope2X.png Scope 2x Mod Mods Weapon Mod
Scope4X.png Scope 4x Mod Mods Weapon Mod
Scope8X.png Scope 8x Mod Mods Weapon Mod
SerratedBlade.png Serrated Blade Mod Mods Weapon Mod
ShotgunChoke.png Shotgun Choke Mod Mods Weapon Mod
ShotgunDuckbill.png Shotgun Duckbill Mod Mods Weapon Mod
ModGunShotgunTubeExtenderMagazine.png Shotgun Tube Extender Mod Mods Weapon Mod
Silencer.png Silencer Mod Mods Weapon Mod
SkullCap.png Skull Cap Mod Mods Armor Mod
StructuralBrace.png Structural Brace Mod Mods Tool Mod, Weapon Mod
StunBatonRepulsorMod.png Stun Baton Repulsor Mod Mods Weapon Mod
TemperedBlade.png Tempered Blade Mod Mods Tool Mod
TheHunter.png The Hunter Mod Mods Weapon Mod
TriggerBurst.png Trigger Group: Burst Mod Mods Weapon Mod
TriggerAuto.png Trigger Group: Full Auto Mod Mods Weapon Mod
TriggerSemi.png Trigger Group: Semi Mod Mods Weapon Mod
VehicleExpandedSeat.png Vehicle Expanded Seating Mod Mods Vehicle Mod
VehicleFuelSaver.png Vehicle Fuel Saver Mod Mods Vehicle Mod
VehicleOffRoadHeadlights.png Vehicle Off Road Highlights Mod Mods Vehicle Mod
VehicleReserveFuelTank.png Vehicle Reserve Fuel Tank Mod Mods Vehicle Mod
VehicleSuperCharger.png Vehicle Super Charger Mod Mods Vehicle Mod
WaterPurifier.png Water Purifier Mod Mods Armor Mod
WeaponFlashlight.png Weapon Flashlight Mod Mods Weapon Mod
WeightedHead.png Weighted Head Mod Mods Weapon Mod
WoodSplitter.png Wood Splitter Mod Mods Tool Mod


There are 83 found using this criteria.

Name Group Category Type Last Confirmed
AloeSeed.png Aloe Vera Seed Resources Seed Plant Seed Alpha 18
ResourceArmorCraftingKit.png Armor Crafting Kit Resources Component Parts Version 1.0
ArmorParts.png Armor Parts Resources Component Parts Version 1.0
StunBatonParts.png Baton Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
BlueSpruceSeed.png Blue Spruce Seed Resources Seed Tree Seed Alpha 15.1
Bone.png Bone Resources Basic Resource Alpha 17
Acid.png Bottle of Acid Resources Basic Resource Alpha 18
BowCrossbowParts.png Bow / Crossbow Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
ScrapBrass.png Brass (Forge) Resources Forge Material Alpha 17
Radiator.png Brass Radiator Resources Intermediate Resource Alpha 18
ScrapBrass.png Brass Resources Basic Resource Alpha 21
BrokenGlass.png Broken Glass Resources Basic Resource Alpha 17
Cement.png Cement Resources Intermediate Resource Alpha 15.1
ClaySoil.png Clay (Forge) Resources Forge Material Alpha 17
ClaySoil.png Clay Soil Resources Basic Resource Alpha 17
Cloth.png Cloth Fragment Resources Intermediate Resource Alpha 16.2
Coal.png Coal Resources Basic Resource Alpha 15.1
Cobblestones.png Cobblestone Rocks Resources Intermediate Resource Alpha 15.1
ConcreteMix.png Concrete Mix Resources Intermediate Resource Alpha 17
CottonSeed.png Cotton Seed Resources Seed Plant Seed Alpha 17
PlantedCotton3Harvest.png Cotton Resources Basic Resource Crop Alpha 17
Crucible.png Crucible Resources Crafting Implement Forge Implement Alpha 17
CrushedSand.png Crushed Sand Resources Basic Resource Alpha 17
DuctTape.png Duct Tape Resources Intermediate Resource Alpha 17
CasinoCoin.png Duke's Casino Token Resources Basic Resource Alpha 17
ElectricParts.png Electrical Parts Resources Basic Resource Alpha 18.4
SmallEngine.png Engine Resources Component Alpha 17.1
Feather.png Feather Resources Basic Resource Alpha 18
ForgedIron.png Forged Iron Resources Intermediate Resource Alpha 15.1
IngotSteel.png Forged Steel Resources Intermediate Resource Alpha 17
GasCan.png Gas Can Chemicals, Resources Intermediate Resource Fuel Alpha 17
Glue.png Glue Resources, Chemicals Intermediate Resource Alpha 16.1
GoldNugget.png Gold Nugget Resources Basic Resource Alpha 15.1
PlantedGoldenrod3HarvestPlayer.png Goldenrod Flower Resources Basic Resource Crop Alpha 17
GunPowder.png Gun Powder Resources, Chemicals Intermediate Resource Alpha 15.1
HandgunParts.png Handgun Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
Headlight.png Headlight Resources Component Alpha 17
ScrapIron.png Iron (Forge) Resources Forge Material Alpha 17
ScrapIron.png Iron Resources Basic Resource Alpha 18
ScrapLead.png Lead (Forge) Resources Forge Material Alpha 17
CarBattery.png Lead Car Battery Resources, Chemicals Component Alpha 18
ScrapLead.png Lead Resources Basic Resource Alpha 15.1
Leather.png Leather Resources Basic Resource Alpha 17
LegendaryParts.png Legendary Parts Resources Component Parts Version 1.0
MacheteParts.png Machete Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
MachineGunParts.png Machine Gun Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
MechanicalParts.png Mechanical Parts Resources Intermediate Resource
MilitaryArmorParts.png Military Armor Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
MilitaryFiber.png Military Fiber Resources, Chemicals Intermediate Resource Alpha 17
MotorToolParts.png Motor Tool Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18
Nails.png Nails Resources Intermediate Resource Alpha 18
PotassiumNitratePowder.png Nitrate Powder Resources Basic Resource Alpha 15.1
OakSeed.png Oak Seed Resources Seed Tree Seed Alpha 18.4
OilShale.png Oil Shale Resources Basic Resource Alpha 15.1
OldCash.png Old Cash Resources Basic Resource Alpha 15.1
Paint.png Paint Resources, Chemicals Intermediate Resource, Building Material Alpha 17
Paper.png Paper Resources, Chemicals Intermediate Resource Alpha 16.2
PineSeed.png Pine Seed Resources Seed Tree Seed Alpha 15.1
YuccaFibers.png Plant Fibers Resources Basic Resource Alpha 18.1
RawDiamond.png Raw Diamond Resources Basic Resource Alpha 15.1
WeaponRepairKit.png Repair Kit Resources Intermediate Resource Repair Item Alpha 18
RifleParts.png Rifle Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
RoboticsParts.png Robotics Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 19
RocketLauncherParts.png Rocket Launcher Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
CrushedSand.png Sand (Forge) Resources Forge Material
ScrapPlastics.png Scrap Polymers Resources Basic Resource Alpha 17
SewingKit.png Sewing Kit Resources Basic Resource, Medical Supply Alpha 18.1
ShortMetalPipe.png Short Iron Pipe Resources Intermediate Resource Alpha 16.2
GunDoubleBarrelShotgunParts.png Shotgun Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
SilverNugget.png Silver Nugget Resources Basic Resource Alpha 15.1
RockSmall.png Small Stone Resources Basic Resource Alpha 17
Snowball.png Snowball Resources Basic Resource Alpha 18
Spring.png Spring Resources Intermediate Resource Alpha 15.1
SteelArmorParts.png Steel Armor Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
MeleeWpnClubT3SteelClubParts.png Steel Club Parts Resources Component Parts
SteelKnucklesParts.png Steel Knuckles Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
SteelSledgehammerParts.png Steel Sledgehammer Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
SteelSpearParts.png Steel Spear Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
SteelToolParts.png Steel Tool Parts Resources Component Parts Alpha 18.1
RockSmall.png Stone (Forge) Resources Forge Material Alpha 17
TestosteroneExtract.png Testosterone Extract Resources Basic Resource Alpha 18
ResourceWaterFilter.png Water Filter Resources Component
Woodresource.png Wood Resources Basic Resource Alpha 21.2


There are 53 found using this criteria.

Name Group Category Type Last Confirmed
4x4TruckAccessories.png 4x4 Truck Accessories Science Component Vehicle Parts
4x4TruckChassis.png 4x4 Truck Chassis Science Component Vehicle Parts
4x4TruckPlaceable.png 4x4 Truck Science Vehicle Driveable
MineAirFilter.png Air Filter Land Mine Science Trap Explosives, Land Mine Alpha 21.2
AloeCream.png Aloe Cream Science Medical Supply Alpha 16.2
AloeVeraLeaf.png Aloe Vera Leaf Food/Cooking, Science Basic Resource Crop Alpha 21.2
Antibiotics.png Antibiotics Science Medical Supply Alpha 17
Bandage.png Bandage Basics, Science Medical Supply Alpha 17
BatteryBank.png Battery Bank Science Placeable Alpha 17
BicycleChassis.png Bicycle Chassis Science Component Vehicle Part
BicycleHandlebars.png Bicycle Handlebars Science Component Vehicle Part
Bicycle.png Bicycle Science Vehicle Driveable
BloodBag.png Blood Bag Science Medical Supply Alpha 20.3
CementMixer.png Cement Mixer Building, Science Placeable Workstation Alpha 17
ElectricFencePost.png Electric Fence Post Tools/Traps, Science Trap Electric Trap
Electrictimerrelay.png Electric Timer Relay Science Placeable Alpha 17
ElectricWireRelay.png Electric Wire Relay Science Placeable Alpha 19
FirstAidBandage.png First Aid Bandage Science Medical Supply Alpha 17
FirstAidKit.png First Aid Kit Science Medical Supply Alpha 17
CeilingLight07.png Fluorescent Light Science Placeable Lighting Alpha 15.1
FortBites.png Fort Bites Science Medical Supply Alpha 17
GeneratorBank.png Generator Bank Science Placeable Alpha 17
GyrocopterAccessories.png Gyrocopter Accessories Science Component Vehicle Part
GyrocopterChassis.png Gyrocopter Chassis Science Component Vehicle Part
GyrocopterPlaceable.png Gyrocopter Science Vehicle Driveable
Herbal Antibiotics.png Herbal Antibiotics Science Medical Supply Alpha 15.2
LightIndustrial.png Industrial Light Bulb Science Placeable Lighting Alpha 21.1
IndustrialLight01.png Industrial Light Science Placeable Lighting Alpha 18.0
Lantern.png Lantern Science, Building Placeable Lighting
MinibikeChassis.png Minibike Chassis Science Component Vehicle Part Alpha 16.4
MinibikeHandlebars.png Minibike Handlebars Science Component Vehicle Part Alpha 18
Minibike.png Minibike Science Vehicle Driveable Alpha 17
MotionSensor.png Motion Sensor Science Placeable Alpha 17
MotorcycleChassis.png Motorcycle Chassis Science Component Vehicle Part
MotorcycleHandlebars.png Motorcycle Handlebars Science Component Vehicle Part
MotorcyclePlaceable.png Motorcycle Science Vehicle Driveable
Painkillers.png Painkillers Science Medical Supply Alpha 16.2
PlasterCast.png Plaster Cast Science Medical Supply Alpha 17
Recog.png Recog Science Medical Supply Alpha 17
AutoTurret.png SMG Auto Turret Science, Tools/Traps Trap Alpha 18.2
ShotgunTurret.png Shotgun Auto Turret Science, Tools/Traps Trap Alpha 16.2
SolarBank.png Solar Bank Science Placeable
SolarCell.png Solar Cell Science Placeable
Speaker.png Speaker Science Placeable
Splint.png Splint Science Medical Supply Alpha 16.2
MobileSpotlight.png Spotlight Science Placeable Lighting Alpha 15.1
Steroids.png Steroids Science Medical Supply Alpha 17
Switch.png Switch Science Placeable
PressurePlate.png Trigger Plate Science Placeable Alpha 17
TripWirePost.png Trip Wire Post Science Placeable
Vitamins.png Vitamins Science Medical Supply Alpha 16.2
Wheel.png Wheel Science Component Alpha 18.3
WireTool.png Wire Tool Science, Tools/Traps Tool Special Tool Alpha 17


There are 35 found using this criteria.

Name Group Category Type Last Confirmed
Bellows.png Advanced Bellows Tools/Traps Crafting Implement Forge Implement
Anvil.png Anvil Tools/Traps Crafting Implement Forge Implement Alpha 17
Auger.png Auger Tools/Traps Tool Motor Tool
Beaker.png Beaker Tools/Traps Crafting Implement Campfire Implement Alpha 15.1
BladeTrap.png Blade Trap Tools/Traps Trap
BucketWater.png Bucket of Water Tools/Traps Tool Special Tool Alpha 17
Bucket.png Bucket Tools/Traps Tool Special Tool Alpha 17
Chainsaw.png Chainsaw Tools/Traps Tool Motor Tool
Clawhammer.png Claw Hammer Tools/Traps Tool Repair Tool
MineCookingPot.png Cooking Pot Mine Tools/Traps Trap Explosives, Land Mine Alpha 21.2
DartTrap.png Dart Trap Tools/Traps Trap Alpha 17
ElectricFencePost.png Electric Fence Post Tools/Traps, Science Trap Electric Trap
Flashlight02.png Flashlight Tools/Traps Tool Special Tool Alpha 18
MineHubcap.png Hub Cap Land Mine Tools/Traps Trap Explosives, Land Mine Alpha 21.2
MeleeToolSalvageT3ImpactDriver.png Impact Driver Tools/Traps Tool Salvage Tool
Fireaxe.png Iron Fireaxe Tools/Traps Tool Axe
PickaxeIron.png Iron Pickaxe Tools/Traps Tool Pickaxe
Shovel.png Iron Shovel Tools/Traps Tool Shovel
TrapSpikesScrapIronMaster.png Iron Spikes Tools/Traps Trap
Lockpick.png Lockpick Tools/Traps Tool Special Tool Alpha 18.3
Nailgun.png Nailgun Tools/Traps Tool Repair Tool
Paintbrush.png Paint Brush Tools/Traps Tool Alpha 21.2
Ratchet.png Ratchet Tools/Traps Tool Salvage Tool
AutoTurret.png SMG Auto Turret Science, Tools/Traps Trap Alpha 18.2
ShotgunTurret.png Shotgun Auto Turret Science, Tools/Traps Trap Alpha 16.2
Axesteel.png Steel Axe Tools/Traps Tool Axe
PickaxeSteel.png Steel Pickaxe Tools/Traps Tool Pickaxe
Steel Shovel.png Steel Shovel Tools/Traps Tool Shovel
StoneAxe.png Stone Axe Basics, Tools/Traps Tool Axe, Repair Tool
StoneShovel.png Stone Shovel Tools/Traps Tool Shovel
TazasStoneAxe.png Taza's Stone Axe Tools/Traps Tool Axe, Repair Tool
MineCandyTin.png Tin Land Mine Tools/Traps Trap Explosives, Land Mine Alpha 21.2
WireTool.png Wire Tool Science, Tools/Traps Tool Special Tool Alpha 17
TrapSpikes01.png Wood Spikes Tools/Traps Trap
Wrench.png Wrench Tools/Traps Tool Salvage Tool

List of All Removed Items

The list of all removed items is too long to add to this list page. Refer to the List of Removed Items if needed.